Open invitation into the Earth Guild of Gaden


Chicago Staff
Change. Change is something often for better or worse, but regardless change is a part of the cycle of life and no matter how hard someone may try, is unavoidable. We’ve seen change in these new lands for better or worse and all we can do is push forward.

The protectors of the cycle of life is the Earth Guild of Gaden. Within the last 6 months, we’ve managed to form a small branch of the Earth Guild in these lands to help assist with many of the issues plaguing these lands.

What has the Earth Guild done?

The Earth Guild has been slowly cleansing the left over Necromantic taint that was created when the Corrupt inhabited these lands for quite some time. Besides that, many factions bringing blight have manipulated the energies of these lands and caused decay and plague. Crops have withered, lands unfertile and an entire race of people, my people, the Dryads have been infected. The Earth Guild has made steps to protecting these people and finding a cure, and we’re almost there. The cause has been found, and the carrier of this blight has been discovered. The Addercob are slowly being defeated. The remaining necromantic taint in these lands is being dealt with 1 necromancer at a time, which most recently resulted in the permanent death of the Mayor of Wendwin, a vampire who was staked by a group of adventurers.

The people of this land, of Shademarch, which we now call “home” were/are also in need of aid. The Corruption has left many homeless, without food, and without hope; but we are that hope. The Earth Guild, and adventurers alike have taken steps to bring the people together again. To aid in the survival of the people of ShadeMarch, to help ensure these lands grow and flourish after years of taint. We provide safe passage, a safe haven, and the knowledge to heal our fallen brothers and sisters of Gaden.

Those of the Earth Guild serve the people, serve our comrades and don’t give in to selfish actions. To those that fall, we pick them up, to those that are slain, we bring them back, to those who meet a resurrection we guide them back so they may fight, may walk, may live again to experience what is to come. What is to come? We do not know the future, nor can we predict it, but we can make strides towards it. The future is what we make of it. The Earth Guild will ensure that there will be a future for the people of this land, for the people of Gaden and for our comrades outside the guild who pick up the sword, cast a spell or raise their arms against a common threat.

So I ask. I ask those who wish to join the Earth Guild, no matter if you know a simple skill such as bandaging a bleeding friend, or casting the most powerful of rituals. The Earth Guild is a place for all those seeking knowledge, for all those seeking to better themselves and most important of all, a place for those seeking to better ShadeMarch, and in turn better Gaden as a whole.

Should you feel the call, the need, the desire to join us, seek out Healer Jamina, Healer Icey or myself, Healer Asher and we will welcome you into our community of brethren. Together, we can bring ShadeMarch back to how it was before the Corrupt, how it was before the taint and how it will forever be, once we’ve left our mark.

I welcome you all,

Healer Asher
Warden of Earthen Magicks
I would like to welcome the following new members to the Earth Guild of Gaden...

Bevin, apprentice to Jamina.
Thorgrim, apprentice to myself
Kituaren, a wise and capable healer already

Together, we can continue to cleanse these lands and help those in need.

~Healer Asher
Pleaze note I am an apprentice to my couzin Jamina as vell, It is true I am equal in her zkillz vut for the purpose of the guild I am vut an apprentice.

Kitaruen Kopanari

Ay vas at zhe last meeting of zhe Eart' Guild In Vitch I learned to Disjunct However I am unaware of mine actual ranking. Mine apprentice vas dhe late Crow though. Per'aps and update for doez ov us who fly south for zhe winter?

Blind Seer
To the good healers of this land,
Greetings! I have the privilege of traveling to your lands and I bring with me modest healing skills. As you have announced that you are looking for helpers I extend my modest knowledge to the aid of the Guild, and all the adventurers in Gaden. I will seek you at the next market day, or if you respond to my dream or send me a pigeon I will be most grateful.
-Tauran Stormsteel

As the snow has finally thawed and the warmth of spring is upon us I once again extend open invitations into the Greater Earth Guild of Gaden. Should you wish to join the guild, please reach out to one of the 3 ranking Healers within the Valley of Solace:

Healer Icey
Healer Jamina
Healer Asher

Thanks you,
I will be in in the Wilds in a few days time. If any is interested in joining the Earth Guild, please seek me out at your convenience.

- Healer Asher
With the construction nearly complete, I once again welcome any new members into the Earth Guild of Gaden. Personally, I feel Valentino, Kokumo and K'Tarn would make fine additions to the Guild...should you three have interest. Anyone who wish to join may do so, you do not need to be a healer; Briar is a good example of someone who is apart of the Defenders of the Earth Guild.


Am I able to transfer my position in the Guild? I feel that my skills as I am training them would be put to better use as a Defender in the Guild as opposed to an eventual Healer.

Private Thorgrim Stoneaxe, of the Runebinder Clan.
I wouldn't have an issue with that. Perhaps write to Garth to notify him of your interest would be the best way. Be it a healer, a defender or a different station, we are all members of the Earth Guild of Gaden, and it is our duty and privilege to protect these lands.

Several people have asked me about joining the guild as Defenders but so far none have followed through as far as I know - contacting Garth would likely be the best way to pursue that. It would be nice to have another around if nothing else for the winter months when I can't be around to help out.

Protector of the Earth Guild
Good Druid Asher,

While I feel that my current situation does not warrant becoming a member of the Earth Guild, let it be known that I applaud you and your guild's actions that you have taken in reducing the spread of corruption in our lands. Those that stand against the spread of this plague and seek to defend our land of Gaden will always find a ready friend in my blade.

Though it is far from complete, thank you for what you have done.

-- Kadien