Page Policy

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Virginia Staff
Alliance LARP Virginia Age and Page Policy

Last Revision: September 10th, 2024

Alliance LARP Virginia wants to ensure our game welcomes all ages of our community. LARP can get physically and mentally demanding as a soft combat group. The following Page system has been established to limit harm and dangerous situations to young individuals and enable individuals with limitations. In Alliance LARP Virginia, a “Page” is an individual who must wear a bright orange headband at all times, which signals to others that the individual should not be hit physically by weapons and that the individual can not hit others with weapons but can still participate in all other ways.

The policy outlined in this document explicitly addresses underage Pages in Alliance LARP Virginia. “Guardian” refers to a “Legal Guardian,” which is a legal term and does not include siblings. All Pages under 18 must have a waiver signed by their legal Guardian to participate in Alliance LARP Virginia.

Per Page 39 of the Alliance Rule book: “Pages Some Alliance games have an age limit. Some chapters may allow players under this age to participate. Those players are called pages. Players can also request page status for medical reasons. All pages can be identified by an orange headband with the word page written on it. This must be worn at all times by the page. The word must be large enough to be read on the headband from at least ten feet away. Pages cannot purchase any combat, weapon, or spellcasting skills. Pages are not allowed to engage in combat in any way. Though they can help heal wounded characters after the battle has finished. A page can still be killed, to do this another character will need to stand near the page, call out their effects and weapon damage but cannot hit the page directly. It is assumed that every weapon and packet attack hits the page. Pages may call any and all defenses they have and can attempt to run away if able. Some of these rules may be changed for medical pages. Each chapter has specific rules for pages and medical pages. Please contact your chapter for more information on their page policy.”

A Page is an individual who elects not to be hit with weapons due to age, injury, or other issues at an event. All Pages must communicate with staff prior to the event that that person is indeed a Page. During the event, it is possible to become a Page if the person feels it is necessary (e.g. medical situation). To do this, please find an Alliance LARP Virginia Staff member to advise what has happened to cause this change.

Alliance LARP Virginia is an explicitly adult, mature game. Game runs late into the night (and often into the following morning). Both characters and players use adult language frequently. All legal Guardians should expect that these aspects of the game will not be changed in order to accommodate younger players.

Most Pages are REQUIRED to wear a BRIGHT ORANGE HEADBAND at ALL TIMES while IN GAME. Pages are required to wear an orange glow stick necklace after dusk and before dawn for visibility. If an individual is planning to be a Page during an event, please plan on providing your own headband and glow sticks. Staff will have a limited supply on hand should one be needed.

Due to the standard pieces of identifying costuming that Pages must wear, no other PC or NPC may be allowed to wear an orange headband or orange sash. If an individual is seen wearing these objects and is not Paging, Alliance LARP Virginia staff reserves the right to ask said person to remove said item. The headband and or sash is considered Out of Game. Any other costuming that is worn by any PC or NPC is acceptable and shall not in turn label that person as a Page.

Additional marks to indicate Page levels (e.g. marks on headband) are outlined in the description of that level.

  • The legal Guardian of the Page must be present at the game and must be a PC or NPC during the entire event.
    • Except when the Page is 16 or older.
  • The legal Guardian of the Page must inform Alliance LARP Virginia that they are bringing a Page to the game by emailing the Alliance Virginia Owners at
  • Depending on the event, there may be additional restrictions or considerations.
  • All Pages must still register for the event in the CMA as a regular PC or NPC.
  • All Pages under 18 must have a waiver signed by their legal Guardian to participate in Alliance LARP Virginia.
Minor Pages must ALWAYS be with their legal Guardian.

For all other Pages, the parent/legal Guardian must physically stay with their Page (Basic or Advanced) when the Page is actively playing, except in the following circumstances:

  • Pages may take short (<30 min) trips unrelated to the game (to the bathroom, to their cabin to get something, etc.) but may not do anything game-related on their own.
  • Pages may play the game away from their parent/legal Guardian for short breaks for certain items. (bathroom break, grabbing item from cabin, etc)
  • The parent or legal Guardian is responsible for the Page’s actions and must remove the Page from the site if asked by Alliance LARP Virginia staff.
  • Any Page that knowingly cheats in the game (ignoring blows, not recording spells cast on their character sheet, etc.) will face consequences (same any other PC or NPC). Repeated offenders may be asked to leave without appeal.
  • Any Page that is disruptive, does not obey these rules, or in any other way is deemed to be harmful to the game or themselves will be asked to leave without appeal.
Ages: 10 and younger

In-game indication of status: Alliance LARP Virginia will mark an “X” on their headband and wear a BRIGHT ORANGE HEADBAND at ALL TIMES while IN GAME.

Individuals younger than 10 years old will not be allowed to participate in Alliance LARP Virginia at night and should stay away from combat (15+ feet) during the day. Minor Pages must remain with their legal Guardian within arms reach at all times. At no point in time is a Minor Page to be in the care of anyone other than their legal Guardian(s). Minor Pages should be OOG by dusk and may return at dawn the following day. The legal Guardian is responsible for the Page’s character sheet, which may be audited from time to time.

Note: Minor Page characters may not purchase a Weapon Skill.

Ages: 10-13

In-game indication of status: Alliance LARP Virginia will mark their headbands with an “X” and wear a BRIGHT ORANGE HEADBAND at ALL TIMES while IN GAME.

This individual must start out by following all the Basic Page rules: no combat of any kind. They must remain 15 feet or more from combat. However, they may touch cast if the member is brought to them out of the combat area. They must remain within the voice and visual range of their legal Guardian. The legal Guardian is responsible for the Page’s character sheet, which may be audited from time to time. After playing three events under these rules without any problems, they may apply to become an Advanced Page.

Note: Basic Pages may not purchase a Weapon Skill.

Age: 10-13

In-game indication of status: Alliance LARP Virginia will mark their headband with an “O” with an “X” in the middle and wear a BRIGHT ORANGE HEADBAND at ALL TIMES while IN GAME.

Once designated an Advanced Page, this individual can engage in ranged combat and spells. They will get the chance to engage in melee combat under certain circumstances. For example, 1v1 side combat. They must remain within eyesight of their legal Guardian. The legal Guardian is responsible for the Page’s character sheet, which may be audited from time to time.

Note: Advanced Kid Pages may purchase Weapon Skills.

Age: 14 & 15

In-game indication of status: Alliance LARP Virginia will mark their headband with an “O” with an“X” in the middle and wear a BRIGHT ORANGE HEADBAND at ALL TIMES while IN GAME.

As long as they are accompanied by a legal Guardian, they may participate as a PC or a NPC as if they were an 18+ adult (full combat, full spells, etc). They must remain within eyesight of their legal Guardian. The legal Guardian is responsible for the Page’s character sheet, which will be audited from time to time.

Age: 16 & 17

In-game indication of status: Alliance LARP Virginia will not provide any identifiers for this Page status.

These individuals may participate as a PC or a NPC as if they were an 18+ adult (full combat, full spells, etc). They may play unaccompanied as if they were 18+ over as long as they have a legal release signed by a parent or legal Guardian. If no adult is on-site, the Page’s legal Guardian must be able to arrive at site within 30 mins of being contacted by Alliance LARP Virginia staff.

18+ adults sometimes take “Medical Page” or “Adult Page” status due to medical, physical, or other limitations/concerns.

Alliance LARP Virginia has two extra forms of Pages with different types of play to accommodate all Lifestyles.

This style of Page does not allow any physical contact from packets, weapons, or personal contact. All weapon attacks will be made by pointing a weapon at the Page with the tip of the weapon being no closer than one foot from the Page. The one foot ruling is for ALL forms of attacks to include killing blows.

Here is an example of the verbal used by an attacker (the damage and effect will vary): “Page…2 Normal, Page….2 Normal” until the attack is stopped by some form of defense.

In-Game indication of status:
This style of Page requires a bright orange headband as well as a bright orange sash running from a shoulder to the opposite hip at all times while IN GAME.

  • Basic Pages cannot carry melee weapons or weapon tags at any time. They may carry all other In-Game items and can be searched as normal.
  • Basic Pages that PC may not purchase combat or weapon skills. Basic Pages that PC can purchase Role-Playing and crafting skills such as Educated, Healing Arts, Create Potion, Craftsman, etc. Alchemy and Create Traps can be purchased but no packets may be thrown.
  • Basic Pages cannot be involved in combat in any way, except for touch-cast healing or repairing armor, 30 feet from combat. There are effects that might prevent a Basic Page from leaving a combat area when they would otherwise need to do so (e.g., unconsciousness, Pin, Web, Prison, etc.). If a Basic Page finds themselves in such a situation they will put their hand on their head (Out of Game symbol) and move out of the way, keeping the effect once they find an appropriate location. The Basic Page may need to explain “Out of Game, I’m moving out of combat before resuming.” if other players are engaged with them.
  • Basic Pages can be wounded/killed in the game. Basic Pages are responsible for understanding the rules for how this works:
    • In order to affect, hurt or kill a Basic Page, a player must stand near the Page, hold your weapon in the direction of the Page and call out the effects and weapon damage without physically hitting or swinging at the Page with weapons or with throwing packets (hit the ground near them, for example). It is assumed that every weapon and packet attack hits the Page. As with an adult player, the Page can call out appropriate defenses, and can run away or yell for help.
  • A Basic Page can be given a Killing Blow. The one foot ruling is for ALL forms of attacks to include killing blows. All other rules concerning healing, resurrections, and other in-game ramifications apply as normal.
  • Basic Pages that PC may purchase spell casting skills for touch-casting only, and may create and use Potions or ingestible Alchemy.
This style of a Page allows the individual Paging to be hit with any packets including arrow packets, but may not be hit with weapons. All weapon attacks will be made by pointing a weapon at the Page with the tip of the weapon being no closer than one foot from the Page. The one foot ruling is for ALL forms of attacks to include killing blows.

Here is an example of the verbal used by an attacker (the damage and effect will vary): “Page…2 Normal, Page...2 Normal” until the attack is stopped by some form of defense.

In-game indication of status:
This style of Page only requires the bright orange headband on at all times while IN GAME.

  • Advanced Pages cannot carry melee weapons or weapon tags at any time. They may carry all other In-Game items and can be searched as normal.
  • Advanced Pages that PC may not purchase combat or weapon skills. Basic Pages that PC can purchase Role-Playing and crafting skills such as Educated, Healing Arts, Create Potion, Craftsman, etc. Alchemy and Create Traps can be purchased but no packets may be thrown.
  • Advanced Pages cannot be involved in combat in any way, except for touch-cast healing or repairing armor, 30 feet from combat. There are effects that might prevent Advanced Pages from leaving a combat area when they would otherwise need to do so (e.g., unconsciousness, Pin, Web, Prison, etc.). If an Advanced Pages finds themselves in such a situation they will put their hand on their head (Out of Game symbol) and move out of the way, keeping the effect once they find an appropriate location. The Advanced Pages may need to explain “Out of Game, I’m moving out of combat before resuming.” if other players are engaged with them.
  • Advanced Pages can be wounded/killed in the game. Advanced Pages are responsible for understanding the rules for how this works:
    • In order to affect, hurt or kill a Advanced Pages, a player must stand near the Page and call out the effects and weapon damage without physically hitting the Page with weapons (hit the ground near them, for example). It is assumed that every weapon attack hits the Page. As with an adult player, the Page can call out appropriate defenses, and can run away or yell for help.
  • Advanced Pages can be given a Killing Blow. All other rules concerning healing, resurrections, and other in-game ramifications apply as normal.
  • Anything packet delivered MUST hit the Advanced Page, just as it would an Adult player.
  • An Advanced Page can be given a Killing Blow. All other rules concerning healing, resurrections, and other in-game ramifications apply as normal.

This is a living document that shall be updated no less than yearly to ensure that the highest safety standards are in place for our Pages in the Alliance LARP Virginia game.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our General Manager (John “JP” Perkins).
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