October event favorites!


Hi folks! Please let us know what you liked about this past weekend. Knowing what you loved helps us get more of the right stuff in game. Thanks!
I am really kind of perplexed as to how to begin.

First off, the sheer number of magic items, rather than overwhelming me, was kind of nice - especially since most were one-off skill stores that you could just use and toss. PeepPeep and PeepPeep Jr. made me feel SO BOSS. I am pretty sure there is absolutely no better feeling than having your level 10 squishy adept assassinate a pantherghast that had dropped you like...10 times previously.

Speaking of PeepPeep...RIP, tiny glittery bird. You were meant for greater things than to be an elosdi snack, but fate is cruel.

Saturday Night deadwalk. I missed the first half of it, but I was pretty impressed with how well it was handled. Also - SIX NPCS? You guys are insane. Deliciously and wonderfully insane. Also, I am pretty certain that I have never seen a successful kill in a prison in my entire time PCing at Alliance. I have also never seen a lich run that fast before.

Susie and Mike - as per usual, you delivered, on multiple occasions, frightening/heartwrenching performances. I always expect awesome things whenever you two are NPCing and I have yet to be disappointed.

The Order of the Wild! Thanks for being a giddy, forest-loving nut with Rali, Kamryn. Believe it or not, she likes you more and more every day.

As always, the levels of intrigue and conniving activity that occurs in this chapter never ceases to entertain me. For every motive I saw through, I'm sure there was another one I played right into. Seriously, guys - you're all awesome. Every PC (and NPC!). I assume you all have nefarious double-dealings with someone, but I'm always surprised to see who gets into bed with who.

Having more opportunity to use a sword was nice and good practice. I really am enjoying Rali's increasing concern for town safety...even if it is 99% self-interest and survival, haha.

And finally, reprehensible adventures with Team Orphan. Welcome to the Dark Side. I don't think there are any cookies here.

Awesome event all around. Thank you :)
Great event, thank you staff and NPCs!

-Once again the Kitchen crew wowed! Good yummy food made my tummy so happy!
-Big props to Chris M and Mike G, you guys did amazing, it was excellent fighting you. Thanks for all the hard work.
-Awesome modules: Nightmare Plane and the Elodsi Cave!
-Saturday Night Deadwalk was great, the atmosphere was perfect. Super Earth Storm and Magic Storming.
-Everything Emily, great roleplay!
-Old man Noldrik, my favorite elder!
-Captain Feodor, my Barran Hero!

Thank you for everything, PCs and NPCs, can't wait until next season. :)
Ow, my everything. I've gotten spoiled playing a caster for 10 years... playing full-bore fighter all weekend is rough! I truly don't understand how my abs are sore under that corset, but I digress.

First off, all the loves to Kris for making this weekend possible. I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday than surrounded by friends having a blast in the woods. The roleplay, the snack-spread, just all of the awesome. Thank you.

Secondly, thank you to all the amazing NPCs. The fighting was clean, and the roleplay was top notch. Special mentions to Sheila Haswell for playing a spider so well I was literally mesmerized so much I almost forgot to fight, Mike Guarino for actually roleplaying the act of spitting out those nasty poisons, and Chris Marcikonis for awesome Sunday morning elosdi and red cap roleplay. I still can't believe you guys put up such an incredible fight for a TWO HOUR LONG wave battle with 6 NPCs!

Order of the Wilde! I shoulda done this a long time ago. I have no idea how we got past the NPCs on that mod, fanned out the way we were. You guys are hide and seek champions. I am so excited for all the woodland shenanigans!

Kamryn had a whole lot of heart-to-heart talks this weekend, and they did her a world of good. Thank you Chullain, Tetsu, Zara, Ocean, Kabuk and Rali. Barran's resident warrior-bitch just might be a touch less bitchy next season. LOL.

Roasting marshmallows! (ahem... 'mallows) I'm admittedly a bit of a firebug, so any time I get to poke around with open flames it pretty much makes the highlight reel.

Saturday night post-deadwalk spider mod. A solid, classic crawl mod. Loved the "I come from the rafters" bit, as it was a three count that made sense, and allowed for the NPCs to spawn anywhere. Aside from that adding to the danger level, it also helps you make the most use of a confined space. Well done.

"Dominate, follow me. Followed by "Dominate, drown yourself"
"Not a valid dominate command."
"Oh, right. *arcane vampire charm* drown yourself"
"Now you've got it right" *walks off*

Thank you everyone for an amazing time!
I can't emphasize enough how good this weekend was and how much it impressed me. It displayed so much growth as a chapter for the staff, the plot, and the characters that reside there -- not to mention the responsiveness to the players was top notch. It made everyone feel good, heard, and appreciated. The NPCs were tireless and excellent in both combat and roleplay (and their makeup looked wicked), the mods were well timed, well propped, and well dressed, and the staff very clearly worked their asses off. I tip my hat to all of you. This is exactly the event I wanted.

- Chulainn and Kabuk. Zara's wayward family. We care so damn much about each other it hurts. And it's always those quiet moments of appreciation -- a look or a touch to the shoulder or even a hug. We got to find our true homes and families at this event, and it was momentous.
- Ona, Ocean, and Tetsu, the other (more murderous) side to Zara's family. This event reaffirmed a great deal about those three and how Zara feels about each of them. Brothers, all. She's starting to get what the Hunt means when they call each other family.
- Kashang/JP. He adds so much to the experience by simply being there, and it was a delight to have Kashang around again. After all, there would be no Derp without him.
- Hating Rali and V while being torn about Kamryn.
- Being elected Reeve felt pretty damn awesome, too. Zara isn't the loudest of the bunch by far, but she gives a damn.
- Meeting the Hiwa and getting to know the Shahbanu, as well as perhaps embarking on Zara's journey with the military.
- Making the Trusted vows to Kabuk. Such feels. And Chulainn took his own vow as well.
- Vision quest with Ciaarah -- terrifyingly real and surreal and intense. Everyone who participated took a link to Ciaarah, but it linked us all to each other as well. It was a strangely special bond.
- A full two-hour deadwalk. Also intense, exhausting, and trying. Such a pleasure to see the town move and work as a unit.
- Rich's Mega-losdi. Holy craaaapppp. I couldn't do much but marvel at that thing.
- Everything on Sunday was a favorite. The mod groups getting pulled into the earth to witness a piece of the puzzle and then all convene to fit them all together -- coming to understand what Eldara is doing, why she's doing it, and what her plans may be -- was amazing. We worked together to solve a problem for once, and it proved fruitful. Everything on Sunday just came together so perfectly and in the end, we knew exactly what we had to do, and everyone got to play a part. Perfect.
- Oh, and Susie's Red Cap riding Mike's spider into battle. Best. Ever.
Shout out to the food committee. It is one of those jobs that so many people do not want to do and which life just plain sucks without good people doing it and you folks are great.

95% both halves of the Mages guild entrance exam. It is gratifying when it is so easy, Makes you think you know that stuff you are doing....and really...shouldn't a formal caster asking to join a mages guild be easy?

Teaching a new player how to fight with a polearm...then realizing his weapon was an inherent problem, so I gave him beat stick
--side note...my thoughts of horror when I saw Frisco, after destroying his 3rd polearm of the weekend coming across the field with my baby!!!

Doing some NPC work on the split mods. Ulta special highlight to Michelle "I love silly Joe NPC's".

Saturday night Deadwalk was one of the better semi-circle line holds that I have been a part of. Actually I think it was one of the better semi-cirle line holds I have been a part of period. Ever. Anywhere. Think on that and take some pride.
---Even so it was kind of fun running behind lines to pick people up a time or two.

Hearing Kantil screaming bloody murder across the field and managing to get to him in time.

Looking at a charmed Kamryn and Tvard going into the woods with the wisps and being like "I do not like this but..." then seeing Santet charmed and just chain gunning the awaken/spell shield and deciding it was time to go. This resulted in walking through on wisp with a Dragons Breath, second wisp with a dragons breath and realizing that Dragons breaths killed something.
---Having to run down Cole the non-lit charm monster right after emerging from the woods from that.
-----Having to fight off a wave of 4 Redcaps after that
----Having to fight off a second wave of wisps after that including running out of Dragons breaths and having to go to Wand damage...really? Wands?

So there was this deaths head. It was a really cool rep with other Joe holding a plastic skull with a glowstick, and Angel behind him hucking magic. The problem was at first I thought Joe was a monster trying to block for Angel so my target was a bit high...and the packet delivered head shots began. I swear I thought every packet was hitting a head shaped object of either Joe, Angel or the plastic skull wtf? I hope everyone is okay!

Chris the Sunday battle Human pantherghast finally comes out. I swear I thought I was tanking a wow instance with tvard and Kantil as my DPS. I am so glad I had some juice left for that.

Sword thrusts

A certain Marshal conference that happened kind of ad hoc with the head of rules going "that is exactly what I want my marshals to do".

Getting to cast the other ritual that I always thought would be great to do and which make me love celestial formals so much. Having had the prescience to have some High magic ready just in case later on.

A certain conversation with Ocean about available casters.

Elvin loaf!

Watching the "native" pc's mingling with some of the mistwalkers.

A final note to staff. The hardest part about this game is watching the players change the story. It is bringing them along and letting them see there is a motive somewhere, a puzzle that is being put together, even as you try and string it out so you get enough events out of it. This weekend felt like there was something happening and that wee were able to figure out at least some of what it was, and move somewhat towards making something better. The games that succeed do this. This weekend you did this. Congratulations and I hope to see more of it in November.

Joe Siegel
Resident Jerk
So there was this portal... that connected Barran and the dream realm... and we closed it.

I really enjoyed myself this event. Probably the most RP I've ever done in an event. The monsters were awesome and looked great. I am actually super excited to come and play more with you guys next year.
Thank you PCs and NPCs! You were all fantastic and my thanks go out to each of you.

There's so much I loved about this event, I don't think I could even type it all out. From the roleplay of putting the puzzle together, to Tetsu who is very much the man, to the food, to the combat, to the realization that several higher powers want me dead/alive, I've never felt more like Kantil means something to somewhere. Like he's home. Like he has purpose.

You all made it possible. And for this, I thank you. From the bottom of Kantil's glowing little heart and from the bottom of my own dark one :P

Thank you Alliance Gettysburg and those who helped make this event possible on all sides of the fence.
Thank you to all our PCs, NPCs, and staff that make this game possible. <3 You're all wonderful.

1. Opening the weekend with Tetsu's reading the posted treatise re: necromancy very loudly and very obviously at me... and ending it with his apology for his rudeness/presumption.The apologies from various characters for their attitudes are most likely insincere, but V basks in them all the same.

2. My weird little nakama: Tvard, Kamryn, and Rali. I like how closely-knit we're becoming underneath all the snark, alcohol, and cultural misunderstanding. I like that I get to play the "mama matriarch" angle of my character, especially with my quasi-son. Also: all the jokes about V as "mother" and Kamryn as "mom".

3. Which segues into: Rali. Adopting her is going to be a gauntlet of depravity and every time she calls V mother I have feelings. Bad feelings.

3.a. Rali doing the single vile thing of which V is utterly incapable before her very eyes and the subsequent trauma. Even evil has standards, but apparently Rali is exempt.

4. The amazing mod Cole wrote for Emily and I and the headlong plunge into "evil to accomplish good". Who would have ever thought V would become an undercover cop? I am really curious to see where this goes.

5. MALLOWS! Billy Joel singalongs! General silliness with Michelle accompanied by our usual intense V/Kamryn RP. Occasional sad moments of "I'm going to miss you". And a very persistent honeybee.

6. Kabuk to Laguna: "I grant you the gift of a ****."

7. For a guy who doesn't show up very often, I spend more time being paranoid about Cadeius than is probably necessary. If he can deliver on his research, V is going to be the happiest mom EVER.

8. Erika Noach and a beautifully subtle moment of roleplay during the final wave battle. I don't know what you did/didn't know, but watching you back off like you did made me feel SO PIMP.
I really wanna thank all of our NPCs this weekend! You all did an amazing job of being challenging combatants, great RPers and overall amazing people. YOU WIN MY HEART FOREVER.

1. First and foremost, I loved seeing everyone again! From the cabal of sociopaths that love me to the cabal of sociopaths who hate me- it was really really good to see everyone again.

2. I really loved everyone's reactions to the pamphlets and being given the opportunity to hand them out. I look forward to making more silly things for the guild, and possibly some not-so-silly things. The opportunity to write a full-on book about elosdi is just the kind of crazy BS I love to do, so I am AMPED

3. Maaaan, I love hangin' with the pariah club. Rali's new outfit was goddamn amazing, and it was nice to hang with Kamryn without being told I'm an idiot every few seconds. I mean, that still happened, just not from Kam :P Having V as the focusing point of our little group is great, and Kris' portrayal of her continues to hit home every time.

4. Making new friends!! Tetsu, though we hit it off rough, I'm glad we ended up sharing a pipe and exchanging a few words. Kur, who is awesome, was awesome. Hookah and bonfires and tons of fake booze. That's pretty much Tvard's version of Valhall.

5. That awesome mod in the woods was great (even with the intrusion of hunter McBitchyGun)

6. Getting to fight Chris as a pantherghast was DOOOPE. Way to keep up the pressure and intensity man!

7. Being made head of med was pretty sweet, but I can't say I didn't expect it. Still a really big deal to me and I'm really grateful to everyone who put me into the position.

8. Getting a few fighting tips from the more experienced polearm users was nice. Noldrik teaches muggs some stuff.

9. Chatting with my ol' dream buddy, Cadeus. We'll work something out, I'm sure.

10. Not being horribly murdered, as I assume will happen every game.
Thanks to the NPCs for bringing the excellent story written by the G-burg plot team to life. This was an outstanding weekend for me! It really helped breathe new life into my aging character. Sometimes you reach creciendo moments that make you feel like you've truly 'won' the game. The problem there is what do you do next? This chapter is helping me answer that question.

-First and foremost the Mod that we went on at the tail end of the weekend was brutal, epic feeling, and beautiful. I haven't felt so completely immersed as Tetsu in some time. This was great. The lighting, the NPCs franticly acting their parts. Mad kudos to Sheila Haswell, Susie Lee, Mike Guarino, Scotty, and Chris for being some truly twisted redcaps. Then Angel, her name never so befitting as the moment I realized it was her behind the gorgeous fawn makeup as she lay on the floor before us at the climax of the mod. Our team was stellar. Ocean poured his heart out, and helped me do the same. Kur wept and shared her tale. Violet was sincere and loving and awesome. Tontos was stoic, and seemed unsure - he was perfect. Vox was a stone elf - that's a compliment. It's a hard race to play; especially when faced with an emotion-to-win scenario. He played his character/race to a tee - very impressive.

-New friends from Crossroads - Mike and Win thanks so much for making the journey and sharing a great time with us! Awesome to meet you and rp with your characters.

-Old friends, and reunions. It's been a long-*** time for me to hangout and play the game with Brian/Santet. My Alliance hero.

-Ona and Ocean and me. I feel like we have a special dynamic within our team. I love playing the game and RPing with you guys. Dom has stepped up his RP game, and I love it.

-RP in our cabin for like 2 and a half hours on Friday night. Swapping stories and talking about what's to come.

-RP w/ V/Rali/Kamryn/T'vard - this is a crazy talented group of players. From Emily who manages to make 2 Elf PCs seem legitimately different people, to Kris who can make a truly morally ambiguous character infect my characters mind and really become the catalyst for allowing him to be who he really is. I love you guys. Also, happy birthday Mich! I didn't even know. I am glad you had fun. It's SO COOL playing the game with you as a character who is so vastly different than Ezri. You rock.

-Meditation with Zara - I love the way this bond is being strengthened between she and I, my love out of game, and my stalwart die-hard companion in-game. Donna is awesome, and her character is so powerful even if she doesn't have the huge stat card yet. <3

-This weird, uncomfortable, and also strangely comforting moment being embraced by a DRAGON. I know the game has come a long way. We don't revere the Dragons like we once did because we actually go toe to toe with these creatures now. It used to be Biata would PASS OUT because of the celestial magics pouring out of a Dragon on the field. People did not eff with these being sone bit. I never stopped feeling like these characters are the alpha/omega beings. I take that with me in game. Emily looked so beautiful, and we shared a really neat moment. A cool follow up with Kantil. This was a neat unplanned off the cuff encounter.

-Deadwalk Saturday night. Man that was awesome. The satisfying storms that were setup were so cool. I think that was like the second time ever I cast an Earth Storm and here I go hucking for 2 hours straight. Brennan too! He may have been more subtle but he did his best sniping with his Magic Storm for just as long as me. It was cool sort of playing quarterback in that fight for the PCs, and watching the line stay up and move with cohesion and cooperation.

-Rub downs with Ocsanna and Tvard post deadwalk. That was much needed and much appreciated. Thanks you guys!

-Oh man that tavern food. Amanda and Darkan are the best! Thanks so much you guys for keeping as well fed with such delicious food all weekend! I also had a real blast with Grub this weekend. She was great for Tetsu's ego lol. "Teach me how to be like you Tetsu!" ... "Okay but you gotta teach me how to cook!" <3

-Rich Ditzler's mod engineering madness.

Thanks for a stellar weekend everybody. I cannot wait to come back and play next season!