Pardon a poor Romani a moment of your time


Freends some ov you may know me, some not but I must ask a moment of your time.
Recently some of you journeyed to my homeland ov Wayside and certain events occured, I repeat for you now an announcement I have recently made in the dream realms of my home
This may be of pertinent interest someone/someones amongst you

I know somevun took dhe treasure dhat ve got from dhe big turtle.
I von't even go into how angry dhis make me, after I try to give lesson on rewards of good deeds.
Dher where meeny on dhat mission to whom dhat treasure may be important.
Dhey may have been hoping to buy dhe first scroll dhey ever get, or maybe after losing weapons and equipment to the Were-beast incident would need their small share to get started again.
It is dhese ones you hurt when you take like dhis, not me. So I vill do special one time offer.
By my honor and blood as a Romani if you contact me by pigeon, or in person before I wake on the first morning of our upcoming market day, and return what was "accidently misplaced" I vill tell no one of your involvement.
If you cannot meet me in person, this vow will only stand if you make the returns within a reasonable time.
By my blood I give you this chance only once, and you and I will know this secret between one another, and I suspect you vill want to make sure such accidents never happen again.
If you do not do this, then by my blood I swear that I will bend all my efforts and all those I can muster to exposing your deeds, for if you are not repentant than you should be proud of what you have done, and all Fortanis should see.
Do not think that I start this quest from ignorance, I have good information regarding this indiscretion vut choose to give a chance to improve your karma, and find peace with fate, do not doubt it is your destiny to be revealed.

Dhank you friends for your time, I hope dhat I never have to do dhis again