Oregon May Event 14-16


Event May 14-16th
Opening Ceremonies at 7pm Friday
Game Off at 11am Sunday
Fees: PC $50 at the door, $40 if you pre-register (logistics@nerooregon.com due on May 10th). NPCing will be free and will include dinner Saturday night.
Location: Silver Falls New Ranch
Directions: Take I-5 South to Oregon exit 271 for Woodburn and Highway 214. Follow Highway 214 to Silver Falls Camping Site (approximately 25 miles). Please note that Highway 214 joins with highway 99 East for a short period of time. The first will be a right turn at the Safeway in Woodburn. The second is less obvious but if you follow the signs to Mt Angel and Silverton you will find your way.

The Site has a full kitchen, two BBQs located outside and bathrooms with no showers. Beds are hardwood so bring your own pads. The source of heat is a central fireplace inside the main building. Shoes will be absolutely required when outside of the building.

To Celebrate the Opening of the Dalkani Borderland Public House the Dalkani Celestial Guild will be holding an auction of many items and artifacts of both a mundane and magical nature. The auction will be held on the 15th of May with both a silent and live auction throughout the evening. Grand Chancellor Kretev Duverik will be presiding over the event and many local merchants will be arriving to buy and sell their wares. The Celestial Guild will be buying Scrolls of a Formal Nature at varying prices as well as all formal Reagents at 3 gold pieces each. Fees for beds are two silver per night per bed. Those without the funds may sleep in the common room. Those wishing to place up a ward must pay in advance for the full five days. (You will need to bring tapestries and tarps to section off the rooms in order to ward them. The ceiling vaulted and over 15 feet high.)

The construction of this building displays the expansion of the Dalkani Empire and the Duke is expected to soon name a Baron for the northern valley. The new Barony would likely include the Stronghold of the Knights of Aneyal as well as a large portion of the Evergrowth. It would further include the growing villages of Bolsterholm and Vengrath as well as the Restilian Mining Camp.

News has spread through Tanaryn of a Corrupt King of Astoria has dispursed the High Council removing a voice from the citizens of Astoria and claimed the power of the throne for his own. This ?King? sent forces through Aloraloft destroying the Gnolls the throne?s previous forces had failed to hold out. Many of the elves prized artifacts and possessions went missing during the raid and have yet to turn up. The Elves returning home found their home in shambles from the siege and all wealth stripped from its walls. The Noble Duke Dalkani and his council are considering the situation heavily.

The Dalkani Guard is still confiscating any and all known Obliterate Formal Ritual Scrolls. Those who turn such scrolls into the proper authorities will be rewarded a fee of 20 gold.
quick question...will it be twenty for pages who pre-reg???

The New Ranch at this site is the only building. One. Uno. Singular. It does have power. There are not cabins in this part of the site. However, if we ever manage to get the part that does have the cabins (they're extremely expensive, more then miller), they also have power.

So, yes power, no cabins. The kitchen has the exact same facilities as the one at miller does, however when I first toured the site there were no utensils, cutlery, or flatware of any kind. I hear that there probably will be some there while the actual space is rented, but I am personally not going to make the assumtion, and bring my own mess kit. I suggest that everyone else considers it as well.

For those of you who are old enough to remember Rogie, that's kind of the arrangement of the inn. Two stories with staircases leading up to the area above where the bunks are, open central floor. The biggest difference is shear size. I think the inn at rogie slept 36-40, this place has bunks for 70-72.

~Matt, OR variety
OK. My question has to do with an OOG medical reason. I have a sleep machine which requires power. Are the bunks near outlets, or should I bring my battery?

Dave Overman
oo i have a good question! so.. where's npc camp going to be? are we tenting? or do we get our own little-tiny-section-off-in-the-corner-away- from-all-human-contact in the inn? just wondering on the amount of warm things i should bring with me..

IIRC, there are bunks near some outlets. However, I'm not 100% positive. What I would suggest is that you could bring like a long extention cord, because then I am 100% positive you can get power, since I'm sure that there are outlets on the first floor. Either way, it'd determine exactly where you could sleep.

~Matt, OR variety
Pages do pay 20 if they pre-reg. As far as tent camping, please feel free to do this, however I would request that you keep in mind that there are some ant hills on the site and you'll want to steer VERY clear of those hills. NPC sleeping area's will be in the Inn. If you wish to sleep in a tent, feel free to do so.

I hope that answers the questions, if not, please feel free to ask :)

Blacksmith requests

I need suggestion for what is needed from my blacksmith shop. I am currently taking requests. I already have an order for 2 silvered weapons and a bow. Is there anything else that anyone needs? If so, place your order before May 10. If not, I will use my best judgement. :cool:

Kevin R.
Harlock Hammerhand said:
I need suggestion for what is needed from my blacksmith shop. I am currently taking requests. I already have an order for 2 silvered weapons and a bow. Is there anything else that anyone needs? If so, place your order before May 10. If not, I will use my best judgement. :cool:

Kevin R.


Try posting in the in-game section not the OOG section, You might get more responses that way.
Derek Ironhammer said:
Pages do pay 20 if they pre-reg. As far as tent camping, please feel free to do this, however I would request that you keep in mind that there are some ant hills on the site and you'll want to steer VERY clear of those hills. NPC sleeping area's will be in the Inn. If you wish to sleep in a tent, feel free to do so.

I hope that answers the questions, if not, please feel free to ask :)


I already Have... :D
Harlock Hammerhand said:
I need suggestion for what is needed from my blacksmith shop. I am currently taking requests. I already have an order for 2 silvered weapons and a bow. Is there anything else that anyone needs? If so, place your order before May 10. If not, I will use my best judgement. :cool:

Kevin R.
Yeah I am the one ordering the Bow and Silvered Longsword I was Wondering how Much would it be for each of those things and Lehter Armor Thanks I'l Email you also
Masticon said:
Shoes will be absolutely required when outside of the building.

So that means we don't have to wear shoes in the inn???

Also one more question (thats pobably not going to get answered by tomorrow morning) Are the bunks all wood...not like millers beds????

oh hey.. this is really roundabout but.. i figure maybe no one else will answer in time, so i'll offer what little hear-say i know for the heck of it. so, i hear from raissa that the bunks are very nice and probably people wouldn't like tacks stuck in them, implying that they are wood. and nice wood at that. and also that tacks might not be appreciated, but i think that may be her own wondering and not a policy of the place. i guess they'll tell us tomarrow. there are no mattresses, as well, bring soft stuff to sleep on. that is all i know. see ya tomarrow!


Aeris said:
Also one more question (thats pobably not going to get answered by tomorrow morning) Are the bunks all wood...not like millers beds????


What Carmen said. It's going to be hard. Bring an inflatable mattress or lots of blankets. You're sleeping on a wooden plank. If you're lucky it may be a nice soft wood like mohogany rathre than a solid oak. Bring padding! and not the weapon kind.

I've got a sleeping pad and a squishy sleeping bag *YAY*

Wait one more question...we are not allowed to stick tacs in the wood??? Or do we have to use some type of tape... :mad: ok thanks...
