so i had this really cool pic of fevergrey and i showed my mom and she goes "ewww he looks hideous" and i said "well he IS a bad guy. he's supposed to look scary" she says "well ....he is" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love my mom!
I refuse to believe that it is possible for Feverygrey to be captured on film. Much like Beelzebub.

Though, we have found that he DOES have a reflection. I wonder if he still hates mirrors....

:::tries to tape the picture to her monitor::: there....can you all see? HEHEHEHEEHEH sorry i'm WAY old school hardcore ...i still use 35mm film! if my husband and i have a few bucks left over after car is fixed we'll get a digital camera and i will do my best to post the pics i take. it sorta was a crazy picture. i'm still not even sure what he is...all i know is that he annoys wynn and upsets thrace and keely....he must be a baddy! hope i see him in action at deadlands!!
Careful what you wish for. Running in to Fever grey has never been fun.
There once was this guy named Riddick.... who got a letter from Fevergrey IN CALDARIA saying that Fevergrey wanted to PWNZOR his face... even though they never met.

This could be interesting >.>