October Event Favorites


NEPA Staff
heya folks! Crap in a hat what an awesome event. Do everyone a favor and post what you liked, memorable moments and good times !!!
Glee! Sleep-deprived and sore, but willing to give it a shot :)

This is my second season playing this game, and my first time PCing. I was NOT disappointed...although I had to stop myself repeatedly from accidentally walking into NPC camp :< I missed being behind the scenes, but being surprised was just as fun!

Favorites, then, with apologies in advance for any misspellings:

1. That raccoon kin that kept following me around for a good chunk of the game. Holy crap, I wanted to kill you and laugh myself to death at the same time :P YOUR TAIL IS MINE, FURRY CHILD! So long as you haven't rented a fire ant, at least.
2. Poltergeists moving stuff and waving swords around. I think there was one point when I was walking around with six swords under my arm JUST to avoid seeing any of them flying of their own volition through the air. Activate Paranoia...
3. Sparticous's race-change mod. I was NOT expecting that, nor was I expecting just how educational and moving it would be for MY character. I felt totally honored to be a part of it, especially having just set foot in town, and it really made me sure of my decision to play an elf. I've never experienced such easy and unforced racial solidarity in any game I've played (and I've made the rounds), and I loved the exercise in roleplay that occurred. I'm glad I could somehow manage to keep my food-deprived brain in line with so many rapid and vastly different characters to play on the spot. And thank the stars for that diplomatic picnic...Dream Booze should DEFINITELY be sold this side of waking.
4. My battle-buddy Leona. I don't think Valeria was expecting to make an actual friend, and it was always nice to know your arrows were flying alongside my own. And if I can find the elven equivalent to a chick flick...we're doing it.
5. Being kacked by stone elementals by the fire pit at 3am with Hooleen. Seriously, we were JUST about to go to bed. Good timing :P And nearly watching Tallis get deathed because he walked out of the shadows at JUST the wrong time. Mmm, Halloween-jitters...
6. Laguna and Castlebur. We're not necessarily a trio I would have predicted, but I'm pretty certain that the trouble we're bound to get ourselves into will be worth every single indignity suffered. But I'm never drinking dwarven "ale" ever again. Ever.
7. Khorwyn. Basically, I love you, and you can make awkward oggly eyes at Valeria any time you want :D Haha.
8. The NPC bus of newbies. Ho snap you guys, good job rocking us all weekend! Come back!

<3 Can't wait for next season.

Valeria (Emily)
Thank you (and welcome) NPCS!! Glad I got to see a bunch of new folks – your energy and commitment to playing your roles was outstanding and much appreciated. I know I met a few of you at the Binghamton University faire earlier this year and I am very, very glad that you gave us a chance and hope you come back over and over again. I can already see some potential people in that group who will help shape our stories in the future. : )

Staff of HQ: I feel honored and privileged to have been able to play Baron Harrison this season. He was always one of my favorite characters to play. I appreciate the freedom with which you gave me to play the role, and the trust you showed me. His death was awesome and pretty epic. I offer you my heartfelt and teary eyed thanks.

Thank you Angel and others who were responsible for the food.

I had so many amazing moments this weekend it is difficult to name just a few.

Ken's absolute glee at the end of the event. Glad you starting playing, pal.

Danielle the snuggle elemental, I look forward to getting to actually play the game with you again next season!

Ash Forest plot this weekend was amazing. Thanks, Tom, I know you the evil master mind behind this. I cannot wait to see where this ends!

Being shouted at by an Amani Ranger commander: “Calm yourself RANGER!” Character goal achieved. This was really the cathartic moment for Qualin this weekend. The angst storm was the burning out of all the suppressed pain and frustration of the past few years for Qualin, all the doubt, the guilt, and the rage that he has hidden for so long all burned away in the course of a few hours. Broken elf is fixed now. Oh, second character goal achieved: Treason! Haha.

Amani Ranger proclamation to Baron Rorii.

Excessive elitism in various private conversations. “Yes, overall the barbarian race should just be wiped out, gypsies can go too.” “I can do without the Biata.” “Yeah, except for Iggy – he’s good people.” Later: Iggy saying almost distastefully: “Glad I’m not an elf – you guys are all going crazy.”

Being part of my first ritual casting. It was so much more fun than I ever expected.

The early morning conversation with Feyena and Jinx. Actually, basically all things Jinx.

Ciarrah’s oath and her fervent dedication to being a good person. Qualin is rapidly developing “this person needs to live at all costs” feelings for her. Nerding with Ciarrah was awesome.

From the Harrison side:

The whole season has been great fun and very deeply fulfilling for me. Many, many long hours of discussion with the Court and the other courts, funny moments in the cabin, poignant jokes, epic deaths, and daring heroics. Watching and participating in character growth. Oh my. It was… fun.
All the amazing music this weekend.

Nuheron – Buddy I know I told you this in person, but you have added so much to my game this year. Harrison and Nuheron’s friendship was possibly my favorite overall new things to build on the court.

Ulthoc encouraging Harrison to play the drum, Ulthoc has always been teaching Harrison new skills and it was great to have one last training session. Going “off duty” to spend some time with friends before plunging into the Abysmal Gorge.

Conversations with Sir Kendric – being on the other side of a Paladin’s inquiry was cool.
Tripple Step and Noot – it feels like these two characters have been around forever, must be because you add so much to my story. Thanks.

Listening to everyone’s retirement dreams. I think moments like that really make the characters come to life. And Noldric falling asleep while we were all talking was just priceless.

Old man orc shenanigans with Ursool and Noldric. You guys kept me in stitches all weekend and probably didn’t even know.

The whole “wake” could have been very morbid to me but what it ended up being was me trying not to react and just listen to as people opened up their character’s hearts. I heard everything from “You’re a d***” to “You are the only one that deserves my respect” to “you made me the person I am today” to a couple people just walking in, pacing a bit, and then walking out. There were a lot of tears. People pour their hearts into their characters and into the relationships they build IG.

Gabriel: Watching Gabriel go old school and tear through ranks of undead – the crew of us standing there OOG after going through the portal were in awe. The development of his character, especially all the tiny shifts post-Arienne, are really taking him in new directions. I hope that Caleb keeps coming back and playing!! “ I believe his last orders were for us to go and drink.”

Grim: "Only you know the real me."

Ok, ok.. I’m done for now. If you’ve read this far give yourself a gold dragon/griffon/lawgiver sticker – I really could keep going here, the player to player interactions and interest in storytelling was fantastic.

Henry the Mad / Baron Harrison / Qualin Brightoak
First I was like. :thumbsup: then I was like :cold: then I was like :sweat: then I was like :( then I was like :mad: then I was like :cold: again then :sweat: again and then I was like :D
Ahhh, good times to be had on both sides of the fence this weekend! :D HUGE thank you to all our NPCs (especially our ten enthusiastic newbies! <3 Looove!). Here are some of my particular favs:

-It seems that I cannot do a favs nowadays without starting with Tom's fierce, fierce Rom plot. LOVE. Getting to curse the Mulenguro to pieces = epic. And Maxwell! Sam, you are so freaking adorable as that role XD

-Speaking of Tom, the RAD BROMANCE between Ilse and Ulthoc over the course of the weekend made it twice as fun to play her. AND I FINALLY GOT TO BE NICE TO HENRY IN-GAME. WHAT? Also, the devastating "Ilse, I don't see you." right before the final wave. ALL THE FEELIIIINGS.

-All of the dueling over the course of the weekend was so awesomely intense to watch. The unexpected victories were ridiculously awesome, and everybody was a really good sport about each match.

-I loved hearing from all of the Orcs about what they thought it meant to be a real Orc, how they were all warriors in their own ways, and all of the cool stuff they'd done in the past. Lots of really solid RP! ... ...I'm also a total jerk and loved having you all promise your swords to an enthusiastic BBG. Also, holy dear God, Will, you are DEVASTATING with a two-hander.

-NEW NPCS! You guys were all so driven and ready to do whatever was needed of you! You really helped this weekend run. Pleeeease come back, we loooove you!

-Kathy, Maria, Mike, Amelia, and Toddo, you are the most delightfully dysfunctional family an Orcish girl could ask for. Loved all the butting of heads and tusks over the course of the weekend!

-HOWLBEAR. TACKLING. The only way to do things, clearly. Kudos to Amelia for thinking up a wicked-entertaining mod with a delicious (literally delicious!) twist at the end.

Overall, I saw tons of great fights and character-building over the course of the weekend. I hope to see you all at the Lowbie (*shameless plug*), and if not, have an amazing winter, folks! I'll miss you all like crazy!
This is my second PC event ever and first time out in the lands of Ashubry. most of you know me from NPCing.
Anyway here are my favorites from October.

My entrance in game barging into the tavern and scolding Jinx for running through the mists unarmed and severely unarmored. Everyone was taken aback by it that heard it. I've never really had to play the protective "uncle" before and was worried i would do it wrong.

The persuasion contracts us lowbies banded together to sign up for. We had so much fun with them and had several ways of actually handling it.

Getting caught standing at the tavern doors with a magic berserk from the side by a band of NPCs. Yea I fell going berserk on the tavern stares but I overcame it quickly and continued going berserk. Kudos to the NPC who caught me with it. It really sells the idea that you can be attacked ANYWHERE. I loved it.

Lowbie group's quick final module battle with Sir Ignatious. It's amazing how we pwned that mod. Not a single healing sp... I take that back, Ezri used a healing spell at the end to heal 1 point of damage. Not a single healing potion was used either. Huzzah for natural dodging and blocking. Double huzzah for refits.

RPing with Maggie late at night with her Orc. I enjoyed the drinking and talking about not wearing pants with you.

The sayings that were repeated again and again over the weekend. "I am noot", "If you die remember to die loudly" and the others, added so much flavor to the event.

Originally I was just in the lands for Jinx, to get in, ensure her safety, and get out. The hospitality of the healers guild and subsequently all the courts has gotten me a bit attached to the adventurers. I loved everyone's outward kindness to my PC.

The mirrored world was pretty cool. We already knew our way around the mirrored world to an extent because of it. So all the adventurers new and veteran were on equal knowledge of the lay of the land.

Shenanigans with the race. yes a fire ant was chasing me. yes IG i was pissed at Jinx. OOG I had to stop myself from laughing my butt off because of it.

Food: oh my god Angel the Chili and breakfasts were awesome! I'm sorry you didn't get to eat your own chili. The cakes were made of win as well.
NPCs: Glad all you new Binghamton NPCs could make it. It was awesome fighting against your larp group and I'm so glad you all enjoyed our game. you all have to come back. Don't forget to tell your friends.
NPC Camp: Thank you for letting me hop fence when i was itching to do some fighting crunch.
What an end to an epic year of LARPing! This event really brought my season together, due mostly to the actions of others, which I shall highlight below!

Dave's Super List of October Event Favorites

#1. NPC's, NPC's, NPC's. Wait, did I get them all? Of course I didn't, because there were so frakkin' many of them! Both veteran and new volunteers brought our site to life, and I can't thank them enough. I sincerely hope that that busload of new LARP'ers comes back again. And again. And AGAIN! New blood is amazing, especially when it is so enthusiastic about the game! I really appreciated (and forgive the spelling errors) the orc brothers Mocknar and Frocknar. They were hysterical! :funny:
#2. Henry "I'm going to make Khorwyn a goodie-goodie" Hart. I have always appreciated Henry's contributions to the game, whether it was in NPC camp when I came back to volunteer so many years ago, or in game as Harrison. I don't know if he recalls making Khorwyn a deputy several years back in Bera's Outpost when he was Sheriff, but he gave me personal opportunity early on in my PC'ing experience, which made this newbie feel great. But now, having one of Baron Harrison's dying wishes be that his magic sword pass on to Khorwyn? Sheesh. Talk about a nerd-gasm. :shock:
#3. Collin Babcock. Collin is one of the main reasons I continue to play at our chapter, because he is passionate about and invested in characters' personal plotlines. He knocked me down again and again all season long, only to give me hope at the end with clues to a long-unresolved mystery, and a chance for revenge. Cheers, Sir. I can't wait to see how you twist Khorwyn's fate in the future.
#4. Teaching! I got to teach twice this event, which makes me feel strangely old, but also puts a new spin on the game when I get to pass on in-game skills.
#5. Mindless woods-strolling with Nathan Westwind. Here's a little-known fact: Back in the day (like, four years ago), the woods beyond the creek were littered with ritual components. So on Saturday mornings, long before they were Guild Master and First Ranger, Nathan and Khorwyn would get up before everyone else and go for a little component-collecting jaunt. Sometimes it was fruitful, sometimes it wasn't. Other times there were monsters roaming about! But regardless of what we may or may not have found, it was always a pleasure to have the walk, because we never knew what was out there, and it always made for good role-playing. :)
#6. Humility. I lost at every single tournament competition I entered. 'Nuff said! :grrr:
#7. Heidi Hooper. This wonderful lady fed me TWICE while I was helping to make breakfast for the town. I'm so very thankful for her, as she volunteers to help the volunteers while they volunteer! :thumbsup:
#8. The Blythedale Buddy System. Seriously, we've got a good thing going. Say what you will about the boys in blue (and white moons and stripe), but Khorwyn, Garathon, Daniel, Grim, Rowen, and Laguna stuck together this weekend, and it kept us alive and well. Plus, we've got one to three new potential recruits, all in the form of...wait for it...ladies! :whaa: I know, suspend your disbelief.
#9. Valeria. Thank you, Emily, for graciously allowing for some unexpected personal plot fall-out. Who knew you'd make a character akin to Khorwyn's permanently dead love? Um....not you? :oops:
#10. The Kondrks. Thank you, Scott and Dee, for always being so accommodating. I don't know how the boys of Blythedale would have survived the frigid nights last weekend if you hadn't lent us your rubber cord-wrapped lightning magic...er...electricity. :cold: :D :thumbsup:

That's it for me. It's been an awesome season, and I can't wait to see all of you next year. Cheers! :ninja:
So no real order here.

Always first! THANK YOU NPC's!!!! You guys were all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AMAZING this weekend!

I love to see the game from a different character's point of view. It's awsome!

So Friday night I went down to the bathroom to get ready. ((Sorry I don't remember your name because I suck with names...... :oops: )) So I'm all excited cause OMG there's another elf...So this is what happened...
Him- How do they look?
Me- *looks at ears and they look like a scarred mess of flesh* Do you want them to look scarred?
Him- No
Me- Well......take them off... Come child sit down and i will help you.....There is liquid latex every where! Oh gods.....
Him- *Sits there for half an hour while I pick latex out of his hair and ears. Then lets me put his ears on him and blend them*
Me- There all better.

Actually getting to met more Blythdale people. Telling them she wanted to join the court....^.^

So the food stuff....I spent half the day Saturday morning in the kitchen between breakfast, clean up, and starting dinner. It was fun tough cause Dave (I’m not trying to spell you pc's name...) taught me how to read and write kinda hidden from everyone else through looking at recipes....hehehehe

My dishes poltergeists! OMG NPC's I love you for coming in and washing the dishes with white head bands on. It made for some fun reactions and some fun chatting about poltergeists...

Hanging with Blythdale was soooooo much fun. I'm so glad that Red's working her way in there...

The 'stealing' mod! I loved the circles the NPC's were creating with their lies were hilarious! I also loved how they started to react when we pointed swords at them and told them to move!

Dinner....right before we get ready to start serving don't i get my personal plot in the form to Tracie as an elf.....Red was sooooo freaked that some one knew her full name....omg...and all of the rp that followerd was awsome...I think my favorite was the rp in the privet room with Dave....That was totaly intence and I loved it! Thank you Collin for having your wonderfuly sick and twisted mind. I love you and I hate you at the same time....

WAtching the rom beat on their BBG...I was so upset cause I was not there as Lanna. Bought I protected the Rom the best I could!

The final battle when Dave fell and Red was making her way to search.....I mean help him.... :mer:

Thank you to all of my helpers in the kitchen. Kyle, Dave, Scotty, Danielle, Random NPC's.....I can't remember everyone's names but you all are equaly thanked as the people whos names I do remember! You guys were all so helpful and if not for you I wouldn't have gotten the food out to everyone. Bill I have a new appretiation for what you do and when I do play Lanna next year I will run kitchen for you!


I had a blast this event!
First I'd like to thank all the new NPCs! You guys and gals rocked! Hope to see you all again!

After years of searching for a Race Change Scroll and Catalyst I finally had both in my hands early last season. I had waited all last season and most of this season to have it done, and boy-o-boy am I glad I did! Jessica Bender wrote up such an awesome encounter for me! Thanks also goes out to the elves that come with me and aided with my quest! 8 elves and 1 human enter the woods, 9 elves return! It was really cool! I can't wait till next year!

Not more than 30 minutes after the race change we're in town and an elf with black iquor comes after Baron Rorii, I end up being the one who KB's him and this new elf is now tainted by necro! What a way to be welcomed into the fold! lol

Killing the Prince of Halloween! What a battle, but Toddo didn't have a chance with the strike force that was put together! Lesson for BBG, don't stray far from your lackies!

RP with Qualin after Sparticous' Race Change late at night. Sparticous might have a soft spot for Qualin now! Hopefully we can fix all that is happening to the Ash Forest with the black iquor stuff!

For those of you who didn't know, I had my dog with me. Pepper loved it! He had loads of fun even though he was a bit scared of everyone.

That's it for now, I can't wait till next season!

First and foremost THANK YOU NPCS.

1. The yelling orc and the fun that ensued. you were such a good sport my dear.
2. The fireant privy challenge.. would have been awesome
3. Blythedale. Love you guys. its awesome when the teams there.
4. Having a good time with Angel whilst cooking etc
5. Getting to see Iggy.
6. Forming the Vanguard and the awesome that will ensue.
7. Laguna nuff said
8. Shennaniganry .."grim that was wrong" then a fit of silent laughter from my first nught. love the relationship thats developed there.
9. Sometimes stuff gets intense and the character kinda gets away from you thats what happdned when harrison died. Grieving angry Grim was an experience..
10. Which takes me to ciaara. what she said to grim actually helped and somehow that free flowing monologue grim came up with . Grim was trying to make sure Harrison heard it as he walked to the heroes graveyard.
11.angry grim was angry. if jovial grim is all the funny stuff unfiltered then kmagine the opposite that hsppened and people didnt know how to take it. neither did i.
12. Giving testimony against harrison then telling ulthic what he said. then a few minutes later after ulthoc relayed ut to harrison. harrison.stopping grim to thank him and telling grim hed make a good knight someday
13. Calling out Gabriel on being a murderer and him neing befuddled at how Grim knew

much more stuff. everyone is awesome and i love ga all.

I came home broken and tired. Thus it must have been a good weekend.

My absolute favorite moment was stretched across the entire weekend. The new NPCs (Andrew, Charles, Noah, James, Sam, Sandy, Erika, Shannon, Anne, Mei) were awesome from the second they arrived. They asked all the right questions, gave helpful feedback, roleplayed like champions, and were enthusiastic to try any role or help with any encounter. I am nicknaming them The Core, because they were core to the weekend and when they are around, I know that anything can be run without a hitch.

Watching Telokh explode. And then, moments later, watching Harrison implode.

Scott Babcock "counseling" a frightened child to deal with his nightmares.
"Kill him! Kill him, now!"

Philosophical discussions between Tyson's ancient high orc and Gahvah.

The longest, slowest, most boring duel EVER! -> Spear and shield.
All of the orcs watching made comments that they expected to die of old age before it was done.

Fire Ants in the race.

Harrison: "Is audience interference allowed in this event?" [Referring to the Grand Melee]
Gahvah: "Yes."
Nordenn immediately gathers and runs to the field.

Finally, once again, allow me to thank The Core. They were awesome.
