Pleasure to make your acquaintance


Hello to you all of Valdanis, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mathew Dolloway, my friends call me Rook. I am looking for a chance to meet someone who could show me around the area if at all possible. You see I am not from around here and I was hoping to learn all I can after all the world is a dangerous place.
I hope to see you in the real realm soon

Hello, My name is Nommerithalasa Caranascagil, Most people just call me Nomm or Squishy. I'm working on starting a guild focused on helping people new to adventuring, both in body and spirit, and was wondering if you and your friends would like to join. I would love to show you around but I'm currently on a journey to see the world and won't be back for several months. Lady Gwen Is a kind person and makes the best food I've ever had, and Squire Idris has been helpful towards me before. Also I recommend a game of Dragon Poker, Tadron should spot you some coin to start. I hope I see you as soon as I get back.

ps. Has anyone seen my hat.
It is always nice to hear of new adventurers coming to town. Thank you for coming to enjoy our fine city Rook. I would greet you in person but I doubt that I will be around at the next marketday. Hopefully you stick around long enough though for me to meet you in the future :). Seek out Baron Garroth when you reach town and want to adventure. He is always a good source of information and always needs help with things younger adventurers can do :).
