On Treasure

I need to meet with these people either next marketday or before it:

Thorador on Behalf of Harbors Far
GearFree or Icey on Behalf of The Brotherhood
Hunter Davion on behalf of Jouneymistress Allendra
Novi or a representative on behalf of the noble Dark Elves.
Igneaceous of the Dwarves

I also need help remembering the name of a Barbrarian man present there. He was tall, strong, and If I remember had a claw on his chest. No Hengin its not you.

The purpose of this meeting is to give you some thing that belongs to your groups by my estimation. No it's not charity and no its not entirely fair but these 5 groups all wound up handing me a component at some point, letting me search a foe we dropped together where I collected one or were cheated out of one by someone else during the fight who they hopefully will learn the lesson from. Now I have 5 components and 6 of you so one or more of you will have to accept a gold in lieu of the component.

It was most definitely not my intention to keep said components and anyone who knows me knows I consider this a small investment in future friendships and business relationships. I had intented to spit these up amongts the town to increase the share but as the nigth grew late I was advised to keep the components for a time. As it would be impossible to gather everyone it falls to me to decide, completely arbitrarily, who gets a component or who doesnt. I'm sorry I don't know everyone by name and I can't remember all 50 fighters there. I did my best to spread the wealth amongs those I know contributed and those who should hhave walked away with one. so what I can do for all the other folks who feel they didnt get what they'd earned is talk to them privately, address their concerns to the best of my abilities and guide them back to the Guardians once they are all sorted out.

If you have concerns or questions for me about this or any other matters please feel free to express your opinions to me in Thorador's forge where I go once in a while for a drink, my shop in person, or by messenger pigeon(PM). I'd rather this not be a forum for personal gripping but rather one of thanks to those who gave so much to the fight.


Fern Woods
Sheriff of Hope's Reach
The "unknown" Tribesman is Gaius, an acquaintance of mine from distant lands, I will contact him for you if need be.

Izz'Rak Auvry'Urden
hmmm... thank you for your honesty fern, hopefully i will see you next market day for now i'll be working in both the mine and the forge i recently aquired to build up my inventory.

Iganeous Ironforge