Pasha Poot


Public Relations Committee
** There is frankness in this dream**

I have a seek the whole scroll, with Circle Master Marster's permission I will cast it to find Pasha. From there we should be able to retrieve the Cup and the sharded spirit of Qualthazar. Please, keep this between us until I can check my reagents and the scroll. Once I have the permission and have secured that the scroll can be cast I will ask for assistance, quietly.

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar,

Do you think it is wise to cast the ritual with him as the target? Why do we not do the ritual upon Qualthazar himself. He is willing to let us do this. I feel this is the safer way of going about this.
Also Poot doesn't have the cup anymore. The "farmhouse murderer" does.
I also have a scroll and reagents if you are in need of any for the casting.

Squire Foss Siril of Wayside
Squire Siril,

If Kraven has the cup and you can get a piece of Qualthazar, it may work. Generally, the ritual seeks the larger portion of the object or person in question; not another part. So, we may end up getting the location of Qualthazar himself unless he will be present at which point we should easily be able to track the lost portion of his spirit. This has gone on for too long and we need to resolve this issue. I trust you will be able to consult with Qualthazar on this issue and get back to me? Regardless, I believe this needs to happen next gathering.

Lady FallingStar

I'm aware of how the ritual works. I think we should cast the ritual on Qualthazar himself. Target him with the ritual. I'm sure it will work if we cast it on him. Let me know if you need my assistance.

Squire Foss Siril of Wayside
Pasha Poot is dreaming.

Should we respond to him?
Whom is he dreaming to?
Am I the only one that feels he is looking for help?
How can we and should we help him?
If we help him, will he help us?

Sorry so many questions but I am simply trying to figure out what is going on so I may be of help.

In Service,

To answer your questions. In order:
No, although certain people already have.
Liddia and Myself.
Yes, because he is taunting us.
We can't and NO.

Hope that answers all of your questions.

Squire Siril
** there is irritation almost anger **

I have in the past been in communication with Pasha Poot, it was decided upon by the leadership of our community to not work with him. I still believe that he needs to be tried for his crimes and that as his mind is broken we need to help him. He know much about the Tower and the stone elves who operate them. We do need to get Qualthazar's spirit back and it needs to happen soon.

Lady FallingStar

I agree that Poot needs to be tried for his crimes, but he is at the bottom of a long list of problems right now.
I will speak to Quelthazar and see if he will be willing to have the ritual cast upon him.
Also, are you in possession of a Vision scroll or item? I'd like to cast that with the seek the whole. Might help us pin point the location better.
All I request is that I may assist you in the casting.

Squire Siril of Wayside
As I am newer to our land what crimes is he accused?

~Capitain Aramis Seablade

He orchestrated an elaborate euphoria network within Wayside, getting people essentially enslaved to their addiction to the drug. He ran the Syndicate criminal network, which was for a while the sole Black Market in these parts.

There's more I know I'm missing.

Circle Master Marsters

Have you spoken to Qualthazar? Will he be able and willing to have the formal magic cast?
