Oregon Game Day


I know that many of you are more likely to check this board than the HQ board for updates and news. I wanted to get a headcount on who all we would be expecting at this weekends Oregon Gameday on the 20th at Gabriel Park in Oregon, PC or NPC at the upcoming gameday. I'd like to know if I'm supposed to be entertaining 20 PCs with 5 NPCs or if it will be the otherway around. Please let me know here just so I can get an idea.

I guess I can walk the whole five hundred yards from my front door to the park where the game is and play. PC, of course. I got some new spells I gotta try :laugh:

I shall be an NPC, and I believe my brother is planning to do the same.

I'll also bring my camera along and a water jug use by all.

Do you want the NPC's there early?
Do you want us dressed in black?
How much will it be?

I shall be there, as Alexandros for once, along with my newly-updated costume and Blue Bracer of Hooptyness.

If I'm lucky, I won't res.

Who should I look for to be checking weapons for safety?
Yeah, well, I guess I was thinking, maybe I'd show up and NPC or something..

Right, so I'll be playing Iftikhaar. And last time there was a OR game, I was safety marshalling, but that may have changed, but who knows these things? And what's with not orkin' it up, Bryan? We'll miss the orkin man. He kills bugs dead, and we've got a drider problem. :D
obcidian said:
Right, so I'll be playing Iftikhaar. And last time there was a OR game, I was safety marshalling, but that may have changed, but who knows these things? And what's with not orkin' it up, Bryan? We'll miss the orkin man. He kills bugs dead, and we've got a drider problem. :D

Gurv has simply gotten too tough to play for a full-length event due to the mask (and it just wouldn't be Gurv without the mask!). At the Jan. event I realized that I was spending more time double-hooking than playing... so Gurv will probably come out now and then for gamedays, but this weekend I want to launch my new purely-Oregon character.

Gurv isn't dead, but you probably won't see him again at an event unless I know I'm leaving early or some such. Sorry, you'll have to solve your drider problem on your own :)

I will be there, more then likely PC'ing, but I may be NPC'ing.
I wanted to be sure it was noted that there is a level cap of 14th level for this event. If anyone else is in the near proximity of that level and wishes to have an exception made please contact me.

I will be there as an NPC oh and Emily NPC'ing is free. Or it used to be at least.
Masticon said:
I wanted to be sure it was noted that there is a level cap of 14th level for this event. If anyone else is in the near proximity of that level and wishes to have an exception made please contact me.


For the gameday or the event?
Diera said:
For the gameday or the event?

For the Game day on May 20th there will be a level cap. None of our Weekend Events will have level caps. I've already had a couple people ask me this. My bad. NO LEVEL CAPS ON WEEKEND EVENTS!

However, the events will still be designed somewhat more towards characters under the level cap. There will be things for higher level characters to do but understand that the game itself is emerging and we will focus on providing content for our main playerbase.

jpariury said:
I will not be there. I will be watching Holly walk across a stage and getting a multi-thousand dollar piece of paper. :)


Congrats, Holly!
jpariury said:
I will not be there. I will be watching Holly walk across a stage and getting a multi-thousand dollar piece of paper. :)

Way to go Holly!!!!!! :rave:
Masticon said:
For the Game day on May 20th there will be a level cap. None of our Weekend Events will have level caps. I've already had a couple people ask me this. My bad. NO LEVEL CAPS ON WEEKEND EVENTS!

However, the events will still be designed somewhat more towards characters under the level cap. There will be things for higher level characters to do but understand that the game itself is emerging and we will focus on providing content for our main playerbase.

As a note for anyone that might be concerned, I can attest to enjoying myself at both events run by this plot staff under the old Oregon chapter. I played Gregor, and while not a significant part of the plotline, found plenty to do, and plenty of challenges to play with. Heck, I even rezzed. :)