Opening Ceremonies at 9:30


I just wanted to clarify that although we would love to see everyone ready to go and at opening cermonies at 9:30, you will in no way be punished if you are not ready to go into game at that time. So do not stress. If you already know that you will not be ready by that time, let us know ahead of time so plot will be pre-prepared for your entrance. If you do need to come in after game on is called (whether or not you know ahead of time), just make sure that you see plot in order to do so.

A frequenter of the: "Arrived late, wears lots of make-up, and has to set up a fancy cabin" club

When I spoke to Eric on the phone last weekend it sounded as though they could be up and going by 4-5pm. Now we are still pretty far out from the event and things happen, so I will try and confer with them a week from the event, to get an update and make sure things have not changed.

My group will want to buzz through logistics and try to take a nap before game on. That way we can adjust for the time change.

I should be ok either ways and the exitment of the event will prolly keep me up but not everyone is a seasoned road warrior.

I always find that flying west is far easier to acclimate than going east. I usually go to bed at 11, so I'm up till 2 am the first night when I go east, but I just have to push myself a little to stay up a couple hours later than it feels like when I get back west and I'm good to go the next morning, but yes nappitude is good.
Opening Ceremonies Reminder

Remember, opening ceremonies will be at 9:30. Game will start directly afterword. Try and be ready to go IG. I talked to Eric and Crystal on the phone and they said they can be ready to open logistics at 4:30 or 5pm. So make sure you try and go through logistics first before putting on all your gear and setting up your whole cabin. That means making sure your magic item tags and spell/alchemy books are close at hand. I would hate for them to sit around for a couple of hours with nothing to do. I will have marshall note forms at logistics, please fill one out with your ward information and other cabin info (traps, warder glyphs, etc) while you are there. Those finished and given to logistics or me before game on will be active when game starts. If you do not fill one out ahead of time it is not a big deal at all, you just will start without your wards up as usual. If you are not ready to go IG at the end of opening ceremonies, never fear, just see plot when you are ready to come IG.

I am excited about this event. I look forward to seeing you all there.

The sheriff will be sitting on his butt in his office with his feet up on his desk at 9:30.01 ready to roll. Also, Eric, if ya need help with anything in logistics lemme know, I should be on site by 3 or 4 and have my gear stowed and all that by six at the latest so I can gladly help out if ya need anything.
Just to remind people...

Please make sure to have your weapons checked by a marshal *before* going to Logistics. If you have not yet had your weapons checked, you should not be going through Logistics. I will be making myself or another marshal available for this before game, and will try to make sure everyone gets weapons checked as early as possible so there's time for repairs if necessary.
