I really wanna thank all of our NPCs this weekend! You all did an amazing job of being challenging combatants, great RPers and overall amazing people. YOU WIN MY HEART FOREVER.
1. First and foremost, I loved seeing everyone again! From the cabal of sociopaths that love me to the cabal of sociopaths who hate me- it was really really good to see everyone again.
2. I really loved everyone's reactions to the pamphlets and being given the opportunity to hand them out. I look forward to making more silly things for the guild, and possibly some not-so-silly things. The opportunity to write a full-on book about elosdi is just the kind of crazy BS I love to do, so I am AMPED
3. Maaaan, I love hangin' with the pariah club. Rali's new outfit was goddamn amazing, and it was nice to hang with Kamryn without being told I'm an idiot every few seconds. I mean, that still happened, just not from Kam

Having V as the focusing point of our little group is great, and Kris' portrayal of her continues to hit home every time.
4. Making new friends!! Tetsu, though we hit it off rough, I'm glad we ended up sharing a pipe and exchanging a few words. Kur, who is awesome, was awesome. Hookah and bonfires and tons of fake booze. That's pretty much Tvard's version of Valhall.
5. That awesome mod in the woods was great (even with the intrusion of hunter McBitchyGun)
6. Getting to fight Chris as a pantherghast was DOOOPE. Way to keep up the pressure and intensity man!
7. Being made head of med was pretty sweet, but I can't say I didn't expect it. Still a really big deal to me and I'm really grateful to everyone who put me into the position.
8. Getting a few fighting tips from the more experienced polearm users was nice. Noldrik teaches muggs some stuff.
9. Chatting with my ol' dream buddy, Cadeus. We'll work something out, I'm sure.
10. Not being horribly murdered, as I assume will happen every game.