October Event Review: Home is Where the Heart Is

Hello Everybody!!!

It's that time again...we would love to hear a review from everyone on this past weekend's event!

High Point, Low Points and any overall thoughts. Your feedback helps Plot make changes where needed so that each event gets better and better! :)

So, start posting! :)
Thought it was horrible and completely disorganized. The NPC's were all mean and hitting to hard and that Shauna was a pain in the butt. Complaiing and just gennerally mean. :noway:

Hope you guys had fun! Heard a certain Barbarian met his end. Sad I missed it.
I learned a great deal this weekend, thanks to everyone for having patience with my learning curve! I cannot even say being killed in my tent was a negative point, because I learned a lesson from it. (thank you Abby!)

Thanks to all the folks who bought brownies, massages, potions, elixers, weapon coatings, and more from me-- that's what Yetta is there for!!

'Monstrous' thanks to all who stuck with me & kept this gimpy lady safer. I know it can be boring to stay behind & miss the fun, hope I made it worth it in the end. :)

I would've liked at least the opportunity to re-take the town on Friday night. If we had to sleep in the tavern because we had been unsuccessful, I would've been happier with that. Sleeping in my clothes was just nasty though... didn't enjoy that in the slightest. Seems to me that Friday night we have the most healing, energy & resources... so wouldn't that have been a good time for a push to retake the Breach?? Just one lady's opinion...

I enjoyed the puzzles on the doors-- may have been one of the few, but I like things where I can use my brain instead of body. Using my brain doesn't make my back hurt :thumbsup:

The turkey dinner was very yummy-- great work Cory!

Thank you for embracing my friend Kate & making her feel welcome... as well as adjusting events on Monday so I could get her on the plane. She was very very tired going home, but had fun. :sleep:

Overall, fun & learning for me-- see y'all in November!
I had so much fun I can't put it into words, but I'll try.

High points:

I can't decide on one high point, so I'll list the few that are sticking in my head right now:
Werewolves, vampires, and betrothals, oh my!

I had a BLAST roleplaying the side effects of the cure, though the reddish skin one was harder to do. I just walked around asking people if I looked flushed for about ten minutes. The "increased libido" one was hilarious, especially the way Ithawda and Yetta would step back every time I turned in their direction, until I snuck up on Ithawda after we rescued the Fatespinner and threw my arm over her shoulders.

The gnoll attacks sunday afternoon were a lot of fun - I think Cory had some energy to burn after spending all day in the kitchen. :p

The way my new cloak made everyone keep challenging me when I approached, and all the compliments I got on it, expecially the expressions of incredulity when I told people I made it by hand.

Garnett picking up my body and asking "are you bleeding?" and my replying "fifty-eight...fifty-nine..." "aah! first aid!" then he looked over at shauna - "did I get him?" "Yes."
My closest brush with death yet!

The "Crossbow Betrothal", and all the assorted plans people have come up with to get me out of it, was awesome. I was fighting not to burst out laughing the whole time, with only limited success. :p

Low point:
Dropping that damn bracelet right after I had it bequeathed to me from Aengus. Put me in a sour mood for a couple hours, but then Isawda and Garnett helped me search the field right after breakfast, and Isawda spotted it, and I was thrilled. Thanks!
So, first long weekend down. what a weekend it was. So much happened thats its all still kinda of a blurr, but I will do what i can. I do want to state that the observations i made about this weekend are first and formost my own. They are what i see and of my own opinion and for the most part should be taken as consturtive critisizim. Im going to post them in Daily order so that they make sence to me and ever one else.

So lets begin:
So, The night started out ok. It was a great idea having us all march up back to the commons, fighting beasties as we go, stopping for a quick "scouting" oppertunity of the town. Unfortunetly watching the pup taking a spill by the back door of the kitchen was a downer, but he truged through it as best he could.
But I did have a probelm with the amount of time we spent in the tavern on friday night. I know "we were taking back the town" and had to do it place by place, inch by inch, But the restiction of being stuck in the Tavern all night was kinda borning for my part. The pop up monsters that came though the door were easily taken care of by the 5-6 front liners that were holding the door, and when the back door was destroyed it was only a matter of time to fix it. As a rogue-ish character, the nigth time is where i try to excel. I need open space, and plenty of options open to me in order to handle a situation. To be completly shut in like that started to get boring for me. Which brings me to my next point:
The white tape. Now I know the reasoning behind the white tape "all the big bad beasties are out there and they will eat you" was a Great Idea, but i feel it could have been exacuted diffrently. For a person like my character, open area and night time are the best combination, If you can catch me the all the power to you to try and kill me, but if you cant find me, then I must be doing somthing right! ;) but to simply be told by any one walking by that "Your dead. go to the res circle" is kind of mean. It gives no test to the skill of the PC nore to the person who may trying to look for them because they saw them cross the line. Its kinda like playing a table top dice game and your character sneaks in the dragons lair and makes it face to face with the dragon and then the DM tells you "he opens his eye, sees you and roasts you with flame. Your dead, dont bother rolling, nothing will save you". Thats kinda what the white tape rule felt like to me, However, I am not about to just state my complaints and walk away. I have thought about possible other soloutions to the reasoning behind the white tape rule, that doesnt rick-roll a character for doing what they do best.
1. If a Marshal or NPC sees a PC enter a "White tape rule" area, they can go in game (or send of a npc) and have a Standered 500Body, 15 normal, resist everything monster that wont die, but scares off (or more then lickly kills) the PC so they can bring that info back to the others. When I start hitting a monster and they call "no effect" for the dammage i do....well i run far and hard.
2. Let the PC's try and sneak through the "white tape area" and then have a marshal( or npc) call out to them "you see a bunch of red dots appear. They see you! what do you do? run or Fight?" if the PC runs, nothing happens, If they fight, call out "you are Webbed with Fear and Silinced with panic you can not move for Ten mins no resist" then do what i have suggested in the first part.

Now the sleeping thing.
Again i must state that i completly understood what sort of feeling Plot was trying to do on friday night, however, no one could have guessed how cold it was going to be out there. When i woke up saterday morning, i checked the recorded temp out side and it dropped to -10. Most of the time you think nothing of it. But at night, after fighting for almost 4 hours, -10 gets pretty cold. And sleeping on a cement floor in the Tavern dosent help. Being forced to sleep on the floor in the Tavern dosent help either. Add on the doors being opened and closed for 4 hours while the monsters attack. It makes for a big pile of COLD. as well as not being able to start a fire for fear of constant attack. Lets just say that when Dayna found out he was sleeping in the Tavern after he turned the heater up in the cabin he was issued was a bit of a kick in the pants. Now, I do want to appoligize to Cory for How i brought my concern up to him. I have no excuse for the tone i was using nore the stubborn ness that i presented. However, because of my selfish needs, i was addimant that i was going to sleep in my Cabin, and i Did sleep in my cabin. So because this was an issue for me I have come up with a few alternitives to this situation that could be considered if this situtation were to come up again.
1. Ask the PC's in attendance if any of them would like to sleep in a Cabin instead of the Tavern. Instuct them that they cant touch anything in thier cabin other then the clothes they were wearing at night and must bring everything back that they took in the morning. This "writes" them out for the night but still gives them a choice to partake in the full story.
2. Put all who choose to go, in to one or two cabins not being used, and let them sleep thier, with a heater. this keeps them out of thier cabin but still in story.
3. Ask the PC what the reason thier Character is not in the Tavern all night. (This is the one I used in the mornin) ie: "Well I was pattroling around all night and keeping watch over the sleepers, which is why no one was attacked or killed at night"
All of these options would give any body the comfort of sleeping in the cabin they rented and keeping in line with the story. I do have to say that my inability to stay warm friday night contibuted to my catching of the cold.

Honestly, Saterday was A blast! though a slight chill was on the wind it was not enough to ruin the day. I had so much fun in the Escalating Cabin raids, And I really liked how the monsters got tougher as a part went out more times. All the NPCs did a great job coming up with funny things that were going on in the Cabins And the door puzzles were challanging enough that it took time to get done (some were hard enough that we skipped a cabin to try another puzzle) All in all a great day.
Vampire birds, goblins, and Gnolls Oh my! Too much was happening on saterday to get all down (and my head was not really in the game due to the cold in side of it) but i know i had fun! and thats what mattered.

The point in which we all went down to the field and descovered Az'Cains staff in the ground was awesome! it not only answered questions but added a little bit more to the last events story. And the plastic hands and feet were fantastic as was the body of the boy in cabin 7. ;) great job. :thumbsup:

Saterday nights encounters were a blast as well. III getting bit was wonderful, and personaly i had fun dealing with the Biata. The fact that some people were offended by that was even better, and when Fredick approched me sunday morning and informed me that people wanted to bring me up on charges of "conspiricy to commit necromancy was a hoot! It played in to plans perfectly. :D :twisted:

Sunday was a bit of a rough day for me, as most could tell. The cold was taking its toll on me, and every one could see. I did my best to try and keep hydrated and was conserving my energy for the biata encounter and for monday as well. I have to say it was Fantasitcly Awesome to sit by Cabin 9 with lisa and watch the Gnoll fiht behind the Cabins and then to see Jeff Chasing after III and (forgive me but i cant remember his name, the "new guy") and handing off my sword as Jordan yells " I NEED A WEAPON!!". I was lauging so hard it hurt! :lol:

The day, all and all was ok. As i tryed to keep my self out of combat, i did get a little tired of walking around and talking to people. That was my own choice though and i take the blame for that discision. On top of that the Wasps were a really annoyance and started to irratate me. but all in all it was a good day, much was learned and much was won.

I did enhoy going with the group down to get the "flower ring" box. The fact that illsa was there made it very very tempting to pick up the flowers to give to her. It was also sheer luck, and a failure on the players and marshalls part to remember not to move traps, that saved every one but Hammish from getting amnisesad when I grabbed the trap box. That would have been fun to play out though.

And now the sad part of the day. So every one knows, yes, Aengus pulled a Black stone on his res. It was fate at her best. I thought it was kinda funny that both Rory and Brooke failed to ask the right questions to find out what was wrong, and the look on Brookes face when she game me a potion and i said "no effect", only 9 secs after i bleed out, was pretty funny. Now, rory did the right thing by bringing me to the circle and getting the stone bag ready, however, by my count i still had 45 secs left in my death count when Mark showed up to offer the services of another to get me back. But I had all ready pulled the stone and it was witnessed by the marshall, there was no chance. So as a lesson, when you bleed out keep counting, and dont reach into the bag untill you are done your count, this could save your life! :nerd:
I was disapointed that it happened, and I was a little sad, as there was soooooooooooo much i wanted to do. But thats life. The funeral was awesome and you all played it fantasicly.

Now, for something completely diffrent! I did have a bit of concern about the Tablet fight on sunday night. As a PC fighting monsters I know what its like to fight a monster like the one I played. I will say that I did get a little excited runnning around and hitting people for 6 body, but i did try and pull my hits as much as I could, with out looking like i was targeting anyone and not targeting anyone. It gave me great joy to see the looks on Rory's, Mike's and Aaron's face when I would " owwww, Mage! Ha ha ha!!" and watch them run! but i can agree with some of the complaints about that fight in perticluar. I can say that I now have better knowledge of monstering and will self regualte my monster abillitys when and if needed.

Monday was rough day for me, as i was both dead and sick (though it made for a great reason to play a sick begger skooting through town. however, not taking part in the last battle of the weekend was really hard on me. There were plans for many and much RP oppertunitys and they were cut short, just as Aengus was. :p But I did enjoy watching the fight. You all Did a wonderful job beating back the Baddies, and Baddies you did a Fantasic job keeping the PC's on thier toes.

Great work every one.
The weekend was... Great!

Some semi random thought as I recall them,

We were missing a few folks. I am not sure if it was the family nature of the long weekend, the higher cost, or just missed rides. The missing we're missed, and the RP was a little lighter and thinner without them.

New folks were great! Both the new PC's and the new NPC's. All were outstanding!

In fact the NPC's as a group were ... OMG ( Oh my Golly )!

"Mr. Candice" (grin) was amazing with the gleam in his eye and the focus he had at every encounter!

Ab was a freakin dynamo! I was exhausted just watching him! He is the popcorn Master. Period.

Shawna was a marvel! Being our lead Marshall and usually our only Marshall. Wow.

Angus died?! No! We need characters that press the edges and he certainly did that. I can only hope the next character for Dayna is as strong and memorable. Getting to investigate with the Magistrate was great fun? Even if my mate was number two of three among the suspects!

Camping in the tavern on Friday night was fine with me. I got to snuggle with Brooke which is not an option in bunk beds. (Grin) Frankly I thought it might have been an issue for more folks. It may have been part of why the RP was thinner. It was spread thinner without the down time/cabin time/recharge time.

Thank you Hamish and Möbius for setting up some long term plans for reagent gathering and the town guard. Very nice!

Already looking forward to more!

I am terribly new at Event Reviews.. since I rarely take part, I may not be able to remember much..

The game was overall very successful, there were minor issues and some annoyances but so does everything worth doing.

I liked the atmosphere of taking back Parson's Breach... it was exciting and dynamic.. I found immersion to be paramount in this situation.. however I don't know if it should have been (At least not without warning maybe a week before). I know there was limited time for this weekend and it was hard.. I was more then willing to stay in the Inn overnight... I like the atmosphere, and I don't mind roughing it, but I don't know if I felt comfortable doing that to other people.. I felt a handful of these people should have been allowed maybe a single cabin to stay in.. if we needed to Roleplay it, granted we could have. Some people use the term of feeling "Railroaded" into real life discomfort for the sake of immersion.. I don't think anyone should feel entirely without options.. Just stuff to take note of..

Getting back into the swing of leading people wasn't a cup of tea, and I hope that my orders didn't seem too harsh at times. I got frustrated on the Friday trying to herd people into the entrance of the Inn so I could seal us away from the Undead.. but SOMEONE had to get pinned... :)

As much as I may have complained about someone robbing my Cabin, after doing IC stuff to find out everything... I am glad to know it was a misunderstanding, but even more happy to let the story keep running..

I liked the continuation of previous NPCs and their interaction within the town such as the townies... and the Faerie Peach Cobbler Idontknow... I like when our actions feel like they meant something rather then lost to the nether in dungeon crawls..

One of the MAJOR Issues I have as Magistrate, is my overwealming desire to help ensure the best experience for my towns folk as well. I know it sounds a little off to say that but... very very very often I find myself not sure weither something is modular or if it's "Let's go as a horde." Due to monster strength being so variable, I don't like to think of level 1-3 getting slaughtered outright for going in against level 8+ monsters... the same is true with us higher level people not wanting to take away lower level monsters from low level players... I know the game probably already accounts for this in logistics.. but honestly when I got people asking me who I want to assign to do what... it really starts to become my issue when I send people enmass to something meant for a small group... or send a small low level group to an enmass overpowered (For them) situation... not that it happened but I just hope to know how to get some clairification on who should go to what sometimes..

I have always gotten the food plans and have yet to be disappointed, thank you.

I loved the detail of props in game, and even kept a piece from destruction...

When we had the funeral of Aengus, I found it to be a very poignant ceremony full of crocodile tears and promises that will likely never be kept... hehe.. it was a fantastic scene for our first true death... sadly it likely will not be our last... WRITE THOSE WILLS people...

A part of the game that made me a little cranky was, right after Supper was dusk, a time period required of a quest Parson's Breach was on. I am very familiar with fudging stuff for the sake of out of game stuff... but I have heard tell of sometimes NPC's waiting long periods of times for players who were supposed to react and didn't.. I wish there was an easy way to avoid this issue entirely. Something contacting you for time specific situations, "The Archmage will send a Golden Bird to go the mountains once you have collected the 5 pieces of Elementals, so that the ritual can be complete" would have probably done better, then rushing at the end of supper after the suns already set hoping that "Dusk" wasn't missed because you had to interrogate a bunch of people over a murder.. A lot of people make the comment "Without a Marshal nothing would happen" when honestly, how many times have we gone to scenes without Marshals to find one right at the end where the fighting will be... To trudge to the field without a marshal is very normal.. but when we got there and no one was there, and no marshal, we knew something was up, so we waited.. it was a great scene none the less, I guess I just get stressed on absolute timings.. "The puzzle said at 12:00 exactly do X... and its like 11:59!!! RUN TO IT... no Marshals here? OMG it's 12:00... now it's 12:15.... 12:25?!... Everything gets set up almost instantly and it's 12:30 but "Magically" we are arrived at 11:57... giving us time to fight the monsters and just in time complete the mission..." I dunno if I can get my point across enough on this hangup of mine...

I liked that there were options for doing the "Evil road".... Vampires and Necromantic Fae offering much to those who want to be loyal servents... that fills me with joy...

Anyways I think I covered quite a lot of points here... maybe too many... but I enjoyed the game.. hope everyone who came did too...
@ Aaron:
if we have a mod set up that is limited in scope (as in only X number of players can go) our "hook" will somehow let the PCs know. And yes, we do scale encounters for PCs. As an example, during the Cabin raids I had a radio as well as Shauna. She would tell me which group was coming down and we could shuffle our handful of undead around to ensure that we had a good mix and were not over-powered. We had around 9-10 monster cards set up and could pick and choose as needed.
high points:

I have too say talking with the vampires underlings by the fire on saturday night was quite fun. There where many other moments i absolutely loved partly for how i got too be in my characters head. Yelling at brunor too back off when he attacked the silk worm. several brilliant interactions with dakken and joe. the general cohesion of our battle line. the puppies insistence that i was in some form of heat XD. having the female of the biata couple (sorry i keep forgetting which of you too is which million sorrys and pounds of fudge) insisting that mar make a move towards ilsa as i insisted it wouldn't be right too do so over his cooling corpse XD. though of course a big highlight was aquiring my book and reading it only too realise i most definitely shouldn't talk about it near brunor. it was a very in character in mars emotions weekend for me.

I have too mention this partly in applause of our constant marshal running herself ragged. After i returned from the personal story module too the kitchen too help finish the dishes shauna comes running in going "don't read that your not supposed too have that yet it doesn't exist" and me going "but i just got back from aquiring it" the look on her face as she went "oh well ok then sorry i thought they forgot it" it was a fun little interaction.
I had another great time out other than my hurting my back and shoulder and having to miss the battle monday morning :(. One thing we should all try and do better is not doing head shots but with pratice it'll go away :).