So, I'm reading through a great many threads, here as well as on a myriad of boards for a variety of LARPs I do or have played.
There seem to be a myriad of discussions going on, here's just a sampling:
Kill Looting
IG Justice Systems
Rules Rewrites
National Game vs Local Game
Ultralights vs PVC
Latex vs Duct Tape
Padded Archery vs Packet Archery
City Campaign vs Wilderness Campaign
Characters as Investments
By and large, the justifications for many, if not near-all of the arguements for and against is always about the Game Reality. Arguements are always about whether or not it is fitting in the environment, valid character choices, etc. For instance:
"Some people want to play thieves, and so looting should be allowed."
"Playing a National Game lets me be part of a larger world."
"Ultralights don't represent the weight of a real blade."
Occasionally, some of these arguements can be settled for other OOG reasons, safety being prime among them. But what seems to be missing from the equation, in my observation, is that people (and in this I mean more often the players who are not in positions to do something about it, and thus will rant and rail the loudest) don't appear to be concerned with the entertainment of the players as a group. Ultimately, of course, these discussions come down to a more basic question: which crowd of players do you want to cater to? But that is generally a staff arguement.
What I would recommend to everyone, regardless of their position on any particular matter, is to start thinking beyond themselves, and start considering how your proposals and actions, both IG and OOG, will affect the overall enjoyment of the game for the masses as a whole.
Hmmm... that wasn't overly pithy, now, was it?
Anyways, food for thought, worth the price of admission...
There seem to be a myriad of discussions going on, here's just a sampling:
Kill Looting
IG Justice Systems
Rules Rewrites
National Game vs Local Game
Ultralights vs PVC
Latex vs Duct Tape
Padded Archery vs Packet Archery
City Campaign vs Wilderness Campaign
Characters as Investments
By and large, the justifications for many, if not near-all of the arguements for and against is always about the Game Reality. Arguements are always about whether or not it is fitting in the environment, valid character choices, etc. For instance:
"Some people want to play thieves, and so looting should be allowed."
"Playing a National Game lets me be part of a larger world."
"Ultralights don't represent the weight of a real blade."
Occasionally, some of these arguements can be settled for other OOG reasons, safety being prime among them. But what seems to be missing from the equation, in my observation, is that people (and in this I mean more often the players who are not in positions to do something about it, and thus will rant and rail the loudest) don't appear to be concerned with the entertainment of the players as a group. Ultimately, of course, these discussions come down to a more basic question: which crowd of players do you want to cater to? But that is generally a staff arguement.
What I would recommend to everyone, regardless of their position on any particular matter, is to start thinking beyond themselves, and start considering how your proposals and actions, both IG and OOG, will affect the overall enjoyment of the game for the masses as a whole.
Hmmm... that wasn't overly pithy, now, was it?
Anyways, food for thought, worth the price of admission...