OOTS - Haley gets stuck


Is anyone else, other than myself, upset that Haley just got stuck through the middle of her body with a sword?

Is the entire OOTS gang to be sent to the world beyond this one?
here eyes were not "x"s which means she is still alive, just really hurt. There is hope yet.
Gotta love the international symbol for dead.

Now if only i could run around in a little white headband painting black X's on PC eyelids who need a lifespell.....
That's my hope.
what is OOTS? i wanna see....
Order of the Stick.

It is a web comic at www.giantitp.com

My guess would be you probably can't view it.
i can see it!!! i just read the first 13 OH DEAR HEAVENS THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!


It gets even better :-)

Get your battering ram away from the 4th wall!