October Event Recap: Puzzle Answers


Chalk this up as massively out of date, but I just plum forgot to put this up earlier. Since I don't intend to use these puzzles again, here are the answers (with explanations).

1st -> The puzzle was lines from the Dragon Heart Prophecy. Only some of the lines were present. Specifically, it was the Fibonacci Sequence. You just had to fill in the missing lines.

2nd -> The puzzle was a diagram with arrows and the words Arbalest, Balance, 608, Salamander, Swan. The answer was the remaining zodiac creatures in the correct pattern.

3rd -> The puzzle was a set of letters + another set of letters, four times over. There were eight sets of letters total. The letters were the exact letters that could be found in one of the tenets of the code of chivalry. If you added the numbers of the traditional order of that tenet, you got the answers.

4th -> The puzzle was a list of estates. There was also a key of estates. The key hinted how the estates were connected. The connection between estates were the goods that each estate produced. Each adjacent estate produced at least one of the same good. Then just fill in the blanks.

5th -> The puzzles when spoken, listed all but one of the guardians of the Graveyards. It needed to be spoken because many homophones were used. The answer was the Graveyard of the one guardian not listed.

My mind bends in very weird ways. Feel free to note this the next time I write hunt puzzles (it will help you work through my twisted thought processes). As a note, all of the puzzles could be solved with the Ashbury Player's Guide in hand.
