K kitsune85 Artisan Nov 20, 2008 #1 I remember once that the Alliance Plot email was having trouble and a Gmail account was created to fix the problem. Is this Gmail accout still the official Plot email? If so, what is the full email address? Thanks, Jim
I remember once that the Alliance Plot email was having trouble and a Gmail account was created to fix the problem. Is this Gmail accout still the official Plot email? If so, what is the full email address? Thanks, Jim
Ezri Knight Nov 20, 2008 #2 please use allianceplot@gmail.com Did you send something there that I didn't get? -Michelle
K kitsune85 Artisan Nov 20, 2008 #3 A few months ago you did a plot submission for my character, Argus, but you said that my charcter history wasn't approved. With this email, I can resend it to get my character officially approved. Thanks, Jim
A few months ago you did a plot submission for my character, Argus, but you said that my charcter history wasn't approved. With this email, I can resend it to get my character officially approved. Thanks, Jim