Offer Lights for Sale

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
My good people,

Traipsing around at night without a light is a bothersome experience for any adventurer, I'm sure. Jutting tree roots become your worse fear, and an inability to read scrolls and other things can make a night fight with any beast substantially more difficult.

As such, I will be offering my services as a celestial caster to manifest eldritch force into lights at the next gatherings, for a small fee (OOG: This offer includes a Light phys rep). If you provide a Light scroll for me to cast, the cost is reduced, though I can provide a scroll for you if you do not have any in your possession.

My offer is as follows:
~ Small Light, Scroll Provided by Buyer: 1 Silver
~ Small Light, Scroll Not Provided by Buyer: 2 Silver
~ Medium Light, Scroll Provided by Buyer: 2 Silver
~ Medium Light, Scroll Not Provided by Buyer: 3 SIlver
~ Large Light, Scroll Provided by Buyer: 4 Silver
~ Large Light, Scroll Not Provided by Buyer: 6 SIlver

The small lights are about 4" long, the medium are about 6", and the Large are a tad over a foot long. Colors of the lights vary. My ability to pull eldritch force from the stars above me is not unlimited, so this offer is on a "first come, first serve" basis. I sincerely apologize to tribesmen and biata, for these manifestations are highly celestial magic, but that is just the nature of the light spell and it can't be helped.

I hope I find you all well,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft