Officially Sanctioned Oraganizations (updated 1/28/12)

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
To the Good People of Valdanis,

The following is a complete list of all the guilds and organizations that have been officially sanctioned by the crown. They will be listed in the following format:


Blacksmith's Guild
Blacksmith/Merchant Guild
Guildmaster Lord Bob

Horn's End Alchemist Research and Training, H.E.A.R.T.
Alchemist Guild
Guildmistress Lady Celeste

Keeper's of the Horn
Healer's Guild
Guildmistress Lady Gwen Sudicar
(Horn's End branch)

Order of the Celestial Star
Celestial Mage's Guild
Guildmaster Lineaus
(Horn's End branch)

Central Mercantile Exchange, C.M.E.
Merchant Guild
Guildmaster Lord Bob

Guild of the Traveling Book
Entertainment Guild/Bardic Association
Guildmaster Maxwell Moore

The Golden Griffins
Adventurers Guild
Guildmistress Lady Celeste

The House of Games
Adventurers Guild
Guildmaster Lord TadRon

Mercenary Guild
Guildmaster Falco

Aquatic Acquisition & Redistribution Specialists, A.A.R.S.
Shipping Service Guild
Guildmaster Yohon Two-Finger

The Bank
Financial Guild
Co-Guild Leaders- Guildmaster Yohon Two-Finger & Guildmaster Kneel Beforme

The Smokers Den
Patronage Guild
Run by a committee of guild elders
Guild Elder Kneel Beforme, Guild Elder Yohon Two-Finger, & Guild Elder Nameless

The Order of the Broken Bone
Fighters Guild & School
Co-Guild Leaders- Guildmaster Havok Earthstrider & Guildmaster Yohon Two-Finger

This listing will be updated as more guilds and organizations are recognized.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper