Oliver Songbringer - and the events of this past weekend


There was a situation this past weekend in Fairdale regarding a Charlatan who impersonated our beloved first Duke of Ashbury, Oliver Songbringer. Likely you will get a much better understanding of the situation through conversations and letters from others present. Recording what I know here would take longer than I have at present. The Pretender was a necromancer who emotionally tortured Dame Gwendolyn and attempted to defame the good name of Duke Oliver Songbringer. He was somehow able to use magic which brought him out of time - and it is the belief of those gathered that he permanently died many years ago and this was some sort of spectre, the last will and effort of a being which is long dead.

Being long dead, we are unable to meet out a punishment for his heinous crimes. He was a bard and as a bard, it would likely be his wish to have his name remembered be for good or ill as those types typically seek either fame or infamy above all else and care little for which it is. It is not our policy to revise history but here and now we choose to leave his name out. This man, this coward, this charlatan who sang with not his voice but the voice of Duke Songbringer, and showed not his face, but the face of another, will not have his face nor name remembered.

With the confirmation of his Grace Duke Frost I hereby sentence this Pretender to never have his name recorded publicly.

This information is held by the nobles and sages who were present, as well as by the Ashbury Sage's Guild, and the staff of the Ashbury Times, in case it becomes pertinent in the future. A Noble order will be required to obtain this informatin.

The gathered adventurers and nobles present brought me no protest when I pronounced this sentence. I request that you honor this noble decree here in the dreaming realm as well - and take care that your words here do not accidentally make his name public.

In Service
Sir Harrison Ryatt
Baron, Nordenn
Dear Baron,

Thank you.

Your Excellency,

I have no argument against this proclamation and whole heartedly support it. However, I do believe who, or what, ever this creature was merits further study. As the information will come out in the coming weeks, and as I will submit to the Ashbury Times myself, I am personally responsible for the events that transpired in the past few weeks in Fairdale and Trellheim where the imposter and his "Redmen" conducted their evil works. Though I had the support of the Royal Mages Guild, the Bardic College, and the Royal Archeological society, It was ultimately me who organized the excavation of the tomb of Linos and allowed the crypt to be opened which unleashed the impostor and his minions. Though we knew there were risks, no one involved in the project suspected what we might unleash. I have learned of the deaths of my fellow Ashbans who fought to free us from our captivity and the deaths of some of the archeologists and laborers on my team while I have been recovering in Fairdale and this news weighs heavily on my heart. I owe each of you an apology for what transpired... We just never suspected...

Still, as I have been pouring over the reports from other adventurers, I am learning disturbing things. Many of you fought 2 of the imposters powerful lieutenants.. The masked twins you call Comedy and Tragedy who so often cut and tortured us while laughing, weeping, and singing while we were chained to the dank walls of the caves beneath the crypt. . I know the names he called them, and the names of other living humans who served him in his bid for freedom from the crypt. A red wizard who reported back to the imposter often came to him with the names of our nobles, he claimed he has been inside our earth circle in Fairdale, and that he was able to backlash a ritual to show you false visions of the past.

Since learning this, I have looked into 2 things and found both very alarming.

1) I too can now alter my rituals in ways I have never been able to. I have been able to purposely manipulate my celestial magics to create items only usable by certain races, items that require less components than they normally do, and some of the magical writing on my ritual scrolls have changed. I do not know if this is because the presence of Songbringer's lute and the power of the spellsingers being used after almost a century of being extinct... or if it just another random flux in the fabric of magic, but I am already scheduling meetings with other area Guildmasters and my contacts in the royal guild to discuss the issue.

2) The servants of the impostor called themselves the Red Company, or Redmen for short. I had not heard that name before, but once I began looking back for references to them in history, I did find a few short passages mentioning them. They were a small troupe of performers who traveled the realm around the time the duchy first formed. They were rumored to be involved in several black dealings and some of their members were eventually convicted of necromancy and the group disbanded unable to find work because of their reputation. I was most surprised to find out that one of their members was caught on the grounds of the estate that was robbed the night the Songbringers' lute was stolen. After that, his Grace issued warrants that anyone who belonged to the Red Company be arrested on site, but since they had already disbanded, no more were ever found or brought to justice.

If my suspicions are true, then a man who accompanied me to the excavation, the Red Wizard who was in Fairdale, and several others may actually be members of the Red Company. Either they have been waiting underground for decades, or have reformed when their senior members were freed from the crypt.

I don't think i have to inform your excellency or anyone else how dangerous these men are, or what this might mean for the imposters cause. This is the first time I have been able to sleep since my rescue. I close my eyes and I see those damned masks... I hear their haunting voices.. and the songs they would sing... So instead, I stay awake, and I research.

I hereby request to anyone with this knowledge to give me access to the impostors name so I can continue to piece together this puzzle before I am responsible for more bloodshed. Do not speak it here as his excellency said, but please assist me. I will find it one way or another. I have to..

I fear this may not be over...

with apologies,

Wizard Nathan Westwind
Guildmaster Fairdale Mages' Guild
My Lord Baron,

I don't think 's out of line t'say no one'll have a problem with your decree. Thank you f'r a swift motion regarding th'events of this past gather.

Guildmaster Westwind,

It was never our intention to leave the information out of the hands of the Sages and Mages who might study these magical phenomina and prepare us for a potential recurrance, in fact I have already sent letters to various places. Send me a letter in the waking world and I will reply to it with whatever information you seek which I have. I am not inclined to trust such missives to fey touched dreams.

Baron Harrison

((OOG: wolfshart @ gmail . com ))
Thank you your excellency. I shall... I look forward to waking... I... can still hear the songs even now..

when your spark has been replaced by the fire, of the magic of chaos and night...

ugh... I need to wake up.
Friend Nathan, and other wise Nobles and Sages,

I am very thankful for the insight you share and the research you conduct, and I believe that I agree with your conclusion.

I also wish to express that nothing, apart from the well-being of the Forest, interests me more than furthering the study of Spell-Singing and researching the powers of melodies. If I may be candid, I admit that the events of this past gather have left me quite shaken, as I have always remembered melody as one of the only links connecting me to my family before the Great Sleep. To see new and unfamiliar uses of song, especially in such a malicious way... It is an understatement to say that I am upset.

I would greatly appreciate the sharing of any knowledge you find. After my meditation and wandering, when I return to Fairedale for the next gather, it would mean very much to me if perhaps we could meet and share what we know about the powers of melody. And indeed, if you require any assistance in your research, I humbly offer my services. I plan to remain in Fairedale for at least a few days to study music before I begin my other business in wandering.

From what I personally know about the power of melody, I say that we must not underestimate this troupe of Redmen. I have vague memories of the amazing power of melody and harmony being used to spread peace and happiness. Realizing that this power has the potential to be used in an evil manner... it is a power we must study in order to prevent this from happening.

Again, my friends, I express my appreciation. Our experiences, efforts, and accomplishments this past gather have been life-changing for me.
Friend Nathan, I hope to hear from you soon.
It was rather hospitable of you all to welcome me into your healer's guild, especially after I attempted to thwart you all with a false vision of Henry Songbringer. Maybe a spiritwalk soon?
The Redmen are legendary... we have been performing since the days of Songbringer. We will have our revenge... and the Lute. Enjoy it while you can.

"Timothy" of the Redmen
You'll have nothing if the men and women of Fairedale have any say.

Your Excellency Baron Harrison Ryatt,

Your leadership and courage have always been an inspiration to me since I heard tell of your deeds, and had the honor of meeting you myself. Thank you for making this proclamation.

In service,

Squire Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback
Court of Blythedale