OOG Request - Lights in the Main Room of the Cabins


Good evening fellow Acarthians (and non-Acarthians that go to Acarthia to loot mobs, disparage the people on the other side of the rail road tracks, kill giant rats, or to commit treason). Plot approached me with a request, wondering if it would be okay to ask our player base. They were wondering if our players would mind not using the main overhead lights in their cabin this weekend, and to use the table lamps and/or other lights that they could provide. Especially since by the time the sun goes down, we should finish most of our cooking we'd do the the cabins, I thought it was a fine request to ask.

So..to put this bluntly, if you don't mind this weekend, can we try not using the overhead lights in the cabin? We'd like to create some mood this weekend, and that's one way we think it might help. If you need/want to use them still, that's completely fine too.

Mike - AGM