Pandas in WoW


NEPA Staff
I just Squee'd my pants.
That may be fine, but PokeWoW? Really? Can you see the shark being jumped?
EricMarsters said:
That may be fine, but PokeWoW? Really? Can you see the shark being jumped?

That didn't happen when they put Mr T & Mini Me in their commercials?
SkollWolfrun said:
EricMarsters said:
That may be fine, but PokeWoW? Really? Can you see the shark being jumped?

That didn't happen when they put Mr T & Mini Me in their commercials?

Hey - it got you to remember the commercials.... as for PokeWow... ugh.
If by "ugh" you mean "that's awesome" then I thinkl we agree.
Last event, we NPCs were talking about if we could have a battle in Alliance where we'd fight Pokemon...what skills would they have? I mean, I guess there's the obvious, Articuno would have ice blasts and other ice stuff, charmander would have flame bolts, but like Slowbro or Jinx or Diglet? If I could draw, there would SOOO already be fan art, just saying. :P
i love the fact pandarians are coming to wow, everyone wanted it back when burning crusade came out
it was only a matter of time
as a fact of raising our non combat pets to do battle, i do think its stretching a little
but im allready thinking of raising my eggbert to be my numberone contender.
The pet fighting is just going to be something silly to do while waiting in queues or for a ready check most likely. Bizzard isn't going to implement something that isn't fun and well executed, even if it's not your cup of tea. Also keep in mind that when the teasers came out for WotLK they were talking about an aireal dogfighting BG to the point that there was a picture on the back of the box showing a plane flying over what looked like a Wintergrasp fight. If they can't get something functional and fun they're not above scrapping it. And honestly now they need a few more things you can waste time with in the game so that players don't go off exploring other MMOs. My biggest beef (and as beefs go it's a veal) is that there's no hint yet what the big baddie is going to be, and even that doesn't concern me overmuch. I'm actually curious what they'll come up with seeing as the lore from Warcraft 1-3 has been pretty much fully leveraged.
What shark is there to jump? The warcraft franchise has been rife with tongue in cheek in jokes and pop culture references since its Orcs and Humans. WoW already has, amongst other things, an equipable fish that is a weapon, ninja costumes, Haris Pilton and basically all of Un'Goro crater.

Blizzard has NEVER taken the game too seriously.

If you need proof... log into just about any character and /dance.
You've never seen an undead on a Headless Horseman's mount while playing some metal, have you? It's pretty badass.
'Bout the only thing I worry about the "Boss Nass" effect - ¿will the setting and characterization of the Pandarians be painful and insulting stereotypes? The Jamaican/Troll and Dwarf/Scottish hybridization is, while not exactly tasteful, at least couched in a way to make it palatable. I hope Mr. Yunioshi doesn't show up.
Ok, this hits in a couple weeks. Gonna re-up my account at least for a month or two, who's still playing and what server? Probably gonna roll a new toon.
I think he's asking about a World of Warcraft server, not an Alliance LARP game. (Alliance as opposed to Horde, the two sides of WoW.)
LOL, Lauren's a NERD!