Philadelphia Comic Con


NEPA Staff
Hello all. Here's the info for Philly Comic con.

When May 30- June 2nd

Where: Philadelphia PA Convention center

My friends it's that time of year again where we prep for Philly comic con. Just like before we invite our fellow players to come down and help us show folks at the con what we are all about. We have had success in the past and not just for the HQ chapter. When we go there we reresent alliance as a whole. We are looking for people whom want to show off their costuming, do combat demos, work the tables, hand out flyers, participate in costume contests and have fun. If you choose to come down and let me know asap I can garner you a ticket for 30.00 at the door. Just like Last year HQ will providde Gobbies and item picks for time spent and we will gobbie your parking as well.

what's new this year?

Friday and Saturday we will be doing combat demos with audience particcipation to show them how we do what we do.

If we get what I ask for we will have a " dragons Horde" photo op area where people at the con can ask some of us to participate in a pcture around a phys rep of tons of gold etc.

One and hopefully two large walking monsters to show us off and gain attention.

If you are interested this con and helping out, Email me at If your not sure what you will do TRUST me in that i can ffind you a task. thank you all for your time.'

I will be there AND be square. But you knew that already.

I'm picking up two dead-tree copies of the Rulebook to put on the table and hand to folks that might be interested in taking it home. I'd also like to donate 10 or so electronic copies taht we can just send to folks. Thoughts on how we'd go about that? I was thinking I could just state I'd donate those e-copies and then buy them as gifts for visitors to the booth afterwards. Is there a better way to go about that?
Something physical is always better in my experience. However what we can do is buy the product and email them a copy?
Our best bet might be taking a list of folks interested in having the book emailed to them and then purchasing that many afterwards. Then we don't wind up with someone owning 3 extra e-copies of the rulebook (which is about to be replaced anyway).
Cool. I like this sir!