Of Thanks and New Beginnings...


Know that a new Accord will be lived by soon, know that old favors and debts are being cleansed, know that we still make right as we are able. To any with a debt owed to any of the three courts know it is now absolved. To any who are owed a debt by the three courts it is now absolved. To any who helped resolve the issues of Claude's Childre last year know I now by my choice pay you in a meagre way instead of simply absolving the debt.

At the market gather in July I grant you all the ability to rift to and from the locations you must deal with for the betterment of the kingdom and betterment of yourselves. My Summer Song: Foss will stay in my grove on that day and guide you where ever you need to be. Anywhere you wish to go you must tell him as soon as possible so that he may prepare the way. You must be as specific as possible as he cannot simply conjure you to where you want to be.

Furthermore for the remainder of summer I will grant him the ability to ferry groups in this way three more times.

Know that I thank you all for past service and look forward to new dealings with you all. Also you should thank My Summer Song for his acting as the focus in this as it will be taxing.

Seek me out for I am near if you wish, seek out my song birds, seek our my song...

Jovin Lord of Summer Song
