October 2017 Potluck Dinner


So this month we are trying something slightly different. We are going to do a game wide potluck instead of the catered dinner that we usually do through the girl scouts. With all the kitchens in our cabins, plus crockpots, we figured this would be a fun experiment to try! What we are asking is everyone to bring something to share. Hopefully we can try and mix it up between sides, main dishes, etc. Just to be clear, this potluck is for DINNER and is separate than the ball (Tiatar is not organizing the dinner potluck, I am).

For the ball, you are also welcome to bring finger foods to donate as well. Those won't be setup until 8:00 pm.

Potluck setup in town hall - 5:30 - 6:00 PM
Dinner - 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Cleanup - Directly after (so that Tiatar can prep for the ball)
Ball stars - 8:00 PM

Here is the link to the potluck sign up - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yuwl5ZQVvuDlLIeEIe3Qx3MJE0PZLlCqGR1aZ_on2rU/edit#gid=0


Mike, can you speak to the social expectation for our NPCs, staff, and full-time volunteers to contribute to the pot luck? Or will the game take care of some extra donations on our volunteers' collective behalf?

I would hope that everyone will help contribute but everyone has their own limitations. If you can contribute, please do so. The good thing is there is usually lots of extra food at potlucks. I'm staff, a PC and I often times NPC and I for certain will be bringing food for both the potluck and finger foods for the ball.