Overlooked Gobbie points claim?


Hi guys,

Just wondering if I can claim gobbie points for being at the last work day?

Also, I was wondering if there's some sort of new player pack I can get?

I also heard of something called the buy back. Just wondering what this is?
Hey John,

Not sure what you mean by "New Player Package". Do you mean our background fluff, stuff to help new players start (such as our New player GS donation drive) etc.

Buy backs require Goblin Stamps. You will also receive 30 GS for coming out to NPC the Dungeon Run.

From your start date you can purchase back up to 3 months of events previous. Since you started in February, this means the January Masquerade, December Tavern and November weekend. Each Tavern/Masquerade requires 30 GS to buy back and the Weekend event would be 60. This is a total of 120 GS. As well, members can have a "Monthly Blanket" of XP (basically it's another Faire Day or single day worth of XP.) Each blanket is 30 GS. This would be a total of 90 more GS. So for a total of 210 GS you can buy back those events and gain some extra XP for your character.

There are a few caveats though and we can talk about them when you have some time.

Hope that helps!
Rob, Sir, I'm Rob. >.> (or simply "Stallard")

I heard about the new player package from one of the people at the event. If it doesn't exist, no worries.

Sounds like a discussion for the next build day.
Hmm. The only thing I can think of is the $25 donation for "New Player" which gives you a Squire belt, a pouch and 250 Goblin Stamps.

I thought you were John (obviously). :)

Good idea is to put your name in your signature line. Helps avoid confusion. So ignore the part about GS for NPCing the Dungeon Run. ;)
Hey Rob,

To make reference to a few things you might be talking about:

First Our Donation Page with New Player Package is linked here for you.

On that page you can scroll down to the "New Player Package" in the table that reads Price/Rewards, that is what Cory is making reference to.

Further down you will also note there is a New Player Recruitment in which a new player only pays $50 for a full weekend (The cost for winter is lower since they are evening games, this cost is for a summer weekend) but there are no goblin stamps associated with this for the New Player and is mostly for recruiting. This gives the player to try the game and see the amazingness that is LARP at a reduced cost.

If you look under the Section labeled Goblin Stamps you will also note there are an hourly rate of 25/hour for coming on workdays and contributing. This isn't the same thing as attending new player orientation, but requires working on props and items for the game. It's also a great time to meet other players and contribute to the game giving you that edge with Goblin Stamps.

I hope that this post helps you a little,


Awesome. Thanks!
Hey its scott. Im the one Rob spoke with. Sorry Rob that I was a little vague, yes the new player pack I mentiond was the donation 1 for $25 figured it would be helpfully for the gobbles. Also the I mentiond to Rob about the work day since I thought he was helping with the masks as well as being there for the training.
No worries. There's always more work days to be had.
Just did the starter player donation package thing.....hope I got it right.
Any progress on that gobbie point thing? I had to use google to get to the donations page.
Ok, Thanks!
I will look into this tonight for you Rob :)