Yar Majesties, My Lords, Seneshal Garoth
It is with sad regret that I inform you of my Lord Sir Orthus's Disapearance. As you may know by now, Da celestial college of Horn's End has vanished and been replaced by a crater bursting with magical energy... wether remnants or a building force I have been unable ta acertain due to the scaless strengh of da magical signature... I wont confuse anyone with magical details but am available for questions shoud anyone have any.
The recomendation ah make is not an easy one fur me ta make... I think mah views on hearth and home are well known throughout the courts and so I trust all of ya would know I wouldn;t lightly ask this but... In ligh of the energy we are dealing with and its ability ta level da Celestial College I recomend dat, as a least precautionary measure, the area 1 league around da school be cordoned off and any citizens so affected should be removed for their own safety ta da ground where we housed refugees of Maladonia. It is also mah recomendation dat a sizeable guard force with spellcrafted magic weapons and a full complement of Maladonian Rune Canons be placed to prevent any harm to come from inside the quarantine.
Again, I stress dat I would not make this recommendation lightly.
Squire Jehan Wyldweaver
It is with sad regret that I inform you of my Lord Sir Orthus's Disapearance. As you may know by now, Da celestial college of Horn's End has vanished and been replaced by a crater bursting with magical energy... wether remnants or a building force I have been unable ta acertain due to the scaless strengh of da magical signature... I wont confuse anyone with magical details but am available for questions shoud anyone have any.
The recomendation ah make is not an easy one fur me ta make... I think mah views on hearth and home are well known throughout the courts and so I trust all of ya would know I wouldn;t lightly ask this but... In ligh of the energy we are dealing with and its ability ta level da Celestial College I recomend dat, as a least precautionary measure, the area 1 league around da school be cordoned off and any citizens so affected should be removed for their own safety ta da ground where we housed refugees of Maladonia. It is also mah recomendation dat a sizeable guard force with spellcrafted magic weapons and a full complement of Maladonian Rune Canons be placed to prevent any harm to come from inside the quarantine.
Again, I stress dat I would not make this recommendation lightly.
Squire Jehan Wyldweaver