OMG Why isn't it Friday Already...


Maybe its just me, but this week seems to be trudging along at such a slow pace. I have so much excitement for this coming weekend its as if there is some prize and celebration. And in a wonderful way there is. Its Alliance. Its a weekend of amazing fun. Its new and differnt and wonderful. I'm just jumping inside with how much I want to play. Its like an addiction. An admittedly, not really a heathly one either, be to see all the people and get the experiences, and the stories that we can tell and retell....So worth it.....

Who else is feeling it??
It is Friday, just not in this Time Zone. :ugeek:
12 hours to 8:20 PM. I need to: (1) Shower (2) finish packing (3) drive 4 hours. All this while fitting in food at some point. Gotta have nourishment!
I have to finish a shield, then packing, then the drive. Food is agreeably wonderful, but I hope I can find someone to ride with, my friend I was gonna bring got a promotion at work, (yay,) but he lost his requested time off.
Its bad when your bad day at work turns into "Thank god I get to stab people in like 10 hours...."

At least its internal monologue.

zehnyu said:
Waitaminute. Is it 9:53 or 10:53? EST??


Think its the eairler one so, later when you find out the time you will go, "Oh! I didn't realise how late it is."