Whew... What an awesome event!
NPC's and Staff, thank you so much for all of the effort and love that you guys put into this event, it really made it a very special experience for me.
Sunday morning hallucinations. I don't think this is an encounter I will ever forget. There are no words to properly express how awesome, hilarious and fun this was. Thank you guys so much!
Kitchen Staff - The food was once again amazing. You folks have been doing a wonderful job exceeding expectations and keeping everyone fueled.
Tyson - All weekend from the Berzerker Face (which will haunt my character forever), to the every-elemental, to locking down logistics you sir are great!
Emily & Dave - All of the hard work, plot and RP with you guys and your NPC's is great. I'm happy to hear you're having as much fun with it as I am!
Tom - It's great to have another Barran Wild Elf around, even better that it's a scorpion. I thought your character was an awesome example of what I thought the scorpion were like and its great to see that side of the Barran elves represented.
All the wild elves. Wild elf cabin, wild elf hallucinations (With Kantil!) The camaraderie is awesome.
Mike Guarino - You killed it all weekend, I will forever be haunted by your knee-wings.
Donna - For all of the Fae-hating glares I seem to catch every time our PC's run into one another.
Bad touch goblins. From banana feedings to hitting on everything that was green or shiny. Good Times.
Fae party, I think other things that I loved encompassed this, but the dinner party to the stacking effects that we had when we were dropped off in the inn. Fantastic!
Attempting to try and work my way into the first nightmare mod by myself. I kept getting scolded once other people finally showed up for not being able to resist the fears. I think I got hit with 10-12 over the course of that encounter.
Also on that mod, the crawl space that was setup was a cool idea!
The maze setup on the tennis court. That was a great use of space, I wish I got to go on more than one mod in there.
All of the NPC's who were dead or white-headbanded that wandered by and whispered weird **** in my ears over the course of the weekend. Having that happen periodically makes it so much easier to stay in character.
Brander and Grub. Lots of good times. Meat was thrown, jokes were made.
The return of Kantil. Dorian wasn't there to see it, but I'm glad I was!
Getting invested in the celestial circle. That was a lot of fun, a cool first for me as a player.
Undead Cats and Dogs. I did a lot of yelling. Also a lot of trying to get them to fetch booze.
Cole's Chaos elemental.
Collin - Alexei, Chaos Elemental, generally terrifying bad-guy #5.
So much awesome from this event. Each and every PC/NPC there made the weekend better, this was an event where it was hard to stop smiling.