Thank you (and welcome) NPCS!! Glad I got to see a bunch of new folks – your energy and commitment to playing your roles was outstanding and much appreciated. I know I met a few of you at the Binghamton University faire earlier this year and I am very, very glad that you gave us a chance and hope you come back over and over again. I can already see some potential people in that group who will help shape our stories in the future. : )
Staff of HQ: I feel honored and privileged to have been able to play Baron Harrison this season. He was always one of my favorite characters to play. I appreciate the freedom with which you gave me to play the role, and the trust you showed me. His death was awesome and pretty epic. I offer you my heartfelt and teary eyed thanks.
Thank you Angel and others who were responsible for the food.
I had so many amazing moments this weekend it is difficult to name just a few.
Ken's absolute glee at the end of the event. Glad you starting playing, pal.
Danielle the snuggle elemental, I look forward to getting to actually play the game with you again next season!
Ash Forest plot this weekend was amazing. Thanks, Tom, I know you the evil master mind behind this. I cannot wait to see where this ends!
Being shouted at by an Amani Ranger commander: “Calm yourself RANGER!” Character goal achieved. This was really the cathartic moment for Qualin this weekend. The angst storm was the burning out of all the suppressed pain and frustration of the past few years for Qualin, all the doubt, the guilt, and the rage that he has hidden for so long all burned away in the course of a few hours. Broken elf is fixed now. Oh, second character goal achieved: Treason! Haha.
Amani Ranger proclamation to Baron Rorii.
Excessive elitism in various private conversations. “Yes, overall the barbarian race should just be wiped out, gypsies can go too.” “I can do without the Biata.” “Yeah, except for Iggy – he’s good people.” Later: Iggy saying almost distastefully: “Glad I’m not an elf – you guys are all going crazy.”
Being part of my first ritual casting. It was so much more fun than I ever expected.
The early morning conversation with Feyena and Jinx. Actually, basically all things Jinx.
Ciarrah’s oath and her fervent dedication to being a good person. Qualin is rapidly developing “this person needs to live at all costs” feelings for her. Nerding with Ciarrah was awesome.
From the Harrison side:
The whole season has been great fun and very deeply fulfilling for me. Many, many long hours of discussion with the Court and the other courts, funny moments in the cabin, poignant jokes, epic deaths, and daring heroics. Watching and participating in character growth. Oh my. It was… fun.
All the amazing music this weekend.
Nuheron – Buddy I know I told you this in person, but you have added so much to my game this year. Harrison and Nuheron’s friendship was possibly my favorite overall new things to build on the court.
Ulthoc encouraging Harrison to play the drum, Ulthoc has always been teaching Harrison new skills and it was great to have one last training session. Going “off duty” to spend some time with friends before plunging into the Abysmal Gorge.
Conversations with Sir Kendric – being on the other side of a Paladin’s inquiry was cool.
Tripple Step and Noot – it feels like these two characters have been around forever, must be because you add so much to my story. Thanks.
Listening to everyone’s retirement dreams. I think moments like that really make the characters come to life. And Noldric falling asleep while we were all talking was just priceless.
Old man orc shenanigans with Ursool and Noldric. You guys kept me in stitches all weekend and probably didn’t even know.
The whole “wake” could have been very morbid to me but what it ended up being was me trying not to react and just listen to as people opened up their character’s hearts. I heard everything from “You’re a d***” to “You are the only one that deserves my respect” to “you made me the person I am today” to a couple people just walking in, pacing a bit, and then walking out. There were a lot of tears. People pour their hearts into their characters and into the relationships they build IG.
Gabriel: Watching Gabriel go old school and tear through ranks of undead – the crew of us standing there OOG after going through the portal were in awe. The development of his character, especially all the tiny shifts post-Arienne, are really taking him in new directions. I hope that Caleb keeps coming back and playing!! “ I believe his last orders were for us to go and drink.”
Grim: "Only you know the real me."
Ok, ok.. I’m done for now. If you’ve read this far give yourself a gold dragon/griffon/lawgiver sticker – I really could keep going here, the player to player interactions and interest in storytelling was fantastic.
Henry the Mad / Baron Harrison / Qualin Brightoak
First I was like. :thumbsup: then I was like :cold: then I was like :sweat: then I was like
then I was like
then I was like :cold: again then :sweat: again and then I was like