Out-of-Game Meeting


Hi, I'm a new player to this whole thing and I was wondering if I could get a group of people from the local chapter together to do an Out-of-Game meeting about it. I need some help creating my character and getting everything for it, and I guess I'd just like to meet some people from the game and maybe hang out somewhere.

This could potentially happen at my house or if anyone wants to offer one of theirs as a location, or knows any other good places, that would be fine. BTW, I've already talked to a New Player Marshall, and he said it was cool.
Well, a location of where you live would interest us all :P
Are there any other new players that would like some information about character creation and some history of the world they will be stepping into?

Would our newbie marshals please chime in with an email address otherwise I would be more then willing to work on setting this up for next weekend. For now, if your a new player but unable to post on the forums yet, please shoot me an email otherwise just post when your available next weekend (ie Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and where your located (a city is enough) so that I can start working out a time and place that works best. Also, if you would like to offer your place, please include your address though bare in mine that it will be posted on these forums.

My email: war3tristin@gmail.com

I wouldn't mind going over weapon creation ether so if anyone that's thinking about coming to this has a weapon or two they were thinking about making, please bring the materials and we can have some demonstrations and such as well.
Thanks Tristin!

I've been working with RavenSly, and he requested to meet up with some players (more than just me) to talk about the game before hand, so I directed him to these boards to reach out and meet others in the chapter. I might be available next weekend, but I don't know for sure yet. I live in Roseville.
I may or may not be here next weekend. I'm going to Winsconsin to spend some time with my relatives. That's why I had wanted to do it today, because I'm not exactly sure when I'll be back. I guess I can contact you guys from there once I get there. I may actually try and attend that thing that's going on in Chicago, as my grandmother lives in a far outer suburb of it to the north, so I could go if I wanted to. I'll be an NPC, but it will give me some good experience.
Chicago is a lot of fun. If it looks like you can make it, send them an email and let them know that you'll be making it and that your new.

As for the 24th, were you looking at PCing or NPCing?
I'll try to go if I can, but I think I'll wait a little longer to say for sure whether or not I'll be going.

As for the 24th, I'll try to PC, but if my char isn't done, I'll NPC again.
RavenSly said:
I'll try to go if I can, but I think I'll wait a little longer to say for sure whether or not I'll be going.

As for the 24th, I'll try to PC, but if my char isn't done, I'll NPC again.


If you decide to NPC in Chicago, we'd love to have you. We can help you learn the system, as well as combat. It's also fun because you'll get to see members of the Southern Minnesota staff actually playing the game, instead of in their administrative roles. You do also get goblin stamps for NPCing, which can help you get credit for events in the future in Chicago, when you can't attend them. If you do decide to NPC in Chicago, please email me, and I can make sure you're up to speed on what you need to know, the sooner the better (to help figure out the event layout, and food purchasing).

Robert Sachs
General Manager
Alliance LARP Chicago
It's not whether or not I want to go that's the problem. I definitely want to go, but I just feel I have to wait a bit longer to say definitively whether or not I'll be there in case going interfere's with my obligations to my family who I'll be visiting while I'm down there. I simply don't want to make a commitment and have to go back on it because of a scheduling conflict.
I'm sure they'd understand if you ended up having to cancel in Chicago. It's just a good idea to pre-register, so that way if you DO go, they'll make sure to buy the extra food for you. If you have to cancel, they they'll have that little extra food for the person who didn't pre-reg. It always happens. One example is they ran out of most of the breakfast food during our castle event, so I just skipped out on breakfast -_-

But yeah, pre-reg if you think there's a chance of you showing up, and I doubt they'll be mad if you end up having to cancel on your showing up.
Well being a fairly new player myself (started in February), I definitely recommend NPCing until you get the feel of the combat. On top of which it means your PC will be that much more powerful when you create them. I can't afford (both in terms of time off work and actual monies) to make the Chicago events myself unfortunately.

I went through a lot of the same thing. I started out playing a dark elf on what what something between a request and flat-out begging of a friend but I've decided to change to a wolfkin for now after all so my $0.02 would be to really LIKE the race you pick. Then maybe pick out some skills you'd really like to have and figure out which class would be cheapest. Above all else, don't be afraid to roleplay over picking the perfect build. We're all throwing birdseed and swinging foam so I'll take an enjoyable story and persona over a few extra points of damage any day.

Also, anyone who's seen me fight knows I can be pretty mean anyway :-P
Snowsong is right about making your character. What I would recommend is think about basic D&D and what you would enjoy playing there. Don't worry about actually making your character, just concentrate on the concept. Once you have that, then start looking at the book and such. Just bare in mind though, can you physically pull off what your wishing to do (ie, can you really sneak, can you disable a trap/pick a lock or learn to, can you throw accurately). Remember that anything you want to do in this game, you will have to physically do it. Granted though, there are several players who will be more then willing to help teach you. If you have never picked a lock before, but you really want to play that sneaky guy, not to worry, someone can show you the ropes.

Just a quick side note, please plot, put in more Legerdemain moments, lets make that skill well worth it!

Anyways, the point I am making is think about what you both want to play, and think that you ultimately could play.

Lastly, when considering to NPC or PC your first event. Both are a lot of fun. Don't be discouraged because you don't know the rules. There is nothing quite like being thrown into the middle of it and trying to muddle your way though. You got to sit down and talk with other PCs and watch as the new character you made grows. You'll form bonds and be faced with difficult choices. You may even die. The world is a hard place for a new PC, but those bonds you had made will only strenthen. Plus its free your first time.
On the other hand, it can also suck when you have to sit on the side lines for a weekend. You'll do things, trust me, but you wont be in the thick of it. As an NPC, your on the front lines all the time. You get your weapon, you get your character information, and you charge in with gusto to take out as many PCs as you can! And then you die... And then you charge back in! Its fast paced and gets the heart pumping. As a new PC you're afraid, as an NPC you're all guts! (though those guts are often on the ground).

Ether way you'll make mistakes and you will learn the rules.