Phelan goes off to scout.


Sliding the newly silvered blade back into it sheath. Phelan gets the rest of his gear in order.

Well. That should be everything I think. Time to earn my keep and range about the breach and see what the beasties are up to.

With that last thought. Phelan disappears into the forest with but a whisper of leaves rustling in his wake as he heads off deeper into the forest surrounding the breach.
Following some suspicious tracks that he has discovered in his patrol. Phelan pauses as a strange feeling washes over him. Something is wrong with this picture. he thinks. Staying low to the ground, Phelan looks around carefully at his surroundings. Nothing I can see..whats wrong..wait! wheres the sounds of the animals?. Before he can take a another step, the underbrush erupts into a chaotic mess, as a swarm of various woodland creatures race pass him. Seconds later, Phelan is thrown to the ground as the ground seems to leap and heave around him.

" Son of my mother!! What in name of the Winter Court was that about...Now the ground it self attacks us in this blasted land???"

Picking himself off the forest floor. Phelan races back towards Parsen's breach. Now whats is going on??. Giant earthquake making undead vampire sheep now I bet
Mar motions to phelan to stop a moment as he picks himself and his catch up from the forest floor "i take it you felt that too my friend!?" he calls out looking about carefully "i don't think that was any natural quake you and your bretheren would've noticed it much sooner."
"Indeed. That was not something natural at all. We best make haste to the breach and see what has transpired."
Making sure that Mar is following, Phelan bounds off at great speed toward the town.

Letting loose a mighty howl. He calls out "Once more unto the breach!!"
Mar reaches the square just after phelan and steps up onto one of the table "ok people i know all of you felt the tremor I need volunteers anyone who's willing to split into squads and sweep down the roads also checking on the local farms and the like check for any damage to the area" he calls out hoping to find some people to help "first priority is making sure the locals are safe at least it is for me"