Orc Spirit Guides


My question is this do the Orc's spirit guides give them any additions to their abilities?
The reason I'am asking is because I do not have a copy of the rulebook yet but will be buying one once I get the money for one.So I figured why not ask around and learn as much as I can for now.

There's also nothing about spirit guides in either the rulebook or the race packet, so I'm not sure what you're talking about anyways. But no. The only abilities you have you buy with Build Points, just like everyone else.
Vandlaran (Ohio) Orcs have totemic spirits "guides" which give them paths to follow and ideals to live up to but which do not grant any form of ability or skill- they just represent "ideals" of survival and skill in the world (such as hunting, skill in battle, etc). This is a major theme in the local Race Packet which is added to the National Race packet.