PC Nobles...



I'm curious if NERO Seattle Plot would be willing to make a public statement about their feelings on PC nobles. The current campaign area of Crocevia Fatuae has an excellent governmental system set up, with various background bits, laws, and noble positions arranged. However, I have seen no cues that NERO Seattle Plot is desirous or even willing to go in the direction of installing PCs as some of these positions. Guilds and guards, yes; governmenal nobles, no.

This question came to me as I was filling out the feedback form for April. I thought to myself, hmm... there have been several switches in the local government within the last 6 months or so, yet there has been no outward signs that PCs were ever considered for these positions. I realize that this is most likely due to the overarching plot (only recently have adventurers even been accepted as anything other than dog dung in the region), but I figured it couldn't hurt to see if NERO Seattle plot has any "official" stance on this issue.

Certainly a PC *can* gain a noble title. In fact, there has been one who gained a knighthood recently (Krieger). As to no one being considered for the positions recently? Eli was the Lagraetman (briefly) and Kauss' name was floated as the Sindaco. Also, Officer ranks within the Ducal guard carry an honorary title (except commander and above, which carry not-so-honorary-real titles), and a player can aspire to those ranks, certainly. Also, a player can work to become a Mercanti.

In answer? Yes, you can gain noble titles. It takes work and RP to do so, but you *can* do it.
Dave said:
Certainly a PC *can* gain a noble title. In fact, there has been one who gained a knighthood recently (Krieger). As to no one being considered for the positions recently? Eli was the Lagraetman (briefly) and Kauss' name was floated as the Sindaco. Also, Officer ranks within the Ducal guard carry an honorary title (except commander and above, which carry not-so-honorary-real titles), and a player can aspire to those ranks, certainly. Also, a player can work to become a Mercanti.

In answer? Yes, you can gain noble titles. It takes work and RP to do so, but you *can* do it.
Floated, thats a funny way to put it. But yes Bryan, its true, I was on the table for that position, tho its not noble.
The titles Signori and cavalieri have both been gotten IG (If I recall) and have other people trying to get them. The details as to how to get them are outlined in the laws to some extent. At least clearly enuf to get a player pointed in the right direction. In addition Paladin and Mercanti are fairly well detailed as well (Tho I dont think any players have either as of yet, I do know some players are trying for them.)
Past that, there is also cortigiani, the lowest rank of the ducal court, and that can be gotten in a number of ways as its a landless,cavalieriless title. Often given to important members of merchant familys, people related to/owed a debt by important people, and people releated to ranking members of the ducal guard.
There is a lot more, and most of it is in the laws, tho some of it has been dug up by people IG, its just that most of us dont talk about it much.
Does that answer most the questions?

P.S. for thos of you who wondered why I didnt say FOIG, this is all public info avalable on the website that any charicter who can read could access IG.
Sindaco is offered the honorific Signori and insulting the Sindaco is a crime of mockery of a noble title.

Funny what you can learn by reading them there laws...
Kauss said:
There is a lot more, and most of it is in the laws, tho some of it has been dug up by people IG, its just that most of us dont talk about it much.
Does that answer most the questions?

Indeed -- and I've already looked over those areas of the website extensively. I guess my question was not really "are there ways to do this" but "does Plot want to allow PCs to do this"? Dave answered that pretty well :)

Diera said:
Sindaco is offered the honorific Signori and insulting the Sindaco is a crime of mockery of a noble title.

Funny what you can learn by reading them there laws...
Very true, but they still arnt noble, just the voice of a noble. (not that I would turn down such a position, but here is the quote.)
The Sindaci are expected to uphold the Code of Chivalry even though they are not nobility and should the Sindaci violate the code he forfeits the position.
Its much like insulting a earthguild guild misstress can be Mockery of a noble title:)..
Dave said:
Certainly a PC *can* gain a noble title. In fact, there has been one who gained a knighthood recently (Krieger).

Does that mean that Krieger falls under the definition of a Cavalieri (since he was granted knighthood)? Or would he have to be granted land in conjunction with the "promotion" to knighthood? Or is "Cavalieri" a separate rank from Knight? Or am I reading this all wrong? :(

"Law" Webpage said:

A person who becomes a noble is granted Knighthood and may be granted estate and is to be known as Cavaliere or Cavaliera and may be referred to as such or Ono or Ona as in Cavalier Tonio or Ona Marianna.

For further clarification of my question: The way I'm reading it in reference to Krieger, is that he has become a noble and has been granted Knighthood. Does that mean he is also a Cavaliere or is that a separate title gained after further service?

Should be we calling him "Ono Krieger" or stick with "Sir Krieger"?

Ono Krieger is the correct title. What that particular quote actually means is that some other high ranking noble can grant him lands wherein he'd be the local, ruling noble.

Its much like insulting a earthguild guild misstress can be Mockery of a noble title..

I thought about making that point...
Avaran said:
Does that mean that Krieger falls under the definition of a Cavalieri (since he was granted knighthood)? Or would he have to be granted land in conjunction with the "promotion" to knighthood? Or is "Cavalieri" a separate rank from Knight? Or am I reading this all wrong? :(

For further clarification of my question: The way I'm reading it in reference to Krieger, is that he has become a noble and has been granted Knighthood. Does that mean he is also a Cavaliere or is that a separate title gained after further service?

Should be we calling him "Ono Krieger" or stick with "Sir Krieger"?

To be clear, a knight is a foreign title, and cavaliere is a local one. He was a foreign knight, now he is a local cavaliere. A cavaliere is the equivilent of a knight. So here Ono is the right title.
Ah, I see. Thank you both for the explanation/clarification. =)

To further add to what Dave said, keep in mind that plot will likely not offer any position outright (ie, no "new Paladin elections" or "Who wants to be a Cavaliere?"). If you want a noble (or local official) title, you'll have to work towards it on your own, and it won't be a simple task.

Shikar al'Basteua said:
To further add to what Dave said, keep in mind that plot will likely not offer any position outright (ie, no "new Paladin elections" or "Who wants to be a Cavaliere?"). If you want a noble (or local official) title, you'll have to work towards it on your own, and it won't be a simple task.


Hopefully so -- somehow I think it might dilute the concept to have twelve little "Sindaco"s, four "Sindacas", eighteen "Contas", and four "Ono"s running around town...

Indeed, it will. Though plot is also making more of an effort to offer other recognitions from the country they are playing in. If you will notice, Shikar was given a favor and a "title" (not nobility) of defender of truth, and Jonathan was given a commendation. Each of these came through RP directly with officials of the city and country, and for services rendered. As the plots continue, I am sure others will receive such as well.
Dave said:
Shikar was given a favor and a "title" ... for services rendered.

Wait, don't you need a Harlot's License for that??? :eek:

(that's what I get for reading "between the lines"... joking! joking! please don't obliterate me...)

I would NEVER authorize a harlot's license for Shikar....

*wanders off without elaborating...*
L.E. said:
But why not? He doesn't have blood tears, does he? I think he'd make a very nice harlot.

Only if L.E. will be his pimp, I'ld almost be willing to pay to see that.

Laughed so hard it brough tears to my eyes