Open letter to Andar


In the Westgate tavern and several other places in Andar, someone enters town and reads the following message publicly, before posting it on the tavern wall.

My fellow Andarians,

Recent events have weighed heavily on all our minds, and we are being attacked on several fronts as we speak. I am most well attuned to the people of my County of Appleton, but I know Andarians everywhere are facing hardship. However, it is best at times such as these to think not of the problem, but of the solution. We will face this threat as we have faced countless threats before, and emerge victorious, though we may have to walk through the Land of the Dead to get there. Many of us may be asked to take up responsibilities in defense of the nation or your compatriots that you may feel unprepared for, but I ask that you embrace these responsibilities and perform your tasks with all your will, so that you, and by extension we, might come through this stronger than before.

Over the past weeks, I have come to realize that while the final death of Her Royal Majesty Queen Allesiya Filligrino has left a hole in our hearts that cannot be filled, her position must be. With the recent disappearance of Duchess Di'Orsini-Lissenstine, that responsibility must fall to me. So, it is with a heavy heart that I accept the crown of Andar, and do hereby pledge myself to her welfare. In better times, we would hold a proper coronation to symbolize a rightful change of power, but these are not better times. There will be time for pomp and circumstance, but for now we must instead focus ourselves on the task of facing our present challenges.

To that end, I will be taking a brief trip to Silverhold to personally consult with any remaining nobility on the state of their populace and on threats to consider. I would also take audience with members of the adventuring community, who are vital to our nation's well-being, approximately one month past the equinox near the small town of South Millbrooke and discuss the same with them, for it is at this time that we must band together to forge a prosperous future.

Your humble king,
Chrislen Staldell
I, Duke Oranté Tíondo of Silvershire, formerly Count of Portshire do declare my intention to be present at the meeting taking place in South Millbrooke. With the cooperation from the baronies of the Winds, Edar, Wildar, Seaview, Northern Portshire and Southern Portshire I have united these lands under the banner of the new Duchy of Silvershire.
Because of the recent final death of Countess Giada Ambiono the area has been left leaderless. With the full support of the current barons in power I have filled this role. The crowning ceremony was a quiet affair, by invitation held at my estate. Since the fall of Agalon and Count Othbald Cynd's abandonment of the area, I intend to take Agalon into the new Duchy of Silvershire. I have already recieved support from the barony of Edar in this action. The rebuilding of Agalon will begin once the crown's forces remove the undead threat. As interim leader of that county I am declaring it quarantined from all non military travelers.
The Duchy of Silvershire supports the the crowning of King Chrislen Staldell and we hope he supports us in turn.

-Duke Oranté Tíondo of Silvershire
Posted by a messenger in the Tavern:

Those Loyal to Andar-

I greet you, both noble and common folk of Andar, in hopes that you all are finding safe havens in these times of trouble.

Recent events have prompted me to leave my guarded city of Shadowhold in hopes of speaking with those of you who may assist both myself and Andar. My own position has afforded me the opportunity to speak with refugees from across Andar. I am sure that others in similar positions are also hearing tales from their own refugees. I feel that, should we share this information, we can get a clearer picture of the state of our country and her people. The state of the numerous refugees should, as well, be addressed. Finding a safe place for all Andarians is utmost in my thoughts.

With this in mind, I travel to the small village of South Millbrooke, to arrive of a time with those nobles who also gather there.

I look forward to greeting any who may travel there.

In service to Andar,

Baroness Liliana Baserrio
Baroness of The Reach in the Duchy of Mountain Shade