October Favorites


Thanks for a great time everyone, the plot line was certaintly inspired! (snickers at his pun).

Some favorite moments of mine.

1.) Talking with Foss, looking forward to hopefully working with some of the awesome, young new adventurers.
2.) Ritual casting - two packs of rituals, always a good source of RP, alas now my pile of scrolls is gone and I must start anew.
3.) Death pile by ignohex, four dead bodies all in a row, I got the first 3, glad someone else grabbed the fourth ^.^.
4.) Rhys and her random leaf obsession, I still have no idea why she decided the barrister needed decorating, similarly the leaf pile shenanagins, such fun could only be interrupted by important, loot related, business.
5.) Making new contact with merchants, hopefully paying more up front pays off.
6.) Ignohex costume, has to be mentioned!
7.) Maze mod, it took awhile but was a neat concept indeed!
8.) Getting a spellstrike life from Tarque with our fancy new weapon.
9.) Passing out most of my low level healing saturday morning, in one of my spell stores to have it returned empty.
Great time thank you to all,

in no particular order,
-the brainstorming for rat, bat, spider solutions- I agree with Thud giants rats are win cause they are tasty with different cuts of meat
-sharing ale with the familia Roy and Hilda
-the refit now! argument with Foss during horse lord raid
-Pandora teaching me a circle of magic during a raid on the tavern
-I had a blast Npcing the labrinythe mod in general but must mention favorite moment from each group
-Eldarions magic storm
-also must mention the restful stump of Npcness
-the Tandron rear guard of protection aura in the choke point
-Eve defending the maw room from respawns while everyone else dealt with the queen. She worked really hard,
-really enjoyed everything after dinner but must mention the costume for Igneo, and the dead pile. With one complaint someone lifed my pillow :(
-Finally cow mod as it was everything a sunday morning mod should be
I had an AWESOME time! Thank you to Paul, Thomas, and all the NPC's!!!

- Blowing up elemental nodes Friday night while hiding behind my flame batteries :)
- The CAVE MOD during the day on Sat! I really enjoyed the string maze, it really felt like we were in a cave versus walking down a path in the forest. I liked being able to dig into the nooks and crannies. It was one of my favorite mods of the year hands down!!! There were a lot of favorites there, too many to list them all!
- Negotiating with intelligent NPC monsters, and then re-encountering said NPC in his home plane later that evening with both of us honoring the same deal we struck! Thank you to the NPC that RP'ed along with me, it really added a lot to my weekend! Who says you need to beat down everything you come across! :twisted:
- It was awesome getting time to shine as a battle c-caster!
- Backpacking da golem, I soooo want one now!
- Its 4am, two dark elves walk up to the C-Guild, one's in a golem, guess who is getting what they want. :D
- HUGE Props to the props for the Igneo Hex fight, that thing was awesome! It added a lot to the atmosphere as you could see this giant thing walking around killing everyone.
- Rhys and the leaves :)
- Asking where the Barrister was only to see a big pile of leaves moving; there was a good 18-24" of leaves I had to dig through to even find part of him.
- Witnessing Enan's rituals, good job man! You are setting a high bar for RP quality! :)
- Stone bolting the gypsy after he insulted me, watching him drop and walking away; it just felt good :twisted:
- "Being on vacation" and then "not vacation" and then "vacation time again". :)
I had a great time this weekend. Thank you NPCs for all the hard work you put in to keep us entertained. My favorites include.

- Adventuring with Tad Ron, Chris you rock.
- ' Human Trafficking' for Calin
- Watching dark elves loose their cool :yummy:
- Having the Horse Lord taunt me about Tad going missing, and all the while thinking, " He is in a circle and fine, I hope" :zonks:
- Distracting the bugs with candy, who knew that would work!
- The maze mod was fun.
- Beating on the Butcher and watching Enan open up on him, like wise opening up when Tad when down and, "Don't F with my HUSBAND!"
- All things Haley, sorry that I made her cry :tears:
- The costume looked great.
- The dead body pile, there should not have been that much laughing for all the death.
- When will people ever learn? Never run out of the tavern after the taunting bad guys :grrr:
- Traveling with Dark Elfs, and seeing one called a dog priceless.
- Soup Kitchen Mod and All Cherry Pie.
- Eve, screaming at Liddia, " You can't do that you will kill us ALL!"
- Conversations with Kat and Foss, I see great things for you two.

Awesome event, folks! Here are some favorites, in no particular order:
~ Having Dariel reappear (sorry Rob wasn't there to reprise, though), and hoping he would voice control me, or something. But Dariel apparently forget I "accepted" whatever deal he offered while I was in the belly of his pet Ice Hydra in July. ;) At least I got to successfully KB him. One more evil creature checked off my "Gandian Owes a Debt To" list.
~ Knocking Dariel down with a single wand charge for 2 damage, after people had been struggling against him for a long time. :P
~ Using my LCO flame-catcher to be Dure'dhel's meat shield against the magma node. It's not every day that you get to repeatedly touchcast Dragon's Breaths on yourself: "Absorbed! Activate Dragon's Breath, don't accept."
~ Borrowing the +3 DA from Eldarion, especially with the awesome phys-rep, and lending my +1 to Eve.
~ Insect Cavern mod! The string passages were a cool mechanic, and the ending big bug battle with Eldarion's extensive magic storm was amazing.
~ "What would Apatow be like if you gave him a Gift of Life ritual?" ......eww.
~ Eldarion: ".......and then there were four." Good times.
~ Spending a lot of thought and effort preparing for my Crook Ear duel, then me meeting up with Crook Ear and rescheduling it for later, since both of us were skill-tapped.
~ "What's your name, little girl?" (Pause) "Talitha, no, Tondra, no--" "You just cycling though names of SoMN PCs who aren't here?" ;)
~ Dure'dhel swinging that red/black two-hander sword. :funny:
~ IgneoHex outfit! Scary NPCs should look scary, and IgneoHex was awesomely phys-repped! Thanks to whoever made that stuff!
~ Whole IgneoHex battle, especially creeping around holding puzzle pieces with Tadron + Eldarion, then Enan + Eldarion.
~ The funny looks from people I got when I attempted to activate my item to create some form of epic potion every time I drank from my goblet. "Man, it didn't work again... must've said the incant wrong."
~ Being so tired after the IgneoHex fight that I didn't care about the ritual scroll/MI auction afterwards. For those of you who know me, you know that's rare.

Probably more, but that's just what immediately comes to mind.
I certainly had a very good time this weekend! Happily my swords (that went through checked luggage) didn't get lost on the way out, unlike on the way back... :wacko:

Particular favorites.
- Getting backpacked by Eldandril/every other celestial caster in town who healed me with wand charges.
- Butcher fight, whoa that was intense and probably one of the most exhausting 10-15 minute running battles that I have fought.
- Bug mod and the longest magic storm I think I have every cast! We totally nickle and dimmed that queen all the way down, but I don't think we could have really managed it any other way.
- Throwing down with Igneo Hex, and again getting backpacked by Eldandril while that was happening. Totally worth it since it gave Thud an opening to land all his 90 ice slays and both him and Tadron an opening to pound on the monster for damage... :thumbsup:
- Cool 'connect the dots' RP chance to talk to Tadron about all the different teams/characters we know
- Surviving the throw down with Igneo Hex...
- Getting to watch DaveG rit cast was very fun. Although I'm sad to have missed the opening 'thing' Friday night I'm glad to have helped out getting a very cool new sword crafted
- Dark Elf RP with Durh'del. Its been seriously like 4 years since I played my first event ever with this character and Durh'del was there... Now the Apprentice has become the Master... :P Seriously tho, tons of fun playing with you Ryan

Seeing so many of my mid-west friends is fantastic! And I'm sure its going to keep me flying out again and again as my schedule allows it. Let me know if you are/can come out to any EC events! I'm sure you'd have a great time. :)

See anyone who is going to SoMN in November, but this time I'll be playing from the plot side... :twisted:
Pokethulu said:
- Beating on the Butcher and watching Enan open up on him,

This is a vicious unsubstantiated lie! Anyone who knows the barrister knows he would never do such a thing...
Where to begin,

Igneohex costume, scary as hell.
Running around the plane with Enan, Thud, and Pandora looking at pieces of the puzzle.
Myself and Cord fighting the giant slug all by ourselves untill that undead jerk dropped us with chaos.
Gambling with Lifestorm.
Bee mod, its good to see giant bees killing themselves.
Seeing a giant bear mauling a man.
Standing next to the dwarf with the large magical hammer when he says "Should we just run away."
Rhys, Enan, and Tarque in the leaves. So cute.
"Don't look a panda in the eyes, they go rabid"
Cows and the amount of steak we left in the fields.

But my absolute favorite moment of the entire season.

Foss: "Rhys, show Dure'dhel how we killing blow bees."
Rhys then Jazz hands, and stomps on the bee.
Enan: "Foss, I think you just taught Rhys her first trick"
I couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes.

Thanks, for a great season guys, see you next year.
I had tons of fun at this event. Some highlights in no particular order:

Soup kitchen mod!
Foss kbing a bandit with his barehands.
Scouting with Thud during the Igneohex mod
The puzzle during the Igneohex mod and orchestrating its solution
Insulting Dure'dhel not once, but twice in order to purify him with Thud's dagger
Being stonebolted by Dure'dhel the second time I insulted him
Being unexpectedly lifed by Dure'dhel after I insulted him
Using all the charges of Enan's life item both days and nearly messing up the incant every single time
Running up to the Cow king shouting, "MOOOOOOO!!! Pay attention to me!"
Loaning out Davion's sword and seeing it in someone else's hands everytime I saw it

Maybe more to come if I remember more
airkshil said:
Insulting Dure'dhel not once, but twice in order to purify him with Thud's dagger
Being stonebolted by Dure'dhel the second time I insulted him

This sounded hilariously amazing... wish I could have seen it... :P
Of course the event was awesome! Now to my favs.

  • Everything Rhys and leaves related.
  • Stupid Slugs...
  • Getting to be rezzed by Kelan and Bart.
  • Magma Node goodness
  • "Eve you're a healer right?" "Yeah but more like a micro healer."
  • The bee mod.
  • The proper way to KB a bee. (Jazz hands and a stomp.)
  • Grumpus!
  • Grandma!
  • LRC with well the group 3 of the maze mod and Kane. (Darn you Tets!!)
  • Foss "I'm not entirely sure how I ended up in this group..."
  • 4th wall being broken. (Was I the only one who was slap happy at this point?)
  • Best use of a pin spell involving a pile of leaves! (Sorry Tarqaq.)
  • Guarding the rear in the maze mod and holding it as Rob (wedge) kept crunchying in the doorway. And the epic Tumbles that came with it.
  • Pile O' Death in the Igniohex battle. (What was the high number 8?)
  • Actually using my darn reflect item.
  • Sanctuary sheilding against undead. (I love doing this!)

Seriously was a great weekend everyone! Can't wait for next season!

Everything Bee related (I loved the "sting" mechanic!)
Being able to play with almost my full group.
Leaf Pile!
Fighting the Butcher
So many shields to hide behind!
Classiest Killing Blow ever *Jazz hands* (... and the look on Dure'dhel's face when I killed his sleeping bee)
Super comfy death counts in the Igneohex battle
Sneaking around outside during the Horse Lord Battle to check on how TadRon was doing
Igneohex costume!!!!!!!!!!
Was fun getting a perspective from a PC standpoint. I had a list but it didn't post, so here I go again!

-Asher blank staring up at the sky, the roof, everything during downtime and being called out on it by Kord each time. It's a Dryad thing, they mimic trees.
- IgneoHex costume. Now that's a perfect way to creep people out.
- IgneoHex dead body pile.
- The Maze mod and using candy near the end to distract the bugs. I had gone through about 30 pots that mod + filled some during it and by the half way point ran out. Thanks for rolling with Kord's candy idea Thomas.
- My unconscious glare of vile hatred at Dan L after getting silenced by him during the Horselord fight. It's the corrupt battle all over again.
- Panda/Gandian/Asher hanging around the tavern Sat morning because we seemed to miss the mod hooks. Good times.
- Hold calls that look a lot worse than they are, and turn out just being hilarious (Stephen + Nathan and Paige + me). Glad no one was hurt.
-Jazz hands Rhys
- Every mod I went on with Foss and Kord they'd make references to wanting cherry pie, and looking forward to cherry pie...as though hinting at something to me... ...
-Cow Level mod. Mooing at the cow to save Elle...and being all alone when I did.
Darkcrescent said:
-Cow Level mod. Mooing at the cow to save Elle...and being all alone when I did.

Hey, I was there too
airkshil said:
Darkcrescent said:
-Cow Level mod. Mooing at the cow to save Elle...and being all alone when I did.

Hey, I was there too

I meant when she ran down the long road, and everyone else was still back at the cabins. I didn't have any spells and my armor wasn't refitted yet. :(

Another moment I wished I had CO: Veterinarian. I'll have it by spring...