Plot Mark Question

I sent an email to, but I'm not sure if that is 100% the correct place to send an email about this request so I thought I'd post my question here to just in case. The question is pretty small and can probably even get answered on site if it really comes down to it.

Basically I have a plot affect mark around my eyes that I'd like to keep on my character from NH. Gary has said he's fine with it being 'visible' in other chapters I just wanted to check with the appropriate members of plot. I'm not expecting nor would I ask for the powers from the plot affect to carry over, simply the visible mark as it would foster IG conversation and good RP.

Can't wait to be back to HQ again so soon. :)
I'm not on the Plot committee, but if the mark is just decorative and doesn't have any powers, I'm sure it's fine. If someone hasn't responded to you, I would check with Michelle or Scott once you get to the site this weekend.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Thanks, yea that's pretty much what I expected I'll just double check once I get onsite as well.