Help Support Alliance Traverse City Even If You Cannot Make It To Our Events
(Or just earn some additional Build for your Character)
Alliance Traverse city is offering a Pay-no-Play Pass for our 2018 Season. This pass gets you enough Goblin Stamps to Blanket all of our events in 2018 (6 Events)(12 Blankets).
The Regular Price for this Pass is $75. If you purchased South Michigan’s pass or are interested in purchasing a pass for all of the Alliance games in Michigan we are offering a discounted rated for that. https://alliancelarp.com/forum/thre...th-michigan-and-traverse-city-combined.36690/
This is a very cost effective way to support an Alliance Chapter and gain the advantage of playing on weekends when your home Chapter is not running any events.
We accept payment for the Pay-no-Play Pass via Paypal
Our paypal email address is AllianceTraverse@gmail.com
Please include your name, your home Chapter, and the name of your Character so we know who to reward.
You can also use the link on our website to pay as well: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http...avK4o8vvDh3-MIlSfoESe4pDYQKHkCLFj9t6Pugqj8PhQ
Additional Information
Season Opener - May 18th to May 20th
June 29th - July 1st
July 27th - July 29th
August 17th - August 19th
September 7th - September 9th
Season Closer - October 12th - 14th
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