PC Cross Over Rewards - Special Forestwatch August Edition


This was successful so we are doing this for August as well.

For the month of August, if you jump over to NPC, for each hour of NPCing you do, you will get one entry into a raffle that I'm going to do at closing ceremonies. To get entered, you just need to make sure you sign in to your NPC shift on the blue sheet in NPC camp.

I'll be giving away with this raffle, one LCO magic item (my choice!) off the NPC pick list. If we get over 80 hours of PCs jumping over for August, I'll draw a second name and throw in a second prize of a free Reward of Fortannis (https://www.alliancelarp.com/forum/threads/rewards-of-fortannis.32221/) for the August game.

If you are interested in taking an NPC shift, you can give plot a heads up in case there is a time they'd prefer, or just pop down into NPC camp. It's always good if you please bring your own blacks for your shift.

Thank you once again to everyone who gives back to this game, it wouldn't be able to function without our community.
