Please, help me in a silly browser game

Ah, apparently you can only mug me once a day. How nice of you, Mr. Strauss. ;)
i clicked it and a page came up that said "your administration has filtered this site due to the word "GAMES" being involved"

i sorry..
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
i clicked it and a page came up that said "your administration has filtered this site due to the word "GAMES" being involved"

i sorry..

I appreciate the attempt. I'll just have to mug you at the next Alliance game instead. :D

::makes sure to put all her gold in a SECRET compartment:: uhh okay...but tzydl carries a long hammer and a short sword...look out for the hammer.....Jena (me) however ...just punches anyone that startles her...hA!

ask poor wik...i swatted him a good one for startling me
Ha Ha Ha! He only took 4 from me!
too fun i wish i could play!
you swat first and ask questions later? heheheheh