Packet Page


I hurt my back over the holiday season and may not be 100% for the next few games. Is the packet page test something I can take at any event or can I take it online (not sure what it entails). Once cleared does my packet page status universally apply to SEA and OR?
You should be able to take it at any event, just be sure to notify Cymryc or Seth when you pre-reg, so they can make sure to have the test. Leigh-Ann posted the rules for Oregon Pages/Advanced Page on the Alliance Oregon FB page a while back, I believe they are the same for Oregon and Seattle (but differ for other chapters). ... opic=22146
Bryan Gregory is the one you want to inform that you'll be needing to take the packet page test (or marshal test, really, any test). You take it at an event, it's not online. Know the packet page rules well.

Yep yep, I can run you through what's needed.

Here's the rules, first of all: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3418

Read them, know them, make them your best pal ever. At least until you feel better! Bring an orange headband with "PAGE" written on it (better yet, bring two for when the first one gets lost). I doubt you'll have any issues with the test if you study the post above and know the basics of what it means to be a page.
