

I would just like to note that, i haven't heard any stirring of evil or ill will in the lands for some time now. Is this a sign of the times to come whilst under the rule of the phoenix king? it is my hope that this may last awhile longer, because i still haven't gotten that nap in since prath'moor.
Do nye get your hopes up, Cazik. Mark mi words, SOMET'ING is bound to come up, I don' know...blight, plague, monsters, undead riftin' in from all o'er.

But if I am wrong and dhis is to be a golden age for Valdanis, dhen wunderbar! I might jus' 'ave to make some time to get dhere afterall.

Fortune and Love,

~Captain Ambassadore Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi