Of concern for Marcena

Rezzik (NWC)

Traverse City Staff

It has come to my attention that the gypsy curse you placed upon me could possibly hinder me from protecting you as well as I would otherwise be able to do. I would hate to see yourself come to harm just because you felt like you honor has been slighted. Perhaps it would be best to swallow your honor, remove the curse and not put you and your gypsy kin at risk. I will do my best to see that you are not harmed during the next faire, but if my curse prevents me from doing so then I have to remove all liability your detriment may bring upon me.
I may be new to this realm but I'm pretty sure using someone else's money is against the law or at least dishonorable.
I say let the curse stay! Now is not being able to hold or see coin going to stop you from protecting someone!?

As always,
Le'Serras Moondown of Esronnel, Banking entrepreneur
Master Moonshadow,

If you speak of Rezzik's use of his Guildmaster's purse during the dinner, allow me to set aright what may be a misconception. Rezzik is a known and respected member of adventuring society and furthermore a close friend of Lord Tadron. That guildmates feel empowered to call upon each others purse freely in times of need, or simply to play a slight prank, as has come to be expected of the House of Games, upon ones members is a matter of course. In addition, Rezzik is a respected and cherished member of our adventuring culture and though I have never been so lucky as to stand aside him in battle I know he stands, at least partly if not in majority, in my estimation as a long time protector of a dear friend, without his interactions would I have never met. I thus would gladly help him settle accounts if I were able to.

If of course you speak of another matter then I withdraw my words to you and only leave you with a kernel of wisdom gleaned from several years of watching adventurers craftier than myself. If Rezzik says he perceives a potential problem then there truly may be one, even against all logic, safety should seldom be forsaken to the machinations of ones perceived honor.


Well in my experiences, Gypsies are fun and temperamental peoples, like a child. I also know, that threatening such gypsies seems to make it harder to undo the curse. However, the best way to get a gypsies to undo a curse is simply, intoxicate them and have a party.

Hope this helps.
You dare threaten my kin, Rezzik? That is nye a smart thing to do at all. If you have a brain in your head, you shall better explain just how my tempering your greed will put me or my kin in harms way. I offered to remove it once speaking with Tadron, and I have done that and was going to act upon my offer as soon as I found you, but it appears that the curse needs to stay right where it is until you do explain. My brothers have seen your dream before me and are quite....concerned, shall we say. You of all people should know what comes of threats to ones family.

I know Rezzik is friend to many. I like him well enough. This does nye change the fact that he just now threatened me and my familia.

Like children, V? Really?

Fortune Nye Forget You,

~Captain Ambassador Marcena
More Than Just Slighted Romani of Clan Dagon
Your curse was placed based on false information. The gold was neither Tad's nor Rezzik's. From wence the gold came did not owe you in the slightest. Given Rezzik's actions, I do not blame your misconceptions, however, misconceptions they were.

Furthermore, the curse is far more of a hinderance to his companions than to him.

It may behoove you to know, the vast majority of gold spent by the HoG at the auction came from your kin. We are not pleased that we buying presents was cause of a curse.

Far be it from me to hinder someone else depending on him. It has gone past that now though. Now that Rezzik presumes to threaten me and mine on an open forum.
I'll remove the curse dhat I promised to remove once speaking to Tadron.

*sigh* I need to speak wit' mi papa...
So... a curse put on somone for a misconception, said individual is obviously concerned for the well being of the one who carelessly cursed him to begin with. Now said misconseptionest, is angry for the only reason I can see, yet another misconception.

Anique said:
Your curse was placed based on false information. The gold was neither Tad's nor Rezzik's. From wence the gold came did not owe you in the slightest. Given Rezzik's actions, I do not blame your misconceptions, however, misconceptions they were.

Furthermore, the curse is far more of a hinderance to his companions than to him.

It may behoove you to know, the vast majority of gold spent by the HoG at the auction came from your kin. We are not pleased that we buying presents was cause of a curse.


My sister Ahalana is correct cousin, my gold vas also used to purchase a gift for my guildmates. So my question is dis: Vhat case of honor for de family vas dis curse cast upon Rezzik in de first place? I only ask this, because a curse should not be cast lightly. Curses are de legacy of de Romani people and must only be cast vhen de gravest of insults are cast upon our people. I vould ask dat you send me a private message in regards to dis. If I feel dat your justification varrents de curse being cast at Rezzik in the defense of our families honor, den I vill defend your actions to my death breath (even against my own guild mates). But if I find your justification lacking, den I vould ask dat you remove dis curse immediately. Least our people be considered in an unsavory light.

Since de Gold came not from your purse, and it did come from de purses of both Romani and Romani common interest, and those Romani see no problem with it being used, I do not see vhy de Curse must continue.

As far as Rezzik's Veiled Threats, dat is Rezzik's way of handling things. If you feel threatened, it may be dat he feels that de Curse you cast is unwarrented. So de veiled threats are in direct response to your curse my cousin. I hope that dis can misunderstanding can be resolved, one vay or de other.

I await your message,

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia-Moore
*coughs and takes a step back from everyone before the curses start flying*
Yes Marcena.

As much as I can a child of the forest, you are a child of the joyful spirits, as are all romani. Either way, we both enjoy fun. Or it could be my experiences are limited. Are romani not like children? I am sorry if this upsets you, I consider it a honor to be youthful, free minded, always learning, and doing what one wants. This is what a vast majority of our people are called.

As it happens, I do fear for Marcena's well being on this upcoming faire. In her eyes her honor was slighted, but I must wonder how important this honor is in the grand scheme? Is the defense of a slight worth the possibility of walking through the rez circle? Things could go badly if the curse she placed upon me prohibits me from assisting her in a time of need. Just because she can't think of how this may come to light, doesn't mean that I am unable to do so. Cursing me is not a wise course of action. I have a gut instinct that is telling me that those who live by the curse, may indeed die by those exact curses. I was just being sporting and allowing a young, naieve, gypsy strumpet to rectify her ways before it brought some unfortunate ill upon her. Eh, what can I do if someone wishes to careen down a path that will be detrimental to themselves. Normally I could assist, but it seems a curse has tied my hands.....
"Noble Women's Companion???" Should I ask?

Well Bob, I am a noble woman in a way. So no worries.

Lady Elle
Young Mistress Elle,

It is the "WomEn's" part that has me confused.

Master Blacksmith Bob,

It is the title of one of his newest trinkets. The Noble Women's Companion, and Rezzik of course is the companion of a noble woman. So to him it makes sense.

Lady Elle Zanabanath