October Closer Favorites


Chicago Staff
Thanks everyone for a wonderful 2015 Season. Despite the rain on Saturday it wasn't too cold out as in years past and we even got a warm sunny day to leave on! Huge thanks to Seamus, Andrea, Sarah, Peter and those who hopped fence a few times for NPCing.

Some...many favorites below:

- Wooden Man vs. Nahani. Easily one of my favorite larping moments in Chicago. The fear in that man's eyes...just golden.
- Jabberwocky and Krelik. Everytime Krelik charged Joaquin and called me a coward I'd turn around and Krelik would be halfway running back to the group. :)
- Thad and Stahn being star struck over Chancellor Serranus. Even I started to blush talking to her.
- Sam tried to sneak a question to Petyr without paying, then claiming he was just teasing Petyr. "If you do that to me again I'll obliterate you." and Sam's blank expression.
- Petyr breaking Radi 3 times by totally "not" being a dragon. Also Liddia's reaction when Petyr put his face on a pile of 200 silver.
- During the Jabberwocky fight. "Everyone two steps back!"-someone. "Everyone two steps forward"-Jabberwocky
- The Dollmaker Mod
- Radi/Foss/Liddia Divination with Jabberwocky's remains.
- Dinner on Saturday
- GRONK running after Ronald Wrathborne, getting confined as 10 people, swords drawn, rush to help GRONK. "I was assaulted, I have 2 witnesses." "Yeah...it's true.
- Barbarina's costuming
- Cecil vs. Enan 1v1 was a really nice fight. Cecil got the Ebonshard for 5 seconds, then disarmed, then quickly killed.
- "Why attack my guild, I have shown you nothing but respect."- Enan. "You attacked 2 towers, destroyed one of them and slew my master...."- Jasper, after showing Enan the "Azure Piercer"
- Stahn/Marster's duel
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I believe I said I Spared him when last we met, some people are such grumps. ^.^
Beside Just being there??

-Losing my Were aspect then becoming immune to Plague, than being attacked by Creatures on swinging Plague.
-The return of Radi
-Rats in the basement. (We need more areas like that.)
-Pulled Pork DINNER!!!!
-Tower collapse and our "escape"
-Land sharks and Magic turnips
-The Eviction Squad. (I do feel kinda bad for those creatures now)
- Being "Vampire Charmed" by a Vampire Lich and telling him "No!"
-Killing blow on the Jaberwocky.
-Trying to save Eve from the explosion. (Sorry I wasn't quicker.)
-Undead Spectrum Casting and the phrase "CHARGE!" (She honestly looked scared.)
-Shrugging off charms like a boss.
-Finishing a full Season with all my new friends and Addictive new hobby.

Thanks Guys you've all been Great. Can't wait to Play again Next Year!!!!!
I am so so sore and got a touch of crud, so obviously had an absolute blast. here are my fav';s in no particular order

Burning man vs Nahani.....One of the best fights I have EVER been in, it was SOOOOOO much fun
the RP of grimshaw losing his were-hawk ness.
Pulled pork
Stahn vs marsters duel.
immune to charm, loved that one lol
friday night mod at the orphanage...little did i realize that the songs i sing my own children would come in kinda handy IG LOL
the mods in the bathroom, both were solid
Great RP with a LOT of different PC's, too numerous to mention
During the Azure Keep Scritch Fest.....Foss "What the hell are you all doing" Neolani "its an azure keep thing, you wouldn't understand" CLASSIC
The mod with the Pangolins and the skinning of the big one after.....now lets see if Draco can do something with all that hide i got him

all i can think of this late at night, might add more later.

SO looking forward to next year
What an great way to end the season! Thank you Plot, NPCs, and, of course, the PCs!! Y'all are great! :) I can't remember all atm, so I may edit this later, but here are some of my favorites:
- "Company Nap Time" at 3 am
- Draco glaring at everyone whilst stroking his shield.
- Candy Mountain and the candy puns that followed
- Also: We're goin to Candy Mountain, Charlie!! Yeah, Candy Mountain, Charlie!!
- Who ever made the candy, it was really good
- Orius singing (Sorry if I spelled your name totally wrong!)
- Seeing Kay and Aramis get married
- Reaction of the hallucinates "So many colors, man!"
-Thank you Brian (Thaddy) for bringing the Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider! Was a really good idea
- Getting a nice shoulder massage from Bart (Thanks Tom! That really helped) "Why am I part of the Company? No one ever does this for me!"
- Company Dream Mod
-Confirming my son is now a chaos knight. yay.
- Team Overkill for the win
-Hugging the Rat-kin while he was being questioned by the sheriff. "Ter-Terra. Stop hugging him."- Draco "I don't know how to react..." -Rat-Kin

That's all I can remember atm... See you guys next season!

~Emily G
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Thanks to everyone involved, this was a great season and I want to have another event ASAP!

- Dream mod w/ The Company
- Candy Mountain
- Orphanage mod and "Hey watch your language" "Not like there are kids around to hear me...too soon?"
- Taking down Scarlet
- All the weirdness caused by the Boogieman
- Wrecking the basilisks
- Evicerating my first foe
- The wedding
- "Iggy get up there's an assassin here for you, wait never mind Nehani got it."
- Generally great rp moments overall
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Thanks again to everyone. This was a great event and I had a blast. Can't wait for next season.

-Repelling undeads with my little jackolanturn
-Breaking Grimshaw's werecurse and getting the dagger that was used for that
-Early sat Elemental crunchies
-The Wedding
-Storming the tower
-Eviction crew, we had a few too many people
- Getting to the golden door and stopping it from opening
-Have to resurrect for the second time because I saved someone again.
-Ressing crying because Kat was upset (That was super exhausting)
-Hidding under blanket and giggling uncontrollably when Bluewater asked foss if he had seen me and he saying no
-Head scratchy refresh time
-Bid waring with sam over Jasper's Blade just because he wanted to drive the price not because he wanted it. (Sam, You are a butthole for that.)
-Rifting to Fear plane
-Nahani and woodman
-During the Azure Keep Scritch Fest.....Foss "What the hell are you all doing" Neolani "its an azure keep thing, you wouldn't understand" (That was so funny the look he gave us.)
-Joining the Defenders of Azure Keep. (Kat finally has a guild.)
-Neolani "If you want to join you have to become a Kin." Me "Ok." ...... That look of 'wait what' on Bluewater and Neolani's faces when I was cool with it even though she was joking.
-Having to fight a version of my self *shiver*
-Greater Vampire litch. Sorry for that one, guys.
-Seeing the jabberwocky turn the other way once it realized that Bluewater wasn't walking alone
-Training in Fluorintine and two weapons. That was great time and way to end the night
-Time vortex with Elle sunday morning
-Meeting WereBears
-Going to the Life Plane
-Landsharks and a Magic turnup
-Argueing undead and the look of terror on Carly' face when we worked out the pattern and bum rushed her.

I am so gald to have gotten through my first year with alliance and my first full seaon of LARPing (I missed some when I palyed nero last year because of Cross country). Thank you for the great year. I can't wait for next season. I have the funny feeling I may have backstory stuff to start dealing with. See you all next season.
I had a great time at my first Halloween event, and an even better time trying to figure out how to be a stone elf and stay in character. Here are some of my favorites (most of them involve being a stone elf):

-Realizing Petyr is a dragon and the different reactions between stone elf and gypsy. I couldn't help but break for that. :)
-Everyone's concern for Radi being a stone elf, especially Cyn's...
- "I'm a stone elf" -Radi to Cyn x10000
- Divination with Foss and Liddia, especially getting a map for them
-Not understanding things that Romani Radi would have LOVED
-Dragging Foss in a prison, then leaving him to go get his bottle
- Mind stuff with everyone
-Protecting Jasper "pretend you're unconcious"
-Resurrecting Nikkolai
-Destroying the book and having completely different opinions about it as a stone elf and as a gypsy
-Ritual casting at the beginning of the event
-Your face looks like it is sad, based on what I've been told. Eating helps. (Dumps an entire bag of candy in front of Foss and Nikkolai)
-"How did it feel when they put a Waystone on you?"
-Having to be respectful to nobles and sitting through the trial
-Ian internally screaming at Vacuum elementals, but not feeling afraid because stone elf.
-Stones on planes with Fredrick and the celestial guild crew
-Why should I heal these people? It's a waste of resources.
-Figuring out how Radi acts as a stone elf
-The amount of people concerned for Radi was overwhelming, and his return was even more exciting

Thanks to all of staff for helping make the game run smoothly. It's a thankless job, and I appreciate all that you do. Everything went smoothly.
-Protecting Jasper "pretend you're unconcious"
Good, I was only being IG dumb, not OOG dumb. :P I thought there was a Healing Arts question I couldn't remember but he was actually just a big faker.
While I left just as things got good, It was still fun. my favorite parts were

-Company Dream mod "do you guys have dental?"
-Thaddeus throwing the magic horn at my face as he almost got charmed
-The eviction party
-Basilisk "is that it?" mod
-Cool adventurers don't look at explosions barn construct mod
-Scaly ballsack full of money
-doing more than 2 damage per strike

I learned that J'rajj needs some rain gear that's not a heavy shield

all in all, it was a good time.
I had tons of fun during the weekend, and even if I only went to two events during the season, I feel like I have made tons of new friends. Can't wait to see everyone next year. Anyway, here are my favorites from the weekend.

- The creepy child doll mod
- Watching Crelik charge at the Jabberwocky, only to run for his life two seconds later because it was swinging an evicerate
- The Jabberwocky fight in general was amazing
- The close quarters rat fight mod
- Watching Cyn attempt to tell Banradi that he is not a stone elf
- I forgot the name of the mod, but I got demolished and had to resurrect
- I hung out with Grimshaw and Crelik most of the event so talking to them was fun

There's a lot more that I can't seem to remember now, which I might post later, but I had a lot of fun. So thank you to all the NPCs and PCs for the great weekend and can't wait for next year. :)
I hope you all had as much fun as I did despite the rain! Thanks to Andrea, Seamus, Peter, Tristan and Sarah, and fence hoppers, for NPCing!

--The Company dream, I've been looking forward to that reveal. :) Although I realized in retrospect it was probably way too dark to see my elaborate makeup. More flashlights next time!
--Liddia's mental blanket fort, filled with pillows and hot cocoa and a dragon plushie
--GRONK coming after the undead from the rumors while the rest of the group was hanging back: "Yeah, nice job guys, let's give this caster plenty of space to throw spells at us!"
--Then, getting back to MC just in time to meet Ignathis hunting the wight... who just happened to have been mentioned in the rumors... You guys have the weirdest timing. Lucky I didn't have time to change makeup! :)
--"Ramona, your dad was looking for you earlier. " -- "Geez, it only took him eight years to check in on me." -- "... That answers my follow up question."
--Banradi (back as a gypsy): "We HAVE to get in a golem and Waystone to the moon! Lunar asylum!" Aramis (turns to me): "I apologize for behaving like THAT upon our last meeting." -- "What's THAT supposed to mean?"
--Zima lecturing Shikaar about how to talk to the moon: "NO don't ask if she knows or not, then she'll just say yes! Just ask the question!"
--Tristan the farmer: "Wow thanks for getting pangolin guts all over my corn, guys." (PS: for the several people who didn't know, pangolins are a real thing!) ;)
--Sitting next to Liddia as the Chancellor and describing how there was nothing left of Titan but a "big red stain on the ground"... Twice ;P I don't know how you all kept it together that whole time in front of Lucretia and Stahn.
--Biata bonding with Socora, although we unfortunately had one mind meld that was a little too literal.
--Before the unfortunate Biata smash, Golden Door casting until my voice cracked and Stone Banradi saved the day
--GRONK telling me mod requests in tusk-talk: "Da high levels are bein' boring and talking about dumb stuff so we're goin' to da candy mine." "Yeeeeah, candy mountain!"
--Post-basilisk "Why did it take us an entire year to get around to this???"
--"We're looking for Solar Clawsome." "Yes?" "We found this moldy wet stick on the ground." "... You wanna elaborate on that a little?"

Thanks for a great season, everyone.
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My first season at Alliance was amazing everyones been awesome and the events have been equally so. I cant wait for next year!

- Crelik charging Jabberwocky alone in the field calling him a coward, only to have him call out an eviscerate and charge me in return. Part of me still regrets the decision to run that would have been an awesome first death. The other part of me is still laughing.
- The three part mod for the golden door. Some very intense moments and taking down the stone elf line without a shield swinging fives was fun.
- Going with Edwin to get Stahn Revan for the circle master and the conversations that followed.
- Beating down what remained of the crunchy boss with Edwin to get the dolphin statue. I need a name for it by the way. How does 'Flippy' sound? (Thank you Lady Fallingstar for the idea to have a shrine in his honor. All hail Flippy!)
- Having Lady Fallingstar convince Crel to scalp Jabberwocky, only to get stopped by Foss right at the end of the three count. So dissapointed ;(
- The circle master joining the fighter team and fighting with him on the frontline.
- Having Crel rage several times and run off ahead again...and again...and again.

I know I'm forgetting some stuff so I might add to this list later. Thank you to everyone for making my first season amazing.
--The Company dream, I've been looking forward to that reveal. :) Although I realized in retrospect it was probably way too dark to see my elaborate makeup. More flashlights next time!

Oh I saw it fine during the face to face staring match between Aramis and Big Red. "Vampire charm" -Big Red. "Resist" -Aramis. " alright then" -Big Red
Great event.

-- the Wedding only slightly disturbed by monsters. Thank to Sam/Derek for the ceremony. the wedding banana. lol
--The Company dream staring match between Aramis and Big Red
-- finding out the recipe for Enslavement #9 and the recipe for the antidote.
-- Talking with the Vornea (sp?) from Clan Leviathan. Giving them a set of maps and getting 3 ball and chains in return as a gift.
-- Having another stone Elf to play off of. And it was Radi
-- Have a pure role play moment with Radi to teach him to read a memory and choosing the one where Aramis was writing his vows and almost dying from reaching elemental augmentation.
-- Radi share that memory during the Golden Door Fight and helping sway the battle.
-- Petyr “loving” his silver. Great RP Ryan. and complimenting Aramis on asking a question without asking a question. I was not even trying.
--Rat Mod.
-- Breaking myself by asking the moon about the Goblins with the big pile of treasure that is not a trap.
-- "I apologize for behaving like THAT upon our last meeting." -- "What's THAT supposed to mean?"
-- running down Nikkolai and Foss only to not have my breaks work on them
-- Breaking the Mind Trap
--Time vortex with Elle Sunday morning
-- Breaking myself by asking the moon about the Goblins with the big pile of treasure that is not a trap.

Those poor goblins! They'll never get to carry out their master plan now that you know the truth! ;)
Those poor goblins! They'll never get to carry out their master plan now that you know the truth! ;)
But now that we know the true we can prepare.
-had a much better time setting up the Flaming Skull inside the big hall this event. We have fun plans to add to it next season!
-Loved the turmoil that was caused to The Company by the personality changes of Sam and Draco.
-I also broke my Waylay record this event with six! Apologies to the Good Doctor #sorrynotsorry
-Despite my failing voice, the wedding was a lot of fun. Thanks to Jon and Katie for trusting me make up most of their ceremony on the spot.
-I love my meat time with the Sarr. No, I won't clarify that.
-I had no idea what to expect with the Liddia trial, and was pleasantly surprised with the level of RP.
-Running with Bart and Enan trying to keep up fighting Cecil. Found out I was much better suited serving as a distraction for his female bodyguards getting them to monologue, while Enan and Bart beat down the vampire.
- Shout out to Ahlana for sticking with Sam during the tower mod and having us inadvertently block off Jasper's escape simply because we went back and made sure the door was locked
-Big kudos to whoever plays..Kerlin? The younger barbarian fighter is fantastic at consistently playing a short sighted fighter who charges into everything.
- having the dinner was fun but stressful, big respect to Daphne who did it for so many years.
- thanks to Nick for being patient during the auction and letting me use hand signals for bid. It actually was a lot more fun than the normal way.
-Sorry for the upbidding Kat, welcome to Wayside! :P
-Going all One Ring with my shield. Glad I'm not actually paranoid about stuff, it's really exhausting. Fun hearing people attempting to rationalize my behavior
-All of the freaky friday changes.
-During golden door fight, dead on the ground next to Thaddeus, hearing Cyn check both of us, then say "I only have 1 life spell left....who do I choose?" My heart dropped at that moment
-Speaking with the Duchess and literally just as we're talking about not matching my arrest record from last event, "Sheriff, we need you to arrest someone outside."
-FINALLY GETTING THE BASILISKS DONE WOO! Only took a year of pushing it every event. Then having one of the other choices I was given year and half ago plopped in my lap. Thanks Neohani, now to figure out what the hell to do with it.
-Being one of the main leads for a town mod, and its dramatic tower ending, there was a moment where I thought "This is it, I've lead the town to their communal tomb."