One-day Report


Thanks to everyone who made it out for SoMI's first foray into running One-day Events, you made the day a success.

Island Lake was a good site, with running water, bathrooms, and electricity ready and at hand. Thanks to Chris and Travis for putting together a nice preview to the coming season (see the IG boards for details).

Hopefully our next One-day on May 7th will get more people and go even better.

Can't wait to see you all soon.

Matt Ferrara
I hope everyone had a good time. I talked to most of you about how it went. But, if you have any opinions feel free to leave them here.

Next time I hope we can get a few more pcs and npcs out.
The one day was a success! Travis and Chris really ran the event well and everyone seemed to have a good time. I would love to see more people out on May 7th! Remember one days are great for new players, so if you have friends who are thinking about playing bring them along!