October Event 2010!!!

Alliance Seattle's next event is October 8-10 at Camp Sheppard.

You may Pre-Pay this event by using Paypal to send $46.60 to allianceseattle@gmail.com. Don't forget to put down your character name. You may Pay-no-Play by sending payment to this address as well. Do not send your pre-registration to this address. Pre-Pay pricing ends September 24th. In order to qualify for the Pre-Pay price (so that you do not owe money at the door), you must also Pre-Register. Pre-Registration must be sent to logistics@alliance-seattle.com by October 1st.

If you Pre-Register by October 1st but do not Pre-Pay, your at-the-door price will be $55. If you neither pre-pay nor pre-register the cost at-the-door will be $65.

If you intend to NPC, the cost will be $20 at-the-door if you let plot know you will be attending by October 1st, or $25 at-the-door if you do not. If we receive enough Pre-Pays, NPCing will be free. (This will be announced if it occurs).

NPC Guild, please keep an eye on the NPC Guild Forums, we're already posting plot information there!
PCs, we know it's been a while since the last Seattle Event. If you have plot questions or submissions, get them in this week, the earlier the better! Bond and I are both super busy with real world stuff and are doing a lot of our prep work way in advance of the event since we may not have any "last minute" prep time.

Current list of Pre-Pays received as of: September 25, 2010:
Ron Leota
Andy Giesman
Seth Bird
James Giesman
Alycia Regan
Gabriel Burkholder
Leigh-Ann Magill
Bryan Gregory
October Event Description:
"Tears and Celebrations"
A web is woven across Andar: A lost general, a damned island, a young romani. Some stories are just beginning, while others come crashing to an end. The legend of the Onyx Tears spoke of more than one, somewhere in Iron Falls an answer is secreted away. A new life is blossoming, but someone threatens to snuff it out. Those who remember Pascale now take the helm and light the torches; turnabout is fair play.
Just to confirm from the teaser: the event will be set in Iron Falls? (This will affect which character I play).

Yes, the bulk of the event will be set in Iron Falls. A portion of the event for most people (if not everyone, at some point) will involve leaving Iron Falls by some means to interact with a plot line that is not set in Iron Falls but which has been working towards its conclusion over the last few events. Some information will be put out in the next day or so through various IG resources which may give you more details. (Feel free to share those details with other PCs if your character would, even if your character wouldn't be in Iron Falls (you do have several weeks), but most of the information isn't conducive to mass-distribution.)
Looks like I will be unable to make it expect money from me for Pay no Play though!