Patents, writs and sanctions.

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
To the Good People of Valdanis,

It is my duty as Royal Bookkeeper to keep all matters of state recorded and in perfect order. This includes the processing of all petitions for writs and official sanctioning as well as making sure everyone has the proper paperwork for positions held and Patents of Nobility. To that end I am posting a general notice to the public regarding the steps that are required to obtain any of these documents. They are as follows:

Patents of Nobility-
It is my understanding that many of the Patents of Nobility have already been taken care of and therefore I would like only to say on this matter that if you have been missed, please bring it to my attention at the earliest possible moment. I shall endeavor to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.

All petitions for writs must be presented to me to take before the King for approval. This is for all writs, including but not limited to; Writs of Land Holdings and Writs of Operation. Once a petition is approved you will receive your writ created by the Royal Scribe and sealed by the King.

Petitions must include the following information:
1) Name of Petitioner
2) Type of Writ
3) Name of the holdings or vessels you are petitioning for
4) How the holdings were obtained; awarded, purchased, traded, etc...
5) If the petition is for the operation of a caravan, ship, or business you must include a list of the types of goods and services you will be providing/transporting. A brief description of the intent of the operation should also be included.

Any guild or organization who wishes to have the backing of the crown as an official entity must submit the following information to be evaluated for the crowns approval. Once approval is established you will receive all the benefits of being sanctioned.

1) The name of the Guild or organization
2) The name of the Guild master
3) The names of all of the Guild Elders
4) The names of all of the guild members
5) The type of guild or organization. Merchant, adventuring, warriors, etc...
6) The guild colors and symbol
7) The guild charter or laws (these can not contradict the laws of the Kingdom of Valdanis)

After all the requested information is submitted the approval or declination (with reasons for it) of the petition will be sent to the guildmaster of each guild. If a petition is declined a future petition can be resubmitted or you may request a meeting with me if there is a dispute of the decision and I will do my best to resolve the matter. When completing your petition please keep these things in mind:

A guild will not be sanctioned if they cannot show that they will be a benefit to the kingdom.
A guild must have at least 3 members with the intentions to recruit more to be considered for sanctioning.

Carraiste Lasairean Seandeanta
Royal Bookkeeper

(OOG: Please submit any petitions in an In Game format. Write the document as your character would submit it to the bookkeeper.)