
Are there any pictures yet from the event? I know I saw photographers around..
Well I shot 19 exposures from my camera when I had it out. The problem is I think my light meter is malfunctioning so I'm not sure how well they are going to come out. I still need to finish of my roll of film before I can take it to processing. Most of the time I have a CD made by my processor, so assuming that they did come out I'll have them posted that day.

I know Amanda was carrying a small digital camera and I heard the number to be 87 shots on Sunday night. I don't know however how busy she is, and when and where she will be posting them.
Amanda has a bunch, but they're all on myspace. I think she's planning on uploading then somewhere else shortly
I ated them all.

I meant to take some but I never seemed to have the opportunity to pull out my camera, I was so busy!

I'd really like to see the photos of the pleasure elemental... I heard there was one taken before the makeup got all messed up.
On the old board we had a photo gallery attached to the main website. If this is reinstated on our current website I may be interested in managing it and getting pictures up after events. Let me know if this is something Staff is interested in.
Yeah I took a bunch of pictures, hopefully they'll be up tomarrow I'll post a thing with the link and stuff!!!
Warning not all of them are great but it's hard to get moving people.
Eatin' my piccies is not allowed.... Their on my hard drive, but my mum has Dial Up... and I can't upload with out it taking six hours of lame to do it. I'll work on something soon.
I have a bunch of pictures, if you have an address to mail a cd to I will get that in the mail in the next day or to.
Just a note, my usual offer of if anyone would like copies of any of the full quality files just send me a PM.
Bump.. my offer still stands. If staff is interested in reinstating a photogallery on the website I will happily manage it. You just have to tell me where to start uploading photos.
My guess would be a "Yes, Please, Very, Do it" response, but the gallery would need to be put onto the webpage to do it.. which creates a bit of a roadblock on the answer.
I have someone (Mevima, for those of you who met her, is a programmer irl) set to start work on the website as far as content goes. The wishlist includes a photo gallery, as well as the old system of being able to see your character andf request build expenditures through the site.
Oh, great, tell them about the *complicated* plans we have, not the *easy* ones. :P
So if someone could post links to the other picks I would really like it, thanks.

thanks for all the pics everyone!!!
hey amanda. you said you had some more pics of my bow yeah? :D