Old Man with cane


Public Relations Committee
Hi there! I'm Silp!

I hope everybody has been having a good enough winter! Mine's been cold and snowy, because winter is like that. I guess everybody's has been like that, though, since you live here, too. I just don't like it. At least it's a bit warmer in Ephraim than when I just wander around the woods.

Anyway, I'm looking for a couple people, and you guys usually know more people than I do so I thought I'd ask you!

First: Does anyone know about any Celestial Biatas that might be somewhere? I'm looking for a certain one, but I don't know which one, but I figure there can't be too many of them anyway since I think you guys told me it's bad for Biatas to do Celestial stuff. So yeah, if you know about any Celestial Biatas, you should let me know, 'cause they might be the one that has the thing I'm looking to get from them!

Second: Does anyone know about any old people with gray beards that walk around with a cane with a little dragon head on top? I'm looking for a certain one of those, too. I came across him not too long ago and he talked at me for like ten seconds before he just disappeared, and I want to see if I can talk to him for longer. Like, long enough for me to say hi, 'cause I didn't even get to do that before he was gone! He seemed nice, but it was sure spicious of him to just go away like that, so I figured I'd try to find him so maybe we could continue talking. I like talking to people!

So yeah, if you know any Celestial Biatas or old beardy people with funny canes, you should let me know!

~ Silp

I have some deep concerns about the man with the cane. Jehan described 'you know who' walking around in the real world he told him. "You are confused, you are lost, and you do not know who you are anymore. That can go away. There can be bliss even for you, if you let is come, no when you let it come."

Cyn is that what the old man said to you?

Lady FallingStar
Lady FallingStar and all,

I met this man too while on my ship in Ca Le Dorn. He ask if I " Truly, you wish for such a bliss to last forever?” And named him self my “Cook, Kassidy Zick" but the ship has no cook. He th offered "If you ever need any advice, or help, you know where to find me. I’ve helped many people remember, and I’ve even helped The Nine forget about Subject #8.”

I have also been made aware of two central baita One male and one female. Do other know of more? While I tust Silp I am concerned about replying in the open dreaming. He does get excited and may say to much if I tell him in a letter. Any thoughts?
~ Capitain Aramis Seablade
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I believe the man we have all seen is Kazzak.

He told me that Her grace Fairfax was happy I was with her but that happiness would not last forever., but he knew what would.

He was in Her Grace's private library and he was looking at a book call "Moose Handling for the Amateur Rider"

I believe it was his way of showing me not only who he is but also that he knows what we call him.

Her Grace Duchess Fairfax also saw the man in the Fairfax library, she assumed he was a friend of Foss because he told her that the squire would return to her by spring.

I have begun to take any necessary steps I know of to protect Her Grace, but if anyone can recommend anything besides Blissful Sleep and extra wards? I have a meeting with her Knight and I will be writing to Baron Davis.

I wish to take any steps I can to protect Her Grace and she is very concerned about her people.

Any help would be appreciated.

In Service,
This creature tracked me down in the Northlunds, at a tavern, and knew who I was. He made mention that he was the one behind Pasha Poot's liberation from the Tower, and offered me bliss, before he disappeared.
I am still traveling back from Ca La Dorn. And need to see how my shop if finishing up. Silp is looking to talk with Pasha Poot about getting back part of the essence of a great tree spirt that someone told him Pasha has. I have had suspicions the Pasha Poot is subject #8 for a while. But how would Zick know this as I have told very few.

~ Aramis
** The dream is short and that the dreamer is frustrated. **

I have the means to track Pasha Poot, and I would like to at this gather do so and get him to come with us, along with obtaining the cup and the shattered spirit. In this I would need all your help. I also have an idea on how to retrieve the names from the bandits and that will require 6-8. I would appreciate any and all help.

Lady FallingStar
My Lady Fallingstar, m

Who is Pasha Poot and how can he be of help? I have heard him
Mentioned but not much info. Also how can we recognize the cup you need and/or the spirit?

What is the plan for the bandits? Can I be if assistance with said plan?

In service.
Hello Cyn,

Pasha Poot is a male biata the can use celestial magic. This ablity may come from an artifact in the form of a cup. The cup if it is the one i need would be "forge of passion". While i do not know what it looks like i have a feeling i wil know it when i see it. He also possibly has part of the esscance/spirt of a great tree spirt.

Lady FallingStar,
I will be back in the area in the next few week and will lend you any aid I can offer as always.
Captain Aramis,

Do you know who the Nine are that he made forget Subject #8?

And what is Subject #8? Are we sure it is Poot?

In Service ,

"The Nine" are the ruleing body of my people in the Northlunds. However the title is misleading. It stands for 3 groups of 3. Those that Were,Those That Are and Those to Come. These that were are the Sun Elves that we came from. Those to Come are reseved for the first 3 to learn"True Magic" again. The 3 that are is Iago Pax and his appentices. All 3 are Dragon mages. These 3 are testing on Biata to find one that can use celestial magic as they are need to unlock true magic. It is my goal to beat them to this goal to stop their vile ways. But they memories had been alter i had learn resently and they do not remember who subkect #8 is.

I only suspect Pasha Poot is subject #8. But need to confirm this.
Zee old man made his sales pitch, a couple of people talked crap to "zee world ender" and we fought some nightmares. I attempted to recover some ectoplasm from him but was unable to.

I am guessing his plans are speeding up. We should set someone in charge of "Moose-Hunting" each market and ensuring we have all zee pieces in time.
