Official Sanctionings

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
To the Good People of Valdanis,

The following is a complete list of all the guilds and organizations that have been officially sanctioned by the crown. They will be listed in the following format:


Blacksmith's Guild
Blacksmith/Merchant Guild
Guildmaster Lord Bob the Blacksmith

Horn's End Alchemist Research and Training, H.E.A.R.T.
Alchemist Guild
Guildmistress Lady Celeste

Keeper's of the Horn
Healer's Guild
Guildmistress Lady Gwen Sudicar
(Horn's End branch)

Order of the Celestial Star
Celestial Mage's Guild
Guildmaster Lineaus
(Horn's End branch)

Central Mercantile Exchange, C.M.E.
Merchant Guild
Guildmaster Baley Forge

Guild of the Traveling Book
Entertainment Guild/Bardic Association
Guildmaster Maxwell Moore

This listing will be updated as more guilds are recognized.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper
This is a complete list of those organizations that have been officially approved. If you believe there to be an error perhaps you can submit a list of those organizations to me and I will inform you of the status of each.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper
Miss Seandeanta,

Here is a short list of some rather obvious names. I beleive a good faith attempt has been made by these organizations to cooperate with the bureacracy in these matters from each of these organizations:

House of Games
Brotherhood of Lifestorm
Horns End College of Magics

Not only are these organizations well known throughout the kingdom and originally formed in Horn's End but I count not less than 6 Lords, Ladies, and Councillors to Our Good King within these organizations. These 3 organizations have not limited knowledge as to their purpose and stand by their record of faithfull service to the populace of Valdanis.

Any matters needing resolution for bureacratic duress should, in complimentary good faith, be brought to us forthwith and given practical and judicious time to allow guilds to take standing along with the mass reaffirmation of guilds. To forgoe this courtesy places an undue burden upon these guilds to face constant reminder of initial failure to be sanctioned within Valdanis.

I await your responce shortly.


Lord Steward Wyldweaver

On Behald of Sir Knight Orthus
Lady Ambassador Elldandiril Zanabanath
Lord Steward Wyldweaver,

As Royal Bookkeeper I do not argue political banter, I simply state what is and what is not and at this time the affore mentioned guilds have not been officially sanctioned. The reasonings and wherefores are a matter of private interest between those such guilds and the Kingdom. I will simply report what is on the books.

I hope you soon find resolution for your perceived grievance, however I will not be pushed to conclude any official paperwork without due process.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper
Miss Seandeanta,

As Royal Bookeeper you must surely understand the intricacies mixed within your position. As both a servant to the King and kingdom you personally are charged not only with your duties, for which you should be awarded a great degree of respect but also with representing Their Majesties authority and honor in such capacity as your duties extand. Much as I, as a Lord Steward represent the stability and defence for Which our King and Queen stand you, Lady Bookeeper, represent the expediency, forthrightness, and stability of their kingdoms affairs in matters political, and financial. I daresay, your position, like mine and all others in this Kingdom, is by its very nature, highly politic however not without its own due respect.

I have no intention of bantering with you in a callow fashion, after all it would reflect poorly upon their majesties where we to do so but seek however to correct whatever errors were made in coveyance of proper paperwork to your persons while adressing your own perseived offence.

I do not perceive slight rather asking for redress to a consideration upon which it has been proven your discretion and authority are great. I must correct your incorrect calculations as to my motivations and ask indeed that you recall your accusations as they imply gravely as to my motivations and those I represent. In no way was I attempting to press you into a dissavantage or rash action unmeditated to cause calamity for our Kingdom. Rather, in asking that you swifly be at your task as master of our Kings Books and allow the Nobles of his Kingdom your full attention in completing these tasks such that these guilds, of obvious service to the Kingdom, be allowed to resume previous official service, neededly interupted for the time being due to important due beaurocratic process.

Your previous message indicated a desire to be informed of a list of the guild my person may have felt were omited in the current official guild rosters. I provided you with such statement at once, as your authority commands swift responce in matters public and officious. To draw a paralelle surely were this kingdom in a state of emergency I have all faith that your person would respond with judicious swiftness to any requests made upon you by those whose duty it is to deal with such in manny cases the very people of which we speak. Thus I was responding to your request as quickly as I could to redress a possible error commited not in malice but perhaps due to the egregious amounts of work due for completion that this overhaul has no doubt place upon you.

My statements in addition to the list was to lend credance and good faith to our desire to swiftly correct this issue in full cooperation with the requirements set henceforth by your person. As representative of two of these organizations I both give you my word of best intent to complete any requirements you have seen fit to make of these organization and ask as faithfull servant to their majesties to faithfull servant to the majesties for your aid in quickly redressing any issues which may have been found, however, as of now neither of these organizations has received word any missing requirements or issues within their charters.

Lastly, I pledge my support to you and your office to satisfactoraly find resolution to these issues which both expedite the process while still honoring the laws of our goverment. To suggest less is to suggest is to invite corruption.

Kind Regards,

Lord Steward Wyldweaver.
Yeah! Git wit da bookeepin', mang!
