Packet Donations!

Of the many things that were discussed at the symposium, one was arrow packets. It turns out that nearly everyone hates those darn streamers. Starting in APRIL 2011 (so not yet) arrow packets will be required to be BLUE, and will no longer have streamers. Similar to the rules for alchemy packets, no other packets will be allowed to be blue.

In preparation for this change, Alliance Seattle would like blue archery packets to be donated between now and April. We probably won't need more than 2-300, so post how many you'll be making, and when you'll be donating them. Try to make sure that the blue isn't so dark that it'll get lost, but not so bright that it looks white.

On that note, Alliance Seattle would prefer that all donated spell packets be WHITE. There will not be a rule requiring spell packets to be white in the near future, however Blue, White, and Orange were colors that were identified by a colorblind person present at the symposium as 'easily distinguishable,' and it is an easy accommodation to make. White packets are also easy to find in the dark and in the woods, and white fabric tends to be the least expensive.
Oregon will also be needing blue packets so there is plenty of opportunity to get some GS here in either chapter
Alliance Seattle has received a promise of 400 white packets and 200 blue packets by the October game.

Anyone else that wants to donate packets beyond what is currently promised will receive Goblin Stamps at 3 Goblin Stamps per 2 packets.